Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
CHINESE : Bai hua lü rong hao.
ENGLISH : White-flowered meconopsis.
Meconopsis baileyii Prain
& F.K.Ward -> Meconopsis betonicifolia Franch
betonicifolia Franch
SYNONYM(S) : Meconopsis baileyii Prain & F.K.Ward
CHINESE : xxx Huo xiang ye lü rong
DANISH : Blå valmuesøster.
ENGLISH : Betony-leaved meconopsis, Himalayan blue poppy, Tibetan Blue Poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot bleu , Pavot à fleur bleue, Pavot d'Himalaya, Pavot bleu de l'Himalaya, Pavot de l'Himalaya.
GERMAN : Scheinmohn.
NORWEGIAN : Blå valmuesøster.
PORTUGUESE : Papoila-azul, Papoila-azul-dos-Himalaia, Papoula azul (Brazil).
Photograph by Jean Louis Taillefer.
Photograph of pale blue form / cultivar by Huguette V.
Meconopsis betonicifolia
Franch 'Alba'
ENGLISH : White-flowered Tibetan blue poppy, White-flowered Tibetan poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot bleu 'Alba', Pavot de l'Himalaya à fleur blanche.
Photograph at Thompson & Morgan Seeds Co.
CHINESE : Ou zhou lü rong hao.
DANISH : Gul skovvalmue.
DUTCH : Schijnpapaver.
ENGLISH : Welsh poppy.
FINNISH : Keltavaleunikko.
FRENCH : Pavot jaune, Pavot jaune des Pyrénées, Pavot du Pays de Galles.
GERMAN : Gelber Scheinmohn, Mohnling, Wald-Scheinmohn.
JAPANESE : Mekonopushisu kanburika.
NORWEGIAN : Gul valmuesøster, Valmuesøster.
Meconopsis cambrica (L.) Vig.
FRENCH : Pavot orange, Pavot jaune.
Meconopsis forrestii Prain
CHINESE : xxx jiang lü rong hao (Hong Kong, Taiwan).
CHINESE : Da hua lü rong hao.
DANISH : Storvalmuesøster.
FRENCH : Grand pavot bleu.
Meconopsis heterophylla Benth.
ENGLISH : Flaming poppy.
GERMAN : Mohnling, Mohngescht.
ITALIAN : Papavero cimbrico.
horridula Hook. f. & Thomson
SYNONYM(S) : Meconopsis horridula var. rudis Prain, Meconopsis prattii (Prain) Prain, Meconopsis racemosa Maxim., Meconopsis rudis (Prain) Prain, Meconopsis sinuata Prain var. prattii Prain
CHINESE : Duo ci lü rong hao, xxx
zhuang lü rong hao (Hong Kong).
ENGLISH : Prickly blue poppy, Spiny meconopsis.
GERMAN : Stacheliger Scheinmohn.
integrifolia (Maxim.) Franch.
SYNONYM(S) : Cathcartia integrifolia Maxim. , Meconopsis pseudointegrifolia Prain
yuan ye lü rong hao.
ENGLISH : Farrer's lampshade-poppy (USA), Yellow poppywort.
lancifolia (Franch.) Franch.
SYNONYM(S) : Cathcartia lancifolia Franch., Meconopsis lancifolia (Franch.) Franch. var. solitarifolia Fedde, Meconopsis lepida Prain
CHINESE : Chang ye lü rong hao.
ENGLISH : Long-leaved meconopsis.
SYNONYM(S) : Meconopsis wallichii Hook. , Papaver paniculatum D. Don
bo er lü rong hao.
ENGLISH : Satin poppy, Nepalese poppy.
NORWEGIAN : Valmuesøster.
NEPALESE : Awaiting feedback.
Meconopsis punicea Maxim.
hua lü rong hao.
Mekonopushisu punikea.
NORWEGIAN : Silkevalmuesøster.
bo er lü rong hao.
ENGLISH : Nepalese poppy.
NEPALESE : Awaiting feedback.
Meconopsis villosa (Hook. f. ex Hook.) G. Taylor
SYNONYM(S) : Cathcartia villosa Hook. f. ex Hook.
ENGLISH : Hilalayan woodland poppy.
Meconopsis x sheldonii G.
DANISH : Blå valmuesøster.
NORWEGIAN : Hybridvalmuesøster.
zangnanensis L. H. Zhou
CHINESE : Xiao ye lü rong hao.
ENGLISH : Small-leaved meconopsis.
Dronnet Erick, 2001 - 2002, Belles Fleurs de France - Flore Sauvage Française. < http://erick.dronnet.free.fr/belles_fleurs_de_france/ >.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/login.jsp >.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
USDA, ARS, 2002, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: < http://www.ars-grin.gov/var/apache/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdumplist.pl >. (Response to "poppy" query 03 April 2002).
Wang Zongxun et al. 1996, A New Latin, Chinese, English Botanical Nomenclature. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Aviation Industry Publisher, Beijing.
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Date created: 29 / 03 / 2002
Authorised by Prof. Snow Barlow
Last modified: 20 / 05 / 2002
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2002, The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher, E-Mail: m.porcher@landfood.unimelb.edu.au