Capsicum baccatum
ENGLISH : Brown's pepper, Chile pepper (USA).
PORTUGUESE : Pimentinha.
SPANISH : Ají (Peru), Pimiento de las Indias.
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
ENGLISH : Brazil cherry pepper.
FRENCH : Piment cerise pendant du Brézil.
SPANISH : Ají cereza.
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
ENGLISH : Peru yellow aji (USA) .
SPANISH : Ají limón (Peru).
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
ENGLISH : Bolivian long aji (USA) .
FRENCH : Piment long rouge de Bolivie.
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
ENGLISH : Christmas bell aji (USA), Long yellow bell aji.
FRENCH : Piment jaune en cloche longue, Piment en cloche de Noël.
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
ENGLISH : Piment long de Bolivie, Piment cochabamba .
SPANISH : Ají cochabamba (Bolivia).
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
'Dedo do
ENGLISH : Brazil finger chile pepper.
PORTUGUESE : Pimentinha "Dedo do Moca" (Brazil).
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
ENGLISH : Peru long red aji (USA).
SPANISH : Ají kovinchu (Peru).
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
ENGLISH : Monkey pepper .
SPANISH : Ají mono (Peru).
Description by Stefan Bederski at Thomas J. Payne Market Development.
Capsicum baccatum
ENGLISH : Portuguese "Orchid" pepper, Peri-peri pepper, "Orange bell" pepper.
FRENCH : Piment orange en cloche du Portugal.
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
ENGLISH : Erect cherry pepper.
FRENCH : Piment cerise dressé du Brézil.
SPANISH : Ají pilange, Ají cereza.
Capsicum baccatum
L. cv.
SPANISH : Ají serranito (Peru).
Capsicum baccatum
L. fo.
pubescens Hassl.
Capsicum baccatum
L. var.
SYNONYM(S) : Capsicum frutescens L. var. baccatum (L.) Irish.
ENGLISH : Bolivian aji, Bird aji, Wild Andean aji.
FRENCH : Piment sauvage de Bolivie.
Capsicum baccatum L. var. microcarpum (DC.) Hassl.
SYNONYM(S) : Capsicum microcarpum DC., Capsicum microcarpum Hassl., Capsicum minimum Walker.
ENGLISH : Peruvian aji, Peruvian pepper.
FRENCH : Piment du Pérou à petits fruits.
GERMAN : Peruanischer Pfeffer.
NEPALESE : Jiire khursaanii.
PORTUGUESE : Pimentinha.
Capsicum baccatum
L. var. pendulum (Willd.) Eshbaugh
SYNONYM(S) : Capsicum pendulum Willd.
Huang niu jiao jiao,
Chang huang jiao.
ENGLISH : Golden horn pepper.
FRENCH : Piment jaune de Cuzco.
QUECHUAN : Kellu uchu, Puca uchu.
SPANISH : Ají amarillo (mature), Ají verde (green, immature), Cusqueño (dried).
Capsicum baccatum
L. var. pendulum (Willd.) Eshbaugh cv. 'Ají Amarillo'
SYNONYM(S) : Capsicum baccatum L. cv. 'Ají Verde'
ENGLISH : Yellow Peruvian chile, Yellow chile.
FRENCH : Piment long jaune du Pérou, Piment jaune long du Pérou.
SPANISH : Ají amarillo (mature), Ají verde (green, immature), Cusqueño (dried) , Cuzqueño (dried).
Photograph from <>
Description by Stefan Bederski at Thomas J. Payne Market Development.
Capsicum baccatum
L. var. pendulum (Willd.) Eshbaugh cv. 'Escabeche'
SYNONYM(S) : Capsicum baccatum L. cv. 'Ají Verde'
ENGLISH : Red Peruvian chile, Orange chile.
FRENCH : Piment escabèche, Piment orange long du Pérou.
SPANISH : Ají escabeche, Ají verde (green, immature).
Capsicum baccatum
L. var. pendulum (Willd.) Eshbaugh cv. 'Kellu Uchu'
SYNONYM(S) : Capsicum baccatum L. cv. 'Ají Verde'
ENGLISH : Yellow Peruvian chile, Yellow chile.
FRENCH : Piment long jaune du Pérou, Piment jaune long du Pérou.
QUECHUAN : Kellu uchu.
SPANISH : Ají amarillo (mature), Ají verde (green, immature), Cusqueño (dried) , Cuzqueño (dried).
Capsicum baccatum
L. var. pendulum (Willd.) Eshbaugh cv. 'Puca Uchu'
SYNONYM(S) : Capsicum baccatum L. cv. 'Puca-Uchu', Capsicum baccatum L. cv. 'Ají Amarillo'
ENGLISH : Golden horn pepper.
FRENCH : Piment corne dorée.
QUECHUAN : Puca uchu.
SPANISH : Cuerno de oro (Costa Rica), Ají amarillo (mature), Ají verde (immature, green or white or pale-green), Cusqueño (dried) , Cuzqueño (dried).
Capsicum baccatum
L. var. praetermissum (Heiser & P.G. Sm.) Hunz.
SYNONYM(S) : Capsicum praetermissum Heiser & P. G. Sm.
sheng ye la jiao zhi.
ENGLISH : Brazil tree pepper
Andrews Jean, Dr., 1995, Peppers - The Domesticated Capsicums, University of Texas Press, Austin, USA. (English, Latin with authority names, Quechuan, Spanish, extremely detailed descriptions of cultivars)
Bederski Stefan, 1998, Peruvian Ají Descriptions, Thomas J. Payne Market Development.
Bedevian A. K. 1936, Illustrated Polyglottic Dictionary of Plant Nmaes, Argus & Papazian Presses, Cairo. (Latin, Arabic, Armenian, English, French, German, Italian, Turkish).
Breen Jim Prof., 1994 - 1997 KANJI On-line Dictionary. (Japanese-hiragana-kanji-katakana-romaji).
Caselton Graeme, 1998, Chile Pepper Varieties,
Caselton Graeme, 1998, Chile Peppers, List of common names and synonyms (35 languages).
Clason W. E. 1989, Elsevier's Dictionary of Wild and Cultivated Plants, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Latin (no authority name), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish.
Compiling Group 1981, A Classified and Illustrated Chinese - English Dictionary, Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages, Guangdong People's Publishing House. (Chinese-simplified, English, Latin).
Creber G. & Wrobel M. 1996, Elsevier's Dictionary of Plant Names, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Latin (no authority name), English, French, German, Italian.
deWitt Dave & Bosland Paul W. (Prof.), 1996, Peppers of the World - An Identification Guide, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, California.
deWitt Dave & Gerlach Nancy, 1990, The Whole Chile Pepper Book, Little, Brown & Company, Toronto, Canada.
ECHO-EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 11 languages provided by Information Market Europe, served by The University of Frankfurt, maintained by Jens Kurlanda. (Latin, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish).
EUTERPE, European Parliament, TRADOS MultiTerm Web Interface in 12 languages. (Latin, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish).
FLORA EUROPAEA, 1998, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, United Kingdom. (Latin with authority names).
Friedl Jeffrey, 1994 - 1997, Japanese <-> English On-Line Dictionary. (Japanese-hiragana-kanji-katakana-romaji).
Hong Kong Herbarium, 1978, Check List of Hong Kong Plants, Agriculture & Fisheries Department Bulletin n°1. (Chinese-traditional, Latin with authority names).
I. S. T. A. Nomenclature Committee, 1982, A Multilingual Glossary of Common Plant-Names, Field Crops, Grasses & Vegetables, Second Edition, International Seed Testing Association, Zürich, Switzerland. (35 languages).
Kress Henriette, 1994 - 1998, On Line Plant Name Database. English, Finnish, French, German, Latin (no authority name), Swedish.
Macura P. 1982, Elsevier's Dictionary of Botany, II General Terms, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. English, French, German, Russian.
Motosuke Suzuki, 1970, Practical Dictionary of Agricultural English, Noogyootosho Co. Ltd. Tokyo. (English, Japanese-kanji, Japanese-katakana).
Pham-hoang Ho, 1993, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam, Tome II, Fascicule 2, Montréal. (Latin with authority names, French, English, Vietnamese, text in Vietnamese, some in English).
Solomon Jim, 1998, W3TROPICOS Missouri Botanical Garden's VAST (VAScular Tropicos) nomenclatural database and associated authority files. (Latin with authority names).
Sugahara Tatsuyuki et al. 1992, New Edition of an Illustrated Encyclopedia of Japanese Ingredients, Kenpakusha. (Latin with authority names, Japanese-hiragana, Japanese-katakana , Japanese-kanji, text in Japanese).
Tanaka Tyôzaburô, 1976, Tanaka's Cyclopedia of Edible Plants of the World, Edited by Sasuke Nakao, Keigaku Publishing Co. Tokyo, Japan. (Latin with authority names, English, French, German, Hindi, Japanese-romaji).
Vaucher H. 1986, Elsevier's Dictionary of Trees and Shrubs, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Latin (with authority names), English, French, German, Italian.
Wiersema John H. Dr, 1997, USDA-ARS GRIN database. (A number of languages, some romanised, Latin with authority names).
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
General Bibliography Thousands of names can be found in hundreds of books. This is only a selection.
Avinash Chopde 1998, ITRANS transliteration package to download or use on-line. Applies to most main languages from India. Links to very useful transliteration tables.
Caselton Graeme, 1998, Capsicum Varieties Database. A scientifically-based site specialised in peppers. The most comprehensive listing of pepper cultivars (mostly American) on the www in1998.
Jeffrey Friedl , 1994 - 1997 , Japanese <-> English Dictionary. Probably the most comprehensive resource of all on-line resources for any given language.
Jeffrey Friedl ( 1994 - 1998, Kanji Lookup An extremely useful resource not limited to Japanese but relevant to Chinese and Korean languages.
Jeyachandran Kopinath 1995 - 1998, Tamil language resources, including transliteration tables & sounds.
Mike Bowers 1996 - 1998, Chile - Heads. A site specialised in peppers. Includes a photo gallery, useful links to culinary tips, etc.
Yamada Language Center 1995 - 1998, Font Archive University of Oregon. Foreign Fonts for both Macintosh and PC and languages resources.
Yvan Terra d'Ys, 1997, Arabic Alphabet. Syria On Line. Arabic characters in GIF form linked to corresponding sounds.
Date created: 22 / 07 / 1997
Authorised by Prof. Snow Barlow
Last modified: 03 / 01 / 1999
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, The University of
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher