Sorting Pachira names

Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :


Pachira aquatica Aubl.
SYNONYM(S) :  Bombax aquaticum (Aubl.) Schum. , Bombax macrocarpum (Cham. & Schlchd.) Schum., Bombax rigidifolium Ducke, Pachira grandiflora Tussac , Pachira macrocarpa (Cham. & Schlchd.) Walp. , Pachira villosula Pittier
ENGLISH :  Guiana chestnut, Guyana chestnut, Malabar chestnut, Provision tree, Saba nut.
FRENCH :  Arbre à argent, Arbre de la bonne fortune, Cacao sauvage, Cacaoyer-rivière, Châtaigne de la Guyane, Châtaignier de la Guyane, Noisetier de Cayenne, Noisetier de la Guyane, Pachirier à gros fruits, Pachirier aquatique, Pachirier de la Guyane, Pistache malgache (Reunion).
GERMAN :  Glückskastanie, Rasierpinselbaum, Wilder cacaobaum, Wilder kakaobaum.
PORTUGUESE :  Amendoim-de-árvore, Astanheiro-do-Maranhão, Cacau-do-maranhão, Cacau-selvagem, Castanheira-da-água, Castanheirio-do-Maranhão, Castanheiro-de-Guiana, Mamorana, Monguba, Mungaba.
RUSSIAN :  Пахира водная  Pakhira vodnaia.
SPANISH :  Apompo (Mexico), Cacao cimarrón (Nicaragua), Cacao de monte (Colombia), Cacao de playa (Nicaragua), Castaño (Venezuela), Castaño de agua (Venezuela), Castaño silvestre, Ceibo de agua (Colombia), Ceibo de arroyo (Colombia), Chila blanca (El Salvador), Jelinjoche (Costa Rica), Palo de boya tetón (Venezuela), Pombo, Pumpunjuche, Quirihillo (Costa Rica), Sapotolón (Ecuador), Sunzapote, tsine (Venezuela), Zapote bobo (Mexico), Zapote de agua (Mexico), Zapotolongo (Colombia), Zapotón (Guatemala).

Pachira glabra Pasq.
SYNONYM(S) :  Bombacopsis glabra (Pasq.) A. Robyns, Bombax anisophyllum Buxb., Bombax glabrum (Pasq.) Robyns, Pachira aquatica auct., non Aubl., Pachira kimuenzae (De Wild. & Th. Dur.) Ghesq., Pochota glabra (Pasq.) Bull.
ENGLISH :   French peanut, Guinea peanut, Money tree, Lucky tree.
FRENCH :   Châtaigne de la Guyane (Cayenne, Madagascar, Reunion).
PORTUGUESE :  Amendoim-de-árvore, Castanha-da-praia, Castanha-do-Maranhão.
RUSSIAN :  Бомбакопсис голый  Bombakopsis golyj.
SPANISH :   Árbol de la suerte, Árbol del dinero, Maní francés.

Synonym of Pachira insignis (Swartz) Savigny ?

Pachira insignis (Swartz) Savigny
SYNONYM(S) :  Bombax affine (Mart. & Zucc.) Ducke , Bombax aquaticum auct., non (Aubl.) Schum., Bombax insigne (Sw.) Schum.,  Bombax spectabile Ulbr., Pachira affinis (Mart. & Zucc.) Decne.
ENGLISH :   Pachira nut tree, Trinidad pachira, Wild chataigne, Wild chestnut
FRENCH :    Châtaigner de la côte d'Espagne, Châtaignier d'Amérique, Marronier des Antilles, Pachirier des Antilles, Pachirier remarquable.
PORTUGUESE :  Cacáo-selvagem (Brazil).
RUSSIAN :  Пахира отличная  Pakhira otlichnaia,    Пахира замечательная Pakhira zamechattel'naia.
SPANISH :    Castaño, Estrella, Mamorana grande.


This genus is meant to have 2 species with an edible value: P. aquatica and P. insignis. The specific food(s) produced by each species is not clear. An edible nut described in all languages as chestnut, almond, hazelnut, cacao, pistachio etc. is mentioned, but none really compares to the others. So chosing a name more appropriate than the others is problematic. The 2 plants also are aquatic but only one is called aquatica ... today. In the past both have been named aquatica. So it looks like more work is needed to sort the useful species in this genus.


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Date created: 15 / 04 / 2010
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Last modified: 17 / 05 / 2010
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