Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague ex Turrill
SYNONYM(S) : Ammi copticum Bois., Ammi copticum L. (GRIN), Athamanta ajowan (Roxb.)
Wall. nomen nudum, Bunium
aromaticum L., Bunium
copticum Spreng.,
ined. (GRIN), Carum copticum (L.) C.B. Clarke (GRIN), Carum copticum
(L.) Hiern, Ligusticum
ajawain Roxb. ex Fleming,
Ligusticum ajawain Roxb. ex Schult., Ligusticum ajouan Roxb.,
Ptychotis ajowan DC., Ptychotis
ajowan (Roxb.) DC., Ptychotis
coptica DC., Sison ammi L. (GRIN), Sison ammi Jacq., Trachyspermum copticum (L.) Link (GRIN)
ARABIC : اجوان Ajwân, Anîsûn barrî, Kammûn hhabashî, كَمُّون الْمُلُوكِي Kamun al muluki, نخوه Nakhwah, Taleb el koubs (Katz).
ASSAMESE : Joan (NCL) , জনী গুটি Joni-guti (Katz)
BENGALI : জোয়ান Jowan (Katz), Juvani, Yamani (Katz)
BULGARIAN : Ажгон Azhgon.
BURMESE : awaiting feedback. see Burmese Bot. dBase
CHINESE : 印度藏茴香 Yin du zang hui xiang (Taiwan), 细叶糙果芹 Xi ye cao guo qin.
CROATIAN : awaiting feedback.
CZECH : Adžvajen.
DANISH : awaiting feedback.
DUTCH : Ajowan (Katz)
ENGLISH : Ajawa seeds, Ajowan (Katz), Ajwain (Katz), Bishop's weed (GRIN), Carom (Katz).
ESTONIAN : Lõhnav karusköömen (Katz).
FINNISH : Koptilainen kumina (Katz).
FRENCH : Ajouan, Ajowan (Katz) , Ammi, Ammi de l'Inde, Anis de l'Inde, Sison.
GERMAN : Adiowan (Katz), Ajowan (Katz), Ägyptischer Kümmel, Herrenkümmel, Indischer Kümmel, Königskümmel.
GREEK : Aμμιος.
GUJARATI : અજમો, અજમા Ajamo (Katz), Yavan (Katz), Jawain (Katz)
HINDI : Ajawa, Ajmud, Ajowan (NCL), अजवान Ajawan, अजवाइन Ajawain (Katz), अजवायन Ajavayan, Carom (Katz), Omum (fruit) (Katz), Randhuni.
HUNGARIAN : Ajovan (Katz)
ITALIAN : Ajowan (Katz), Ammi, Sisone.
JAPANESE : アジョワン Ajowan.
KANNADA : Ajamodhavoma, Oma omakki, Omu (Katz).
KOREAN : 아요완.
MALAY : Jintan (Indonesia).
MALAYALAM : അയമോദകം Ayamodakam (Katz), ഓമം Omam.
MARATHI : ओवा Ova (Katz), Owa, Vova.
NEPALESE : Agnimanthaa
ORIYA : ଜୁଆଣୀ Juani (Katz)
PERSIAN : زنیان Zenyân (Zenian), Nanavva (Katz) .
POLISH : Adżwan, Ajowan, Kminek koptyjski (Katz)
PORTUGUESE : Orégano-semente, Semente-de-orégano, Ajowan.
PUNJABI : ਐਜਵਾਇਨ Aijvain, ਜਵੈਣ Javain, ਅਜਵਾਇਣ Ajvain, Ajowan.
RUSSIAN : Айова Aiova, Ажгон Azhgon (Katz)
SANSKRIT : अजमोद Ajamoda, Ajamoda, अजमोदिका Ajamodika (Katz), Yavanaka, Yavaanika (Katz), यवानी Yavani, Yawani (NCL), Ugragandha (Katz), Brahmadarbha (Katz), Deepyaka (Katz), Yavsaha (Katz)
SINHALESE : අසමෝදගම් Asamodagam, Assamodum (Katz)
SPANISH : Ajowan (Katz), Ayowam (Katz)
TAMIL : Asamtavomam, Asampadam, Amam, ஓமம் Omam (Katz).
TELUGU : Ajumoda, Omamu (Katz), Vamu, Vayu (Katz) .
Phak chi.
TURKISH : Emmus, Mısır anason (Katz), Mısır anisonu.
UKRAINIAN : awaiting feedback.
URDU : اجوائن Ajwain, Buranikataya (Katz).
SYNONYM(S) : Carum roxburghianum Benth. (JSent), Trachyspermum involucratum (Roxb. ex J. Fleming) H. Wolff.
BENGALI : Randhuni (Braj) (JA) , Shah jira (Braj).
南糙果芹 Dian nan cao guo
ENGLISH : Wild celery (India) .
FRENCH : Ajmud. (JSent).
GERMAN : Ajmud. (JSent)
HINDI : Ajinud (Braj), Ajmud (JA) .
SANSKRIT : Ajamoda.
Phak chi lom.
Braj Kishore Malavya & Sikhibhushan Dutt, 1942, Examination of the Essential Oil Derived from the Seeds of Carum Roxburghianum Benth. Chemical Laboratory, Allahabad University , Allahabad. March 12, 1942 < www.dli.gov.in/data0/001/005/TXT/00000180.txt >. (Braj)
Detraz Philippe, 2001 - 2004, Le Jardin des Senteurs. Catalogue. Latin - French - German index. < http://www.jardin-des-senteurs.ch/catalogue/affiche.asp?v_lettre=t >. (JSent)
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://eurodic.echo.lu/cgi-bin/edicbin/EuroDicWWW.pl?page=expert > (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Latin with authority names)
Flora of China, 2005, Trachyspermum Link,
FOC Vol. 14 Page 77, Flora
of China online. < http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=133252
HinduNet, 2004, Apium graveolens L.
< http://www.hindunet.org/saraswati/Indian%20Lexicon/celery.htm >. (HiNet)
Jacobson Arthur Lee, 2003, Plant of the Month, March 2003 : Celery - Apium graveolens L. < http://www.arthurleej.com/p-o-m-Mar03.html >. (JA)
Katzer Gernot, 1995 - 2004, Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages. < http://www.uni-graz.at/~katzer/engl/index.html >. Page on Ajowan. (Katz)
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable
Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
NCL, 2002 - 2004, IndFlora. Center for Biodiversity
Informatics, India. < http://www.ncbi.org.in/biota/flora/
>. (English, Latin, most romanised
Indian languages).
Quintino Victor et al. 2013, Projecto BioRede, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Biologia. Diversidade Vegetal. < http://www.biorede.pt/index2.htm >.
USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?trachyspermum (15 July 2004).(GRIN)
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
We still have a lot of homework
to do on all the names from India. Bunium, Carum, Trachyspermum
and related genera present real challenges given that we have an
abundance of romanised names in the literature but very few of
them in their original scripts. The taxonomy is clearer in 2005
than it was in 2000, so there is progress.
Date created: 12 / 09 / 2001
Authorised by
Last modified: 04 /
06 / 2013
Access: No restriction
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Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher