Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
acetosella L.
SYNONYM(S) : Acetosella vulgaris Fourr., Oxalis alba Gilibert
ARABIC : Hhummaydah, Baqlah hhâmidah.
DANISH : Skovsyre.
DUTCH : Witte klaverzuring.
ENGLISH : Wood-sorrel (UK), White woodsorrel, Shamrock (UK), European wood-sorrel (USA), Cuckoo bread, Irish shamrock.
ESTONIAN : Harilik jänesekapsas.
FINNISH : Käenkaali, Ketunleipä, Hapahko käenkaali.
FRENCH : Alleluia, Oseille, Oseille des bois, Oxalide des bois, Oxalide petite oseille, Oxalis des bois, Oxalis petite-oseille, Pain de coucou, Petite oseille, Petite oxalide, Surelle, Surelle pain-de-coucou, Surelle petite oxalide (Switzerland).
GERMAN: Echter Sauerklee, Gemeiner Wald-Sauerklee, Hainklee (Switzerland), Hasenklee (Switzerland), Kuckucksklee (Switzerland), Sauerklee, Waldklee, Wald Klee.
ITALIAN : Acetosella, Acetosella dei boschi
(Switzerland), Alleluja,
Ossalide acetosella, Trifoglio acetoso, Erba acetosa.
Carii amilo.
PORTUGUESE : Aleluia, Azedinha, Oxalida azeda, Trevo acedo (Brazil).
RUSSIAN : Awaiting feedback.
SPANISH : Acederilla, Acetosilla, Agreta, Aleluya, Garfala, Pan de cuclillo, Platanito, Trébol acedo, Trébol ácido, Trébol amargo, Trébol ácido, Vinagrera blanca.
SWEDISH : Gökmat, Harsyra, Harväppling, Surklöver.
TURKISH : Küçük kuzu kulagi.
Oxalis articulata Savigny
ENGLISH : Pink sorrel.
Oxalis corniculata L.
SYNONYM(S) : Oxalis micrantha Bojko, Oxalis repens Thunberg, Xanthoxalis corniculata Small.
ARABIC : Hhâmidah hhullwah, Hhamdîd.
DUTCH : Gehoornde klaverzuring.
ENGLISH : Yellow wood-sorrel, Creeping wood-sorrel, Creeping oxalis, Creeping lady's sorrel, Procumbent yellow-sorrel.
ESTONIAN : Aed-jänesekapsas.
FINNISH : Tarhakäenkaali.
FRENCH : Alléluia, Alleluya, Oseille à trois feuilles, Oseille trois feuilles, Oxalide corniculée, Oxalis corniculée, Oxalis jaune, Oxalis vulgaire, Pain de coucou, Pain d'oiseau, Petit trêfle, Pied de pigeon, Surelle, Surelle jaune, Surette, Trèfle aigre, Trèfle jaune.
GERMAN: Gelber Sauerklee, Gehörnter Sauerklee, Horn-Sauerklee.
ITALIAN : Acetosella
dei campi, Ossalide
corniculata, Erba lujula, Trifoglio acetoso.
Carii amilo.
PORTUGUESE : Azedinha (Brazil), Erva-azeda, Erva-azeda-de-folha-pequena, Erva-azedinha, Erva-canária, Trevo-azedo, Trevo-azedo-bastardo, Trevo-azedo-da-Índia, Trevo-azedo-de-folhas-pequenas.
RUSSIAN : Awaiting feedback.
SPANISH : Acederilla, Vinagrera, Vinagrillo (Argentina).
SWEDISH : Krypoxalis.
TURKISH : Eksi yonca.
Oxalis corniculata L. var. atropurpurea Planch.
ESTONIAN : Punane jänesekapsas.
Oxalis fontana Bunge
SYNONYM(S) : Oxalis europaea Jordan, Oxalis stricta auct. non L.
DANISH : Rank surklover .
DUTCH : Stijve klaverzuring.
ENGLISH : Yellow sorrel.
FRENCH : Oxalis d' Europe, Oxalide d' Europe.
GERMAN : Europäischer Sauerklee.
ITALIAN : Acetosella minore.
Oxalis latifolia Kunth
ENGLISH : Garden pink sorrel.
FRENCH : Oxalide à feuilles larges, Oxalis à feuilles larges.
GERMAN : Breitblättriger Sauerklee.
ITALIAN : Acetosella a foglie larghe.
Carii amilo.
SPANISH : Hierba de jardín.
Oxalis pes-caprae L.
SYNONYM(S) : Bolboxalis cernua (Thunb.) Small, Oxalis cernua Thunberg , Oxalis lybica Viviani
AFRIKAANS : De Kaapse Klaverzuring, Geelsuring.
DANISH : Bermudaskovsyre.
DUTCH : Knikkende klaverzuring.
ENGLISH : African woosorrel, Bermuda-buttercup, Buttercup oxalis, Cape cowslip, Cape sorrel, Englishweed, Sour grass, Soursob, Yellow sorrel.
FRENCH : Oxalis penché, Oxalis pied de chèvre, Oxalis des Bermudes, Oxalide bouton d'or des Bermudes .
GERMAN : Bermuda-Sauerklee, Nickender Sauerklee, Ziegenfuß-Sauerklee.
ITALIAN : Acetosella gialla.
JAPANESE : Ookibana katabami, Okizarisu serunua.
PORTUGUESE : Azeda, Erva-pata, Trevo acedo (Brazil), Trevo azédo.
RUSSIAN : Awaiting feedback.
SPANISH : Agrillo, Alfalfillo, Flor d'avellana (Bermuda), Flor del sueño , Trébol de huerta, Vinagrera, Vinagreta, Vinagrella (Bermuda), Vinagrillo.
SWEDISH : Awaiting feedback.
Oxalis stricta L.
ENGLISH : Upright yellow-sorrel,
Yellow wood-sorrel.
SYNONYM(S) : Oxalis deppei Lodd. ex Sweet, Oxalis rubra St-Hilaire ?
ENGLISH : Four-leaved clover, Four leaf clover, Lucky clover.
ESTONIAN : Neljatine jänesekapsas (tetraphylla), Mehhiko jänesekapsas (deppei).
FRENCH : Oxalide à fleur rouge, Surelle ornamentale du Méxique, Trêfle à quatre feuilles.
GERMAN: Sauerkleeruebe, Gluecksklee.
SWEDISH : Rosettoxalis.
Oxalis tetraphylla Cav. 'Alba'
SYNONYM(S) : Oxalis deppei Lodd. ex Sweet 'Alba', Oxalis regnellii 'Alba'
FRENCH : Oxalide à fleur blanche.
Photograph at Bulb.com - Summer Bulb Guide - Oxalis
Oxalis tetraphylla Cav. 'Iron Cross'
SYNONYM(S) : Oxalis deppei Lodd. ex Sweet 'Iron Cross'
FRENCH : Oxalide ornementale.
Photograph at Bulb.com - Summer Bulb Guide - Oxalis
Photograph by Peter V. sengbusch at Botanik online.
SYNONYM(S) : Oxalis crenata Jacq. , Oxalis arracacha G. Don , Acetosella crenata O. Kuntze, Acetosella tuberosa O. Kuntze
ARABIC : Hhummâd.
AYMARA : Apiña, Apilla.
DUTCH : Peruaanse klaverzuring.
ENGLISH : Oca of Peru, Edible tuberous oxalis, New Zealand yam (Australia), Yam (New Zealand).
FRENCH : Oca d'Amérique, Oxalis tubéreux, Oxalide crénelée, Surelle tubéreuse, Truffette acide, Oxalide tubéreuse.
GERMAN: Knollen-Sauerklee, Peruanischer Sauerklee.
ITALIAN : Acetosella crenata, Ossalide crenata, Trifoglio tuberoso.
QUECHUAN : O'qa, Okka.
SPANISH : Apilla (Bolivia), Oca (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), Ciuba (Venezuela), Ibia (Colombia), Ibias (Colombia), Miquichi (Argentina), Oqa (Peru), Papa roja (Mexico), Oxalida, Quiba (Venezuela).
TURKISH : Yabani kuzu kulagi.
Groups : Sweet
(Keni) and Bitter (Luki).
Types : 50 types recognized, 12 cultivars recognized. Tuber colours :
White, Yellow, Pink, Red and purple. Each colour can be plain or
streaked or striped.
Photographs of
leaves and tubers of a pink-tubered variety in one of our galleries.
Photograph of
4 other colours by Daniel Giannoni at the Centro Internacional
de la Papa - Peru.
of light-pink tubers at Permoculture UK.
by Eve A. Emshwiller at Cornell University showing about 7 types /
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://eurodic.echo.lu/cgi-bin/edicbin/EuroDicWWW.pl?page=expert > (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Latin with authority names)
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?oxalis (26 July 2000).
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : awaiting comments.
Date created: 03 / 05 / 2000
Last modified: 12 / 09 / 2007
Access: No restriction
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Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher