Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
(Bed) (Braj) V (CRDP) (FAO) V (FDAM) (Flcyb) (GCW) (GRIN) V (IPNI) V (ISF) V (ISTA) (JA) V (JSent) V (LibHerb) (Mansf) V (MMPND) (Mrkv) (Nep) (Pan) V (Prosea) (SavMark) (Smit) V (SwedMus) (USDA) (Wang) V (W3Trop) (Yasu)
Bacopa caroliniana Roxb. (Smit)
SYNONYM(S) : Bacopa amplexicaulis (Pursch.) Wettst., Bacopa caroliniana (Walt.) Robins.
ENGLISH : Lemon Bacopa, Blue Hyssop, Water Hyssop, Giant red bacopa.
FRENCH : Grande bacopa.
GERMAN : Amerikanische Fettblatt, Amerikanische Wasserysop, Großblättrige Bacopa, Große Fettblatt, Großes Fettblatt, Stegelumfassende Bacopa, Wasserysop.
HUNGARIAN : Awaiting feedback.
POLISH : Bakopa karolińska.
RUSSIAN : Бакопа каролинская.
THAI : ลานไพลิน Lan phai lin (Smit) .
Photograph at Maryland Aquatic Nurseries (mid. page).
Bacopa floribunda (R. Br.) Wettst.
SYNONYM(S) : Bramia
floribunda (R.Br.) F.Muell.,
CHINESE : Mai hua cao.
HUNGARIAN : Awaiting feedback..
POLISH : Bakopa zaostrzona.
THAI : ผักสามหลัม Phak sam lan (Smit) .
SYNONYM(S) : Bacopa monnieri (L.)
Wettst, Bramia monnieri (L.)
Pennell, Bramia monniera (R. Br.)
Pennell, Gratiola
monnieri L, Herpestis monniera
(L.) Kuntze (HoC), Lysimachia monnieri L., Septas repens Lour.
CHINESE : Jia ma chi
ENGLISH : Bacopa, Brain plant, Coastal waterhyssop (Wang) , Herb of grace (HoC), Indian pennywort (HoC), Moneywort, Monnier's bacopa, Thyme-leaved gratiola, Water hyssop (HoC), White hyssop.
FRENCH : Bacopa de Monnier, Bacopa des herbalistes, Bacopa médicinale, Bramia de Saint-Paul (Réunion), Petite bacopa.
GERMAN : Bacopa, Kleine Fettblatt, Kleines Fettblatt, Wasserysop.
GUJARATI : Jalbrahmi.
HINDI : Adha birni, Barami, Brahmi (Rehm) (NMPB) (HoC), Brambhi, Mandukaparni (HoC), Safed chamni (Rehm).
HUNGARIAN : Awaiting feedback.
JAPANESE : バコパ Bakopa.
KANNADA : Nirbrahmi .
MARATHI : Ghola.
POLISH : Bakopa drobnolistna, Bakopa moniera.
RUSSIAN : Бакопа, Бакопа Монье.
SANSKRIT : Bhrami, Brahmi, Jala brahmi, Nira-brahmi.
TAMIL : Neer brahmi, Nirabradhmi, Nirpirami.
TELUGU : Sambranichettu, Saraswathi aku.
THAI : ผักมิ Phak mi (Smit) , พรมมิ Phrommi (Smit) .
Photograph on Henriette Kress' site.
Photograph at Maryland Aquatic Nurseries
See note on Indian names.
Porcher Michel H. et al. 1995 - 2020, Sorting Bacopa Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database - A Work in Progress. Institute of Land & Food Resources. The University of Melbourne. Australia. < http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/Sorting/Bacopa.html > (2004).
Kalam Abdul A. P. J. (Dr.),
Maharishi Ayurveda, 1999 -
2005 Maharishi Ayurveda Products International Inc. Ayurvedic
Herbs and their Uses, Brahmi — used to help
relieve and prevent stress. <
http://www.mapi.com/en/ayurvedicherbs/brahmi.html >.
McGuffin Michael et al., 2000, Herbs of Commerce - 2d Edition. American Herbal Products Association. (HoC)
NMPB, 2004, 32 Prioritised Medicinal Plants. National Informatics Center, National Medicinal Plants Board - Ministry of Health & Family Welfare - Department of Ayush - Government of India. < http://www.nmpb.nic.in/sarpgandha.htm >. (NMPB)
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?bacopa (01 September 2004). (GRIN)
พรรณไม้น้ำสวยงามที่ผลิตในประเทศไทย , 2005, (List of Aquatic Plants in Thailand) Department of Fisheries - Thailand.
< http://www.fisheries.go.th/aquaorna/aquatic%20plants.htm >.
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
"Brahmi" is applied to Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. in Northern and Western India but defines Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell in Kerala (Southern India). (ref. McGuffin et al. 2000)
"Mandukaparni" applies to Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell in
Northern and Western India but defines Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. in
Kerala. (ref. McGuffin et al. 2000).
It is stated on the Maharishi Ayurveda site : "Two main herbs
(Herpestis Monniera, Bacopa Monnieri ) go by the name of Brahmi in the ancient
Ayurvedic texts. Some experts from The Council of Maharishi Ayurveda Physicians
feel that Herpestis Monniera is more authentic and is preferable for mental
benefits except where urinary flow, purification, and immunomodulation is
desired by the physician.
The other herb that commonly goes by this name is
more popularly known in the U.S. as Gotu-Kola, or Centella asiatica, called
Mandukaparni. "
Unfortunately modern scientists
have lumped both plants (Herpestis monniera and Bacopa monnieri),
if ever there were 2 distinctive plants involved, in the same bag
- i.e. they are considered as synonyms.
Date created: 01 / 09 / 2004
Last modified: 26 / 08 /
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Copyright © 1995 - 2020, I.L.F.R. - The
University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher