Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
Bactris caryotifolia Mart.
ENGLISH : Caryota-leaved peach palm.
FRENCH : Palmier pêche à feuilles de caryota.
SYNONYM(S) : Bactris gasipaes H.B.K., Guilielma speciosa Martius, Guilielma utilis Oersted, Guilielma chontaduro Triana, Guilielma gasipaes (HBK) L.H. Bailey, Guilielma gasipaes (Kunth) L. H. Bailey
ENGLISH : Peach palm, Pewa nut (Trinidad).
FRENCH : Coeur de palmier, Palepi (French Guyana), Palmier parépou, Palmier pêche, Palmier pejibaye, Parépou (French Guyana).
GERMAN : Pfirsichpalme, Pfirsich-Palme.
MALAY : Pewa.
PORTUGUESE : Pupunha (Brazil).
SPANISH : Cachipay (Colombia), Chonta (Colombia), Chontaduro (Colombia), Chontaruro (Ecuador), Gachipaes (Venezuela), Masato, Pejibaye (Costa Rica), Pijiguao (Venezuela), Pijuayo (Peru).
gasipaes Kunth var. chichagui (H.
Karst.) Andr. Hend.
SYNONYM(S) : Bactris macana (Mart.) Pittier, Bactris speciosa (Mart.) H. Karst. var. chichagui H. Karst, Guilielma macana Mart.
PORTUGUESE : Pupunha bravo (Brazil).
SPANISH : Chinamato (Colombia), Chontilla (Bolivia), Macanilla (Venezuela), Pijuayo del monte (Peru).
gasipaes Kunth var. gasipaes
SYNONYM(S) : Bactris utilis (Oerst.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Hemsl. , Guilielma gasipaes (Kunth) L. H. Bailey, Guilielma speciosa Mart., Guilielma utilis Oerst.
All names normally applied to the species suit this variety.
Bactris glandulosa xxx var. baileyana (H. E.
Moore) G. de Nevers
SYNONYM(S) : Bactris baileyana H. E. Moore
granariuscarpa Barb. Rodr.
PORTUGUESE : Marajá rana (Brazil).
Bactris guineensis (L.) H. E. Moore
SYNONYM(S) : Cocos guineensis L.
ENGLISH : Tobago cane.
SPANISH : Biscoyol (Costa Rica), Corozo (Colombia), Coyolito (Nicaragua), Uvita (Venezuela), Uvita de monte (Panama).
ENGLISH : Peach palm, Lata palm.
FRENCH : Zagrinette.
GERMAN : Grosse Bactris-Palme.
SPANISH : Corozo de gallina (Colombia), Cubarro (Venezuela), Huiscoyol (El Salvador, Guatemala), Jahuacté (Mexico), Marayáu (Bolivia), Moporo (Venezuela)
SYNONYM(S) : Pyrenoglyphis maraja (Mart.) Burret
PORTUGUESE : Marajá açu (Brazil), Marajá assú (Brazil), Tucum bravo.
SPANISH : Chontilla (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru), Espina (Colombia), Neja, (Peru), Uva de montaña (Venezuela), Uvita (Panama).
Bactris piscatorum Wedd. ex Drude
ENGLISH : Bango palm.
SPANISH : Chacarrá (Colombia), Cubarro (Colombia), Caña negra (Venezuela), Nejilla (Peru).
Bactris piranga Trail.
PORTUGUESE : Marajá da Mata (Brazil), Maraja-piranja (Brazil), Palmeira maraja-piranga.
Bactris setosa Mart.
ENGLISH : Jucum palm.
PORTUGUESE : Jucúm, Tucum (Brazil).
CIRAD-FLHOR/IPGRI , 2000, Project for Neotropical Fruits.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/login.jsp >.
IPGRI, 2000, FRUITS FROM AMERICA - An Ethnobotanical Inventory. < http://www.ciat.cgiar.org/ipgri/fruits_from_americas/frutales/family.htm >.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
USDA, ARS, 2002, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?bactris (13 February 2003).
Wang Zongxun et al. 1996, A New Latin, Chinese, English Botanical Nomenclature. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Aviation Industry Publisher, Beijing.
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Date created: 01 / 02 / 2003
Authorised by Prof. Snow Barlow
Last modified: 20 / 04 / 2003
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2003, The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher, E-Mail: m.porcher@landfood.unimelb.edu.au