Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
Diplotaxis catholica (L.) DC.
SYNONYM(S) : Sisymbrium catholicum L.
FRENCH : Diplotaxis catholique.
GERMAN : Allgemeiner Doppelsame.
ITALIAN : Ruchetta.
PORTUGUESE : Grizandra.
SPANISH : Amargo amarillo.
SWEDISH : Sågsenap.
Photographs of seedlings, flowers at HYPPA, INRA-Dijon, France.
SYNONYM(S) : Brassica erucoides Boissier, Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) A. P. de Candolle, Diplotaxis valentina Pau, Diplotaxis virgata (Cav.) DC. var. platystylos (Willk.) Willk., Sinapis erucoides L., Sisymbrium erucoides Desfontaines
ENGLISH : Annual wall-rocket, White-flowered wall-rocket, White rocket, Wild rocket, White-flowered wild rocket.
FRENCH : Fausse roquette, Roquette blanche, Roquette sauvage, Roquette sauvage à fleurs blanches.
GERMAN : Rauken-Doppelsame.
ITALIAN : Ruchetta violacea, Rucola selvatica.
NORWEGIAN : Stripesennep.
POLISH : Dwurząd rokiettowaty.
SPANISH : Jaramago blanco, Oruga
silvestre, Ravenissa blanca (Catalan).
SWEDISH : Vit mursenap.
Photographs at MIPAF, Colture Ortive, Italia.
SYNONYM(S) : Brassica muralis Boissier, Brassica muralis Huds., Sisymbrium murale L.
CHINESE : Er hang jie.
DANISH : Mursennep.
DUTCH : Muurzandkool.
ENGLISH : Annual wall-rocket, Dog weed (Aust.), Goat weed (Aust.), Nanny weed (Aust.), Sand rocket, Stink weed (Aust.), Teetulpa weed (Aust.), Wall mustard, Wall rocket, Yellow-flowered wall-rocket, Yellow-flowered annual wild rocket.
FINNISH : Pikkuhietasinappi,
Leveäliuskainen hietasinappi.
FRENCH : Roquette des murailles, Roquette sauvage à fleurs jaunes.
GERMAN : Mauer-Doppelsame, Mauer-Rauke.
ITALIAN : Ruchetta dei muri, Rucola selvatica.
NORWEGIAN : Mursennep.
POLISH : Dwurząd murowy.
SWEDISH : Mursenap.
tenuifolia (L.) DC.
SYNONYM(S) : Brassica tenuifolia Boiss., Brassica tenuifolia Fries, Eruca tenuifolia Moench, Sinapis tenuifolia R. Brown, Sisymbrium tenuifolium L.
ARABIC : Gargir barri.
er hang jie.
DANISH : Sandsennep.
DUTCH : Zandkool.
ENGLISH : Lincoln weed (Aust.), Narrow-leaved wall-mustard, Perennial wall-rocket, Sand mustard, Sand rocket, Slimleaf wild rocket, Slim-leaved wallrocket, Wild arugula, Wild rocket, Yellow-flowered perennial wild rocket.
FINNISH : Isohietasinappi , Kapealiuskainen hietasinappi.
FRENCH : Roquette à feuilles ténues, Roquette jaune, Herbe puante.
GERMAN : Feinblättriger Doppelsame, Schmalblättriger Doppelsame.
ITALIAN : Ruchetta selvatica, Rucola mata, Rucola selvatica.
FRENCH : Roquette sauvage à feuilles minces.
NORWEGIAN : Steinsennep.
POLISH : Dwurząd wąskolistny.
SPANISH : Jaramago silvestre.
SWEDISH : Sandsenap.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/login.jsp >.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
USDA, ARS, 2002, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?diplotaxis (19 January 2003).
Wang Zongxun et al. 1996, A New Latin, Chinese, English Botanical Nomenclature. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Aviation Industry Publisher, Beijing.
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : Gustav Nordentoft.
Date created: 16 / 01 / 2003
Authorised by Prof. Snow Barlow
Last modified: 21 / 11 / 2007
Access: No restriction
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Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher