Lens culinaris Medik.
-> Lens culinaris
Medik. subsp.
culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris
SYNONYM(S) : Lens culinaris Medik., Lens esculenta Moench. , Lentilla lens (L.) W.Wight ex D.Fairchild, Cicer lens (L.) Willd., Ervum lens L., Vicia lens (L.) Cosson & Germ., Lens lens Huth.
ARABIC : 'Adas.
ASSAMESE : Massurmoha.
BENGALI : Buromussur, Masur, Masuri, Masuridal.
BURMESE : Pe ni.
Bing dou,
Bing dou (Bïng dáu,
Xiao bian dou.
DANISH : Linse, Linser.
DUTCH : Linze, Linzen.
ENGLISH : Lentil, Cultivated lentil.
FINNISH : Linssi.
FRENCH : Lentille, Lentille cultivée, Lentilles.
GERMAN : Linse, Linsen.
GUJARATI : Masur, Masuridal.
HINDI : Masuur,
Masuuriidaal (Masuridal), Dahl (ingredient - split
ITALIAN : Lente, Lenticchia, Lenticchie.
JAPANESE : Aoi mame.
KANNADA : Chanangi, Channangi, Massur.
KHMER : Lânti.
KOREAN : Len so
MALAY : Kacang serinding, Kacang koro (Indonesia).
MARATHI : Masur, Masuuraa (Masura).
PORTUGUESE : Lentilha, Lentilhas.
PUNJABI : Chanching, Mahsuri, Masar, Masur, Mohi, Mohri.
RUSSIAN : Chechevitsa obyknovennaia ,
Chechevitsa pishchevaia.
SINHALESE : Pothundhambala.
SPANISH : Lenteja, Lentejas.
TAGALOG : Patani.
TAMIL : Misurpurpur.
TELUGU : Chirisanagalu, Misurpappu.
THAI : Thua daeng, Thua raatcha
TURKISH : Mercimek, Mencu.
URDU : Dal,
Photographs of seeds of various cultivars and types by USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris (Macrosperma Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Lens esculenta Moench. var. macrosperma Baumg., Lens culinare Medik. subsp. macrosperma (Baumgarten) N.F. Mattos
CHINESE : Da zi bing dou
ENGLISH : Brown lentil, Green lentil.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris (Microsperma Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Lens esculenta Moench. var. microsperma Baumg., Lens culinare Medik. subsp. microsperma (Baumgarten) N.F. Mattos
CHINESE : Xiao zi bing
ENGLISH : Small seeded lentil.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris 'Black Beluga'
Photograph of seeds at Victory Seed Company.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris 'Canary Yellow'
Photograph of seeds at Victory Seed Company.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris 'Green du Puy'
SYNONYM(S) : Lens culinaris Medik. (Microsperma Group) cv. 'Green du Puy', Lens esculenta Moench. var. microsperma cv. 'Green du Puy', Lens esculenta Moench. 'Green du Puy'
CHINESE : Xiao lü bing dou,
Ou zhou lü bing dou.
ENGLISH : Puy lentil, French small green lentil, Small dark-green lentil.
FRENCH : Lentille verte du Puy.
Photograph of seeds at Victory Seed Company.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris 'Indian Brown'
SYNONYM(S) : Lens esculenta Moench. var. microsperma cv. 'Indian Brown', Lens culinaris Medik. (Microsperma Group) cv. 'Indian Brown'
ENGLISH : Small brown lentil, Indian lentil, Red lentil (processed).
HINDI : Masoor dhal.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris 'Large Blonde'
SYNONYM(S) : Lens esculenta Moench. var. macrosperma cv. 'Large Blonde', Lens culinaris Medik. (Macrosperma Group) cv. 'Large Blonde'
ENGLISH : Large brown lentil.
FRENCH : Lentille blonde.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris 'Marrone'
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris 'Petite Rouge
SYNONYM(S) : Lens culinaris Medik. (Microsperma Group) cv. 'Petite Rouge d'Egypte'.
Xiao zi hong bing dou.
ENGLISH : Small-seeded red lentil.
FRENCH : Petite lentille rouge d'Egypte.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. culinaris 'Red Chief'
Photograph of seeds (close-up) at all-creatures.org
Photograph at Victory Seed Company.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. nigricans (M.Bieb.) Thell.
SYNONYM(S) : Lens nigricans (M.Bieb.) Godron, Lens lamottei Czefr., Ervum nigricans M. Bieb.
ENGLISH : Wild lentil.
Lens culinaris Medik. subsp. orientalis (Boiss.) Ponert
SYNONYM(S) : Lens orientalis (Boiss.) Handel-Mazzetti, Ervum orientale Boiss.
CHINESE : Ye bing dou.
ENGLISH : Oriental wild lentil.
Lens ervoides (Brign.) Grande
SYNONYM(S) : Cicer ervoides Brign., Lens nigricans subsp. ervoides, Ervum ervoides (Brign.) Hayek, Ervum lenticula Sturm., Lens lenticula (Schreber) Webb & Berth., Lens lenticula (Schreber) Alef., Lens lenticula (Sturm) Alef., Vicia lenticula (Sturm) Arcang.
ENGLISH : African wild lentil, Mediterranean wild lentil.
Porcher Michel H. et al. 1995 - 2020, Sorting Lens Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name
Database (M.M.P.N.D) - A Work in Progress. School of Agriculture and Food Systems.
Faculty of Land & Food Resources. The University of Melbourne. Australia.
http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/Sorting/Lens.html > (2005).
ECHO-EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 11 languages provided by Information Market Europe (Latin, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish).
I.L.D.I.S. International Legume Database & Information Service. WWW search form.
Jansen P.C.M. 1989, Lens culinaris Medikus. In: van der Maesen L. J. G. & Sadikin Somaatmadja (Editors), Plant Resources of South-East Asia N°1 . Pulses. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen. pp 51 - 53.
LOGOS Dictionary 1999, Logos Group, Italy, on-line multilingual dictionary (30 languages).
Solomon Jim, 1998, W3TROPICOS Missouri Botanical Garden's VAST (VAScular Tropicos) nomenclatural database and associated authority files. (Latin with authority names).
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?lens (19 October 1999). Search engine.
Victory Seeds Company, 1998 - 2005, Seed Catalogue - Vegetable - Lentils. <www.victoryseeds.com/ >.
Pulses. E. W. M. Verheij & R. E. Coronel, eds., Plant Resources of South-East Asia (PROSEA).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : Thanh Nguyen, Roger Spencer.
Date created: 10 / 07 / 1995
Last modified: 25 / 07 / 2005
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Copyright © 1995 - 2020, The University of
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher