Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
Limonia acidissima L.
SYNONYM(S) : Feronia elephantum Correa., , Schinus limonia L.ASSAMESE : Kath baei.
BENGALI : Bela, Kait, কপিত্থ Kapittha, Kath bael, Kath bel, কয়েতবেল Kayetabela.
BURMESE : Thanat kha, Thibin, Thii
thii ping.
CHINESE : 木苹果 Mu ping guo (Mu ping kuo).
DUTCH : Olifants appel .
ENGLISH : Curd fruit, Elephant apple, Indian wood apple, Wood apple, Monkey fruit.
FRENCH : Arbre à tanaka, Citronnier des éléphants, Féronie de l'Inde, Pomme de bois, Pomme des éléphants, Pommier d'éléphant, Tanaka (Reunion Islands).
GERMAN : Elefantenapfel.
GUJARATI : કોથા Kotha.
HINDI : दधिफल Dadhiphal, दन्तसठ Dantasath, Kabeet (Fiji Islands), Kabut (Fiji Islands), कैट Kait, कैथ Kait, कैथा Kaith, कपित्थ Kapitth, कठबेल Katabel, कत्बेल Katbel (kātbel), Kath bel, Katha, कावित Kaavit, कविता Kavitaa (kavitā), Kavitha, मन्मथ Manamath, पुष्पफल Pushpaphal, Vakandra (Fiji Islands), Vellam pelam (Fiji Islands).ITALIAN : Pomo d'elefante.
JAPANESE : フェロニア
リモニア Feronia rimonia, リモニア アキディッシマ
Rimonia akidisshima, タナカ
Tanaka, ゾウノリンゴ Zou no ringo.
LAOTIAN : Ma fit.
KHMER : Kramsang (Cambodia).
KONKANI : Belpatre.
LAOTIAN : Ma fit .
MALAY : Belinggai, Gelinggai, Kawista (Indonesia) , Kusta (Bali).
MALAYALAM : Blanka, Mlanka, നായ് വേലം Naay veelam, വിളങ്കായ് Vilankaay.
MARATHI : कपित्थ Kapith, कवंठ Kavant, कवंठी Kavanti, कवठ Kavat , Kawath.
ORIYA : Kaintha, Koyito.
PERSIAN : فرونیا لیمونیا , ليمونيا اسيديزيما .
PUNJABI : Katha.
RUSSIAN : Ферония лимонная Feroniia limonnaia, Слоновая яблоня Slonovaia iabloni, Слоновье яблоко Slonove iabloko.
SANSKRIT : दधिफल Dadhiphala, दधित्थ Dadhittha,TAMIL : கபித்தம் Kapittam, கவித்தம் Kavittam, தந்தசடம் Tantacatam, Velam, Velan, விளா Vila (viḷā), விளா மரம் Vilamaram, விளாம்பழம் Vilampazam, Vilanga, விளாங்காய் மரம் Vilankay maram (viḷāṅkāy maram).
TELUGU : కపిత్థము Kapitthhamu, వెలగ Velaga, వెలగపండు Velagapandu, వోలగా Volaga.
THAI : มะขวิด Makhwit (Central Thailand), Mafit (Northern Thailand).
VIETNAMESE : Cânthâng.
Porcher Michel H. et al. 1995 - 2020, Sorting Limonia Names.
Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database
(M.M.P.N.D) - A Work in Progress. School of Agriculture and
Food Systems. Faculty of Land & Food Resources. The University of Melbourne.
http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/Sorting/Limonia.html > (2008).
Updated (in 2008),
with the
following references: FAO
- AGROVOC Thesaurus , flickr.com,
Flowers of India , ENVIS - FRLHT , Google Indic
Transliterator, Lexique
des plantes médicinales , Mansfeld's
World Database, Myanmar
Medicinal Plant Database , Wikipedia , Pandanus
Database, Purdue University , USDA
GRIN Database, World Agroforestry Centre , Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Date created: 22 / 09 / 2007
Last modified: 19 / 04 / 2008
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2020, The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher,