Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
(FDAM) (Mrkv) (SwedMus) (GCW) (USDA) (Mansf) (Flcyb) (GRIN) (Pan) (MMPND) (CRDP) (Wang) (W3Trop) (LibHerb) (SavMark) (IPNI) (ISF)
angustifolium Boreau (SavMark) (ISF)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum umbellatum L. var. angustifolium (Boreau) Gren. & Godron (ISF)
FINNISH : Sarjatähdikki, (SavMark), Sarjakukkainen linnunmaito (SavMark), Valkea käenrieska (SavMark).
NORWEGIAN : Fuglestjerne.
SWEDISH : Morgonstjärna (SavMark) (SwedMus).
Ornithogalum arabicum L. (GRIN)
DANISH : Arabisk fuglemælk.
ENGLISH : Arabian star flower, White-flowered ornithogalum.
FRENCH : Ornithogale du Maroc.
JAPANESE : Orunitogarumu
arabikumu (MMPND).
SPANISH : Lágrimas de San Pedro.
Photograph of flowers compared to other species at CRDP de Franche-Comté.
Ornithogalum balansae Boiss. (GRIN)
ENGLISH : Dwarf ornithogalum, Rockery ornithogalum.
FRENCH : Ornithogale naine.
JAPANESE : Orunitogarumu baransai (MMPND).
boucheanum (Kunth.) Asch.
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum ondulatum Bouché (GCW)
GERMAN : Bouches Milchstern, Grüner Milchstern . (Mrkv)
HUNGARIAN : Kónya madártej.
SWEDISH : Skymningsstjärna (SwedMus)
xxx : Bledavka boucheova. Russian ? Polish ? <- look for this name with GOOGLE
Ornithogalum caudatum (Aiton) Maire (FDAM)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum caudatum Ait. (USDA)
CHINESE : (Wang) Hu yan
wan nian qing (MMPND).
ENGLISH : False seaonion (USA) (USDA)
ITALIAN : Latte di gallina (FDAM)
Likely to be a synonym of Ornithogalum longebracteanum Jacq. (Mansf)
Ornithogalum conicum Jacq. (GCW)
AFRIKAANS : Tjenkenrientjee.
ENGLISH : Cream starflower, White star flower.
Ornithogalum divergens
Boreau (FDAM)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum divergens Boreau, non Kerguelen (CRDP)
DANISH : Udspærret fuglemælk (AAM).
ITALIAN : Latte di gallina (FDAM)
SWEDISH : Spärrgrenig morgonstjärna (AAM), Spärrmorgonstjärna (AAM) (SwedMus)
Ornithogalum x dubium
AFRIKAANS : Tjenkenrientjee.
ENGLISH : Colour-flowered ornithogalum, Large-flowered ornithogalum (MMPND), South-African ornithogalum (MMPND).
Orunitogarumu dubiumu (MMPND).
Types : White, yellow, orange, or red-flowered.
Ornithogalum fischerianum
RUSSIAN : Ptitsemlechnik Fishera (MMPND).
Ornithogalum grandiflorum
xxx <- find Authority name or
ENGLISH : Large-white-flowered ornithogalum.
Photograph of flowers at Cape Seeds & Bulbs.
Ornithogalum gussonei Ten.
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum umbellatum L. subsp. tenuifolium Bonnier & Layens (ISF) , Ornithogalum tenuifolium Guss., nom. illeg. (GRIN)
ITALIAN : Latte di gallina (FDAM)
RUSSIAN : Ptitsemlechnik Gussona (MMPND).
Ornithogalum hispidum Hornem.
JAPANESE : Orunitogarumu hisubidumu
(MMPND) Orunitogarumu hisupidumu (MMPND).
Ornithogalum kochii
Parl. (W3Trop) (Mrkv)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum gussonei auct. (W3Trop) , Ornithogalum orthophyllum Ten. subsp. kochii (Parl.) Zahar. (W3Trop) , Ornithogalum tenuifolium auct. (W3Trop)
GERMAN : Schmalblatt-Milchstern. (Mrkv)
Ptitsemlechnik Kokha (MMPND).
Ornithogalum longebracteanum Jacq.
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum caudatum Jacq. (GRIN) (Mansf) , Ornithogalum bracteatum Thunb. (Mansf)
ENGLISH : False sea onion (Mansf) , South-African star flower.
GERMAN : Falsche Meerzwiebel (Mansf).
SYNONYM(S) : Gagea burnatii A. Terracc. (IPNI) , Gagea coreana Nakai (Wang) , Gagea erubescens Besser (IPNI) , Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawler (Wang) (LibHerb) , Gagea nakaiana Kitag. (Wang), Gagea reverchonii Degen (IPNI) , Gagea silvatica (Pers.) Dum. (LibHerb) , Gagea silvatica (Pers.) Loudon (IPNI) , Ornithogalum lutea L. (LibHerb) , Ornithogalum majus Gilib. (GCW)
CHINESE : (Wang) Ding
bing hua (MMPND).
CZECH : Krivatec ïluty. <- check this with a decent browser that can read Czech
DANISH : Almindelig guldstjerne (LibHerb) (AAM) , Guldstjerne.
DUTCH : Bosgeelster (Flcyb) , Galega soort (LibHerb) / Vogelmelk soort (LibHerb)
ENGLISH : Little yellow star flower, Yellow star-of-Bethlehem (AAM) (LibHerb) (SavMark)
FINNISH : Isokäenrieska (AAM) (LibHerb) (SavMark), Isompi käenrieska (SavMark).
FRENCH : Gagée jaune (LibHerb) , Ornithogale à fleurs jaunes.
GERMAN : Wald-Gelbstern (LibHerb), Waldgelbstern, Waldgoldstern , Gelbstern (LibHerb) , Gemeiner Goldstern (LibHerb) , Wald-Goldstern (AAM) (Flcyb) (LibHerb) , Waldgoldstern.
ITALIAN : Cipollaccio stellato (LibHerb)
NORWEGIAN : Gullstjerne (AAM) (LibHerb), Gullstjerna (LibHerb)
POLISH : Zloc zólta (LibHerb)
RUSSIAN : Gusinyi luk zheltyi. <- check this with a decent browser that can read Russian
SLOVAKIAN : Rumeno pasjo cebulico. <- check this with a decent browser that can read Slovak
SLOVENIAN : Rumeno pasjo cebulico. <- check this with a decent browser that can read Slovenian
SWEDISH : Gullstjärna (AAM), Våfferdagslök (AAM), Vanlig vårlök (AAM), Vårløk (LibHerb), Vårlök (LibHerb) (SavMark).
Ornithogalum maculatum Jacq.
AFRIKAANS : Tjenkenrientjee.
Ornithogalum miniatum Jacq.
CHINESE : (Wang) Huang
hua hu yan wan nian qing (MMPND). <- This name means yellow-flowered. Image on Czech
site shows red flowers !!!
Ornithogalum narbonense L.
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum pyramidale L. (IPNI), Ornithogalum pyramidale L. subsp. narbonense (L.) Ascherson & Graebner (ISF), Ornithogalum pyrenaicum Desf. (IPNI), Ornithogalum pyrenaicum L. subsp. narbonense (L.) Bonnier & Layens (ISF)
ITALIAN : Latte di gallina (FDAM)
SWEDISH : Ungersk stjärnlök (SwedMus).
Photograph of flowers compared to other species at CRDP de Franche-Comté.
Ornithogalum nutans
(AAM) (SavMark)
DANISH : Nikkende fuglemælk (AAM).
ENGLISH : Drooping star of Bethlehem (SavMark) (USDA)
FINNISH : Nuokkutähdikki (AAM) (SavMark), Nuokkuva linnunmaito (SavMark).
FRENCH : Ornithogale à fleurs pendantes.
GERMAN : Nickender Milchstern. (Mrkv) (AAM)
Orunitogarumu nutansu (MMPND).
NORWEGIAN : Nikkestjerne (AAM), Nikkelstjerne.
RUSSIAN : Ptitsemlechnik ponikshii (MMPND).
SWEDISH : Aftonstjärna (AAM) (SwedMus), Aftonstjärnor (AAM).
Ornithogalum pannonicum Vill.
(W3Trop) (Mrkv)
GERMAN : Schopf-Milchstern. (Mrkv)
Ornithogalum ponticum Zahar.
RUSSIAN : Ptitsemlechnik pontiiskii (MMPND).
Ornithogalum pruinosum F. M.
Leigh. (IPNI)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum pruinosum Leighton (W3Trop)
ENGLISH : Cape star of Bethlehem.
NORWEGIAN : Hardfør, Hvite hardfør.
pyramidale L. -> Ornithogalum narbonense
pyrenaicum L. (GCW)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum pyrenaeicum L. (W3Trop)
CZECH : Snedek pyrenejsky.
ENGLISH : Bath asparagus (GCW), Prussian asparagus, Pyrenees star of Bethlehem (USDA) , Spiked star of Bethlehem (USDA) .
FRENCH : Aspergette (CRDP), Ornithogale des Pyrénées (USDA) .
GERMAN : Pyrenäen-Milchstern.
ITALIAN : Ornitogalo dei Pirenei, Ornitogalo selvatico, Latte di gallina (FDAM) , Latte di gallina a fiori giallastri (GCW).
Orunitogarumu bireneekamu (MMPND),
Orunitogarumu pirenaikumu (MMPND).
PORTUGUESE : Ornitógalos.
SLOVENIAN : Pirenejsko pticje mleko.
SPANISH : Ornitogala, Ornithogalum de los Pirineos.
SWEDISH : Spansk stjärnlök (SwedMus)
Photograph of flowers compared to other species at CRDP de Franche-Comté.
Ornithogalum pyrenaicum L. subsp.
pyrenaicum. (Mrkv)
GERMAN : Gelbgrüner Pyrenäen-Milchstern. (Mrkv)
Ornithogalum pyrenaicum L. subsp. sphaerocarpum
(Kerner) Hegi (Mrkv)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum pyrenaeicum L. var. sphaerocarpum (Kern.) Aschers. & Graeb. (W3Trop) , Ornithogalum sphaerocarpum A. Kern. (W3Trop) (Mrkv) (ISF)
CZECH : Snedek pyrenejsky kulatoplody.
GERMAN : Weißer Pyrenäen-Milchstern (Mrkv), Acker-Pyrenäen-Milchstern (Mrkv), Kugelfrucht-Milchstern (Mrkv).
Photograph of flowers compared to other species at Flora von Österreich.
saundersiae Bak.
AFRIKAANS : Transvaal tjenkenrientjee (MMPND).
ENGLISH : Giant chincherinchee, Giant chinkerinchee, South-African star flower, South-African star of Bethlehem.
Ornithogalum secundum Jacq.
SYNONYM(S) : Urginea secunda Baker
ENGLISH : African star flower, African star of Bethlehem.
sphaerocarpum A. Kern.
(W3Trop) (ISF) ->
pyrenaicum L. subsp. sphaerocarpum
(Kerner) Hegi (Mrkv)
Ornithogalum splendens
(Wang) Hong hua hu yan wan nian qing (MMPND).
ENGLISH : Orange-red-flowered star of Bethlehem.
FRENCH : Ornithogale à fleurs oranges, Ornithogale à fleurs rouges.
Ornithogalum stachyoides
ARABIC : Ashrâs, Khunthâ.
ENGLISH : Star of Bethlehem.
FRENCH : Ornithogale.
GERMAN : Milchstern.
ITALIAN : Stella di Betlemme.
tenuifolium F. Delaroche
(GRIN) (W3Trop)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum ecklonii Fisch. & C. A. Mey. (GRIN) , Ornithogalum tenuifolium F. Delaroche , non Guss.
FRENCH : Ornithogale africaine.
Ornithogalum tenuifolium F. Delaroche subsp. tenuifolium (W3Trop)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum ecklonii Schltdl. (W3Trop) , Ornithogalum virens Lindl. (W3Trop)
Ornithogalum tenuifolium Guss., nom. illeg. -> Ornithogalum
gussonei Ten. (ISF) (FDAM) (GRIN)
Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq. (GRIN)
AFRIKAANS : Tjenkenrientjee.
CHINESE : (Wang) Bai
hua hu yan wan nian qing (MMPND).
DANISH : Afrikas hvide lilje.
ENGLISH : Chincherinchee, Chinkerinchee, Cream starflower, South-African star flower, Tub ornithogalum, White star flower, Wonder flower.
FRENCH : Ornithogale des fleuristes.
NORWEGIAN : Hardfør, Hvite hardfør, Kappstjerne.
Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq. var. aureum (Curtis)
Baker (GRIN)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum dubium Houtt. (GRIN)
AFRIKAANS : Tjenkenrientjee.
ENGLISH : Yellow-flowered chincherinchee, Orange-flowered chincherinchee.
triflorum Ledeb. (W3Trop) (Wang)
SYNONYM(S) : Gagea triflora (Ledeb.) Roem. & Schult. (Wang) , Gagea triflora (Ledeb.) Schult. & Schult. f. (W3Trop) , Lloydia triflora (Ledeb.) Baker (Wang)
CHINESE : (Wang) San hua
ding bing hua (MMPND).
umbellatum L. (USDA)
SYNONYM(S) : Ornithogalum angustifolium Boreau, Scilla campestris Savi
ARABIC : Sâsal, Zîtah.
(Wang) San hua
hu yan wan nian qing (MMPND).
DANISH : Kost-fuglemælk (AAM).
ENGLISH : Common star of Bethlehem, Sleepy-dick (USA) (GRIN), Sleepydick (USA) (USDA) , Star of Bethlehem.
FINNISH : Sarjatähdikki (AAM).
FRENCH : Dame de onze heures, Ornithogale en ombelle.
GERMAN : Dolden-Milchstern (Austria) (AAM) (Mrkv), Doldiger milchstern, Vogelmilch.
ITALIAN : Bella di undici ore, Dama d' undici ore, Fior d' undici ore, Latte d'uccello, Latte di gallina (FDAM).
Orunitogarumu unberatumu (MMPND).
NORWEGIAN : Fuglestjerne (AAM).
PORTUGUESE : Estrela-de-Belém.
RUSSIAN : Ptitsemlechnik zontichnyi (MMPND).
SPANISH : Leche de gallina (Waste).
SWEDISH : Morgonstjärnor (AAM), Morgonstjärna (AAM) (SwedMus) , Stjärnlök (AAM).
TURKISH : Sasal, Sunbala mariam.
Photograph of flowers compared to other species at CRDP de Franche-Comté.
Anderberg A. & A.
L. (Arne & Anna-Lena)
& Mia Ehn
Salter 1997 - 1999, Den
Virtuella Floran, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Swedish Museum of
Natural History, Stockholm.
< http://linnaeus.nrm.se/flora/welcome.html
>. (Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Norwegian,
Swedish) (AAM).
CRDP de Franche-Comté, 2004, Collège de Pont de Roide. La Flore de Franche-Comté. Ornithogales. < http://crdp.ac-besancon.fr/ressourc/flore/flore/nom_com/ornithogales.htm >. (CRDP)
Digitalizace knih 2004, Nicolaus Joseph Jacquin: Icones Plantarum Rariorum (2). Rare old books digitized. Czechoslovakia. < http://digi.azz.cz/showbooknoimage.php?BookID=2&lng=1 >.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/login.jsp >.
Flora.cyberia <- check this with a decent browser
Gotfredsen Erik, Liber Herbarum II, The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine. < http://www.liberherbarum.com >. (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Icelandic, Italian, German, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish) (LibHerb)
IPNI - International Plant Name Index. Online Database. (Botanical names & botanical synonyms. Authors names & their standard abbreviations). < http://www.ipni.org/ >. (IPNI)
Michel, 1999, Index
Synonymique de la Flore de France. INRA (Institut National de la
Recherche Agronomique).
< http://www.inra.fr/flore-france/index.htm >.
(Botanical names + synonyms,
Merche S. Calle y Juan Enrique
Gómez ,2004, Guia
de Plantas, Waste magazine.
http://waste.ideal.es/primeraplantas.htm >. (Waste)
Mrkvicka Alexander et al. 2003, Botanik im Bild. Flora von Österreich. Bild-Datenbank der Wildpflanzen Österreichs. < http://www.gut-im-bild.at/pages-G/Ornithogalum.htm >. < http://www.gut-im-bild.at/Pflanzengattungen.html > Generic index. (Mrkv)
FLORA DELLE ALPI MARITTIME. 2004, Catalogazione botanica completa e aggiornata di fiori e piante delle Alpi Marittime. Indice - Ricerca per Nome Comune. < http://www.floramarittime.it/nomi_comuni.php >. Indice - Ricerca per Genere. < http://www.floramarittime.it/genere.php?iniziale=O >. (FDAM)
Pepelnjak Ivan, 2002 - 2004, Zaplana.net <- check this with a decent browser that can read Slovak and Slovenian
Randall Rod, 2002, The Global Compendium of Weeds, Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project. < http://www.hear.org/gcw/html/menus/fam_h.htm >. (GCW)
Savela Markku, 1998 - 2002. Lepidoptera and Some Other
Life Forms. An enormous database on insects, plants and fish. (could be useful to the genetic engineers
of the world) with English indexes, Finnish indexes, Latin indexes
and Swedish names.
< http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/warp/food-plants-a.html
>. (SavMark)
Swedish Museum of Natural History < http://www.nrm.se/fbo/chk/lexo.htm >. (SwedMus)
USDA, NRCS. 2004. The PLANTS Database, Version 3.5 (http://plants.usda.gov). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA. (USDA)
USDA, ARS, 2002, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?ornithogalum (24 June 2004). (GRIN)
Wang Zongxun et al. 1996, A New Latin, Chinese, English Botanical Nomenclature. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Aviation Industry Publisher, Beijing. (Wang)
W3TROPICOS, 1995 - 2004, Missouri Botanical Garden's VAST (VAScular Tropicos) Nomenclatural Database and Associated Authority Files. < http://mobot.mobot.org/W3T/Search/vast.html >. (W3Trop)
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Date created: 10 / 04 / 2002
Last modified: 29 / 06 / 2004
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2020, The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher, E-Mail