Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
Papaver aculeatum Thunb.
ENGLISH : Bristle poppy, Bustle poppy, Iranian poppy, South African poppy, Wild poppy.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver burseri Crantz
DUTCH : Alpenklaproos.
ENGLISH : Alpine poppy, Austrian poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot des Alpes, Pavot d'Autriche, Pavot de Burser.
GERMAN : Klatschmohn, Pfauenmohn, Ranunkelmohn.
NORWEGIAN : Alpevalmue.
POLISH : Mak alpejski, Mak Bursera (as P. burseri).
SWEDISH : Alpvallmo.
Papaver alpinum L.
subsp. rhaeticum (Leresche) Nyman
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver aurantiacum Loisel, Papaver pyreniacum (L.) Willd. , Papaver rhaeticum Leresche
ENGLISH : Rhaetian poppy.
GERMAN : Gelber Alpen-Mohn.
DANISH : Kølle-Valmue, Køllevalmue.
DUTCH : Ruige klaproos, Stekelpapaver.
FINNISH : Hietaunikko, Hietonikko (Prob. speliing error).
ENGLISH : Long prickly-headed poppy, Pale poppy, Prickly poppy, Sand poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot argémone, Pavot-coq, Pavot rude.
GERMAN : Sandmohn, Sand-Mohn.
ITALIAN : Papavero selvatico, Papavero spinoso.
NORWEGIAN : Klubbevalmue, Klubbevallmue
POLISH : Mak piaskowy.
PORTUGUESE : Papoila-longa-peluda.
SPANISH : Amapola espinosa, Amapola macho, Rosella de flor petita (Catalan).
SWEDISH : Spikvallmoe, Spikvallmo.
Papaver argemone L. subsp. argemone
No distinction appears to be made between the names for this subspecies and those for the species above.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver intermedium DC., Papaver orientale M. Bieb. , Papaver pulcherrinum Fisch. ex Steud.
CHINESE : Da hong ying su.
ENGLISH : Great scarlet poppy.
GERMAN : Arzneimohn.
ITALIAN : Papavero bratteato.
POLISH : Mak wschodni.
SPANISH : Adormidera de Siberia.
SWEDISH : Mörk jättevallmo.
Considered as a synonym of P. orientale L. by some Polish taxonomists (ref. Vascular Plants of Poland. Mirek et al.).
Papaver bracteatum auct. x Papaver orientale auct.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver intermedium DC., nom. illeg., Papaver bracteatum Lindl. var. pseudo-orientale Fedde
ENGLISH : Hybrid oriental poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot d'Orient hybride.
Papaver burseri Crantz -> Papaver alpinum
Papaver californicum A. Gray
ENGLISH : Californian poppy, Fire poppy (USA), Western poppy (USA).
Papaver commutatum Fisch. Mey. & Trautv.
ENGLISH : Ladybird poppy.
FINNISH : Turkinunikko.
Papaver croceum Ledeb. var. rubro-aurantiacum M.
Pop. ->
nudicaule L. subsp. rubro-aurantiacum (DC.)
DANISH : Almindelig gærde-valmue, Gærdevalmue, Gærde-valmue.
DUTCH : Bleke klaproos, Kleine klaproos.
ENGLISH : Field poppy, Long-headed poppy, Longhead poppy, Long-haired poppy.
FINNISH : Ruisunikko.
FRENCH : Pavot douteux.
GERMAN : Saatmohn, Saat-Mohn.
ITALIAN : Papavero a clava.
NORWEGIAN : Brakkvalmue.
POLISH : Mak watpliwy (a of watpliwy should be "s" with an accent on top).
PORTUGUESE : Papoila-longa.
SPANISH : Ababol , Amapola, Amapola oblonga , Amapola silvestre, Rosella dúbia (Catalan), Rosillas.
SWEDISH : Rågvallmo, Åkervallmo.
Papaver dubium
L. subsp. dubium
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver apicigemmatum Fedde
SWEDISH : Vanlig rågvallmo.
Little distinction appears to be made between the common names for this subspecies and those for the species above.
Papaver dubium L.
subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver lecoqii Lamotte, Papaver albiflorum (Boiss.) Paczoski
ENGLISH : Babington's poppy, Yellow-juiced poppy.
SWEDISH : Blodvallmo.
glaucum Boiss. & Hausskn. ex Boiss.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver glaucum hort. ?
ENGLISH : Armenian tulip poppy, Tulip poppy, Syrian tulip poppy.
FINNISH : Tulppaaniunikko.
GERMAN : Tulpenmohn.
SWEDISH : Tulpanvallmo.
Papaver gorgoneum Cout.
ENGLISH : Cape Verde Islands poppy.
Papaver gorgoneum Cout. subsp. gorgoneum
ENGLISH : Cape Verde Islands poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot du Cape Vert.
PORTUGUESE : Papoila-de-Cabo-Verde, Papoula-de-Cabo-Verde (Brazil).
Papaver gorgoneum Cout. subsp. theresias J.W. Kadereit &
W. Lobin
PORTUGUESE : Papoila-Theresia.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver hispidum Lam.
DUTCH : Bastaard klaproos.
ENGLISH : Round prickly-headed poppy, Round-headed poppy, Rough poppy, Wild poppy.
FINNISH : Karvaunikko.
FRENCH : Pavot hybride.
GERMAN : Bastardmohn, Bastard-Mohn, Krummbortsiger Mohn.
ITALIAN : Papavero ibrido, Papavero spinoso.
POLISH : Mak mieszancowy (n has acute accent on top).
PORTUGUESE : Papoila-peluda.
SPANISH : Amapola híbrida, Amapola mestiza, Amapola triste, Rosella híspida (Catalan).
Papaver kerneri
POLISH : Mak Kernera, Mak skalny.
Papaver lateritium K. Koch
ENGLISH : Armenian poppy.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver croceum Ledeb. , Papaver miyabeanum Tatew. ex Miyabe & Tatew.
CHINESE : Ye ying su.
DUTCH : Klaproos.
ENGLISH : Iceland poppy, Icelandic poppy, Arctic poppy.
FINNISH : Siperianunikko, Islanninunikko.
FRENCH : Pavot d'Islande, Pavot nudicaule.
GERMAN : Altaischer Mohn (as P. croceum), Islandmohn, Islandsmohn, Island-Mohn, Isländischer Mohn, Nacktstengeliger Mohn (as P. croceum), Siberische Mohn.
NORWEGIAN : Dvergvalmue (as P. miyabeanum), Sibirvalmue.
POLISH : Mak nagolodygowy,
Mak islandski, Mak syberyjski, Maki islandzkie.
PORTUGUESE : Papoula ornamental.
SPANISH : Amapola de Islandia.
SWEDISH : Sibirisk vallmo.
Papaver nudicaule
L. subsp. amurense N. Busch
CHINESE : Hei shui ying
ENGLISH : Amur poppy.
nudicaule L.
subsp. rubro-aurantiacum (DC.)
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver croceum Ledeb. var. rubro-aurantiacum M. Pop.
CHINESE : Ju hong ying su,
Zang jin lian.
Papaver nudicaule
L. subsp.
rubro-aurantiacum (DC.) Fedde var. chinense (Regel) Fedde
CHINESE : Shan ying su,
Zang jin
ENGLISH : Chinese mountain poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot de montagne de Chine.
Papaver officinale Gmel.
GERMAN : Weisser Mohn.
POLISH : Mak ozdobny.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver bracteatum Lindl., Papaver grandiflorum Moench, Papaver orientale L. var. paucifoliatum Trautv., Papaver paucifoliatum (Trautv.) Fedde
CHINESE : Dong fang ying
DUTCH : Oosterse klaproos.
ENGLISH : Oriental poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot d'Orient, Pavot ornemental.
GERMAN : Türken-Mohn, Türkischer Mohn.
NORWEGIAN : Orientvalmue.
POLISH : Mak wschodni.
PORTUGUESE : Papoula oriental.
SPANISH : Amapola oriental.
SWEDISH : Orientvallmo.
Papaver orientale L. ' Türkenlouis'
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver orientale L. ' Turkish Delight'
ENGLISH : Oriental poppy 'Turkish Delight', Turkish Delight poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot d'Orient 'Türkenlouis', Pavot d'Orient 'Turkish Delight'.
Papaver pavoninum Schrenk
CHINESE : Hei huan ying
ENGLISH : Peacock poppy.
Papaver pilosum Sibth. & Sm.
ENGLISH : Hairy poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot poilu.
Papaver pinnatifidum Moris
ENGLISH : Mediterranean poppy.
Papaver pseudo-orientale (Fedde) Medw.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver bracteatum auct. , Papaver orientale auct., Papaver bracteatum auct. x Papaver orientale auct.
ENGLISH : Hybrid oriental poppy, Oriental poppy.
SWEDISH : Jättevallmo.
Is this a hybrid or not ?
Papaver pseudo-radicatum Kitag.
CHINESE : Shan ying su,
Bai shan ying su.
ENGLISH : Baishan poppy, Mountain poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot de montagne.
Papaver radicatum Rottb.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver nordhagenianum A. Löve
DANISH : Fjeld-valmue.
ENGLISH : Arctic poppy.
FINNISH : Tunturiunikko.
GERMAN : Gletschermohn.
NORWEGIAN : Dovrevalmue, Fjellvalmue.
SWEDISH : Fjällvalmo.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver atropurpureum Gilib. Papaver intermedium Becker,
ARABIC : Khashkhash bustânî,
CHINESE : Yu mei ren, Yu mei ren guo
CZECH : mák.
DANISH : Kornvalmue.
DUTCH : Klaproos.
ENGLISH : Common poppy, Common Red poppy, Corn poppy, Flanders poppy, Red poppy, Shirley poppy.
FINNISH : Silkkiunikko.
FRENCH : Coquelicot, Grand coquelicot , Pavot des champs, Pavot des moissons (Switzerland), Pavot rouge, Ponceau.
GERMAN : Feuer-Mohn, Klatschmohn, Klatsch-Mohn, Klatschrose, Kornrose, Wolder Mohn.
ITALIAN : Papagna, Papavero, Papavero comune, Papavero salvatico, Rosolaccio (Switzerland), Scattarola.
JAPANESE : Hinageshi.
Kae yang gwi
NORWEGIAN : Kornvalmue.
POLISH : Mak polny.
PORTUGUESE : Papoila, Papoila-ordinária, Papoula, Papoula comum.
RUSSIAN : Mak samoseika.
SPANISH : Ababol, Ababolera (Catalan), Amapola, Amapola común, , Gamapola, Rosillas.
SWEDISH : Kornvallmo.
Papaver rupifragum Boiss. & Reut.
ENGLISH : Spanish poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot d'Espagne.
rupifragum Boiss. & Reut. var. atlanticum (Ball) Maire
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver atlanticum Ball. ex Cosson
ENGLISH : Atlas poppy, Moroccan poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot de l'Atlantique ( as P. atalanticum), Pavot du Maroc.
AFRIKAANS : Opiumpapawer.
ARABIC : Afyun, Khashkhash aswad, Abou
en noum, Abu el noom (Egypt).
BURMESE : Bhainzi.
Ying su,
Ya pian.
CROATIAN : Vrtni mak.
CZECH : Mák sety.
DANISH : Birkes, Opiumvalmue (plant), Valmue frø (seeds).
DUTCH : Blauwmaanzaad, Maankop, Maanzaad, Slaapbol, Slaappapaver.
ENGLISH : Breadseed poppy, Edible-seeded poppy, Garden poppy, Medicinal poppy, White poppy, Opium poppy.
FINNISH : Uniko, Oopiumiunikko, Pioniunikko.
FRENCH : Oeillette, Pavot officinal, Pavot somnifère, Pavot à opium, Pavot de jardin.
GERMAN : Garten-Mohn, Gartenmohn, Mohn, Opiummohn, Schlafmohn, Schlaf-Mohn.
GREEK : Aphioni.
HEBREW : Parag tarbuti.
HINDI : Aphim (Afim),
Khashkhash (Kaskas), Post.
ICELANDIC : Valmúafræ.
ITALIAN : Papavero da oppio, Papavero domestico, Papavero sonnifero.
Yang gwi bi.
LAOTIAN : Za zang.
NORWEGIAN : Valmue, Opiumvalmue.
POLISH : Mak lekarski.
PORTUGUESE : Anfião, Dormideira, Dormideira-brava, Dormideira-das-boticas, Dormideira-dos-jardins, Papoula, Papoula do ópio.
RUSSIAN : Mak opiinyi (Mak opijnyj),
Mak snotvornyi.
SANSKRIT : Ahiphenam, Aphukam.
SPANISH : Adormidera, Amapola (Argentina), Amapola blanca, Amapola real, Herba dormidora (Catalan), Pintacoques (Catalan).
SWEDISH : Vallmo, Opievallmo, Opiumvallmo, Pionvallmo.
TURKISH : Hashhash.
URDU : Khashkhash.
Photographs of seeds & flowers, description (English / German) on Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages.
Papaver somniferum L. 'Hungarian Blue'
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver nigrum Bubani
CHINESE : Hei zi ying
ENGLISH : Slate-seeded poppy, Black-seeded poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot bleu, Pavot à graines bleues, Pavot bleu à graines comestibles, Pavot à graine grise bleutée.
Photograph at Aromatiques Tropicales.
Papaver somniferum L. 'White Persian'
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver album Mill., Papaver somniferum L. var. album DC.
CHINESE : Bai zi ying
ENGLISH : White-seeded poppy.
Papaver somniferum L. subsp. setigerum (DC.) Corb.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver somniferum L. subsp. setigerum (DC.) Arcangeli, Papaver setigerum DC.
CHINESE : Xiao hua ying
ENGLISH : Small-flowered opium poppy, Small opium poppy , Wild poppy.
FRENCH : Pavot porte-soie.
GERMAN : Borstenmohn.
somniferum L. subsp. somniferum
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver somniferum L. convar. somniferum, Papaver somniferum L. convar. nigrum (Hayne) Alef. , Papaver somniferum L. subsp. hortense (Hussenot) Corb.
ARABIC : Khashkhash
ENGLISH : Cultivated opium poppy, Mawseed.
Most names applied to the species are applicable to this subspecies.
Papaver somniferum L. subsp. songaricum Basil.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver glaucum Boiss. & Hausskn. subsp. indicum (Vess.) Rothm., Papaver somniferum L. subsp. indicum Vess.
Papaver strigosum (Boenn.) Schur.
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver rhoeas L. var. strigosum Koch.
FINNISH : Silosilkkiunikko.
POLISH : Mak przytulonowlosy.
In other languages this species / variety is ignored or not recognized, perhaps that these 2 names belong to the hybrid below.
Papaver x
strigosum (Boenn.) Schur. (pro sp.)
SYNONYM(S) : Papaver dubium L. x Papaver rhoeas L.
caboverde.com 2002, The Naturalist Page: Planta Endemicas e Arvores Indigenas de Cabo Verde. Instituto Nacional de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Agrário "Departamento Ciências do Ambiente" São Jorge dos Orgáos, República de Cabo Verde e Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)GmbH Cooperação Técnica Alemã. < http://www.caboverde.com/nature/plant-01.htm >.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://eurodic.echo.lu/cgi-bin/edicbin/EuroDicWWW.pl?page=expert > (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Latin with authority names)
Gotfredsen Erik, 2002, Liber Herbarum II, Den ukomplette reference-guide til plantemedicin - The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine.
Katzer Gernot, 2002, Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages. < http://www.uni-graz.at/~katzer/engl/spice_small.html > , Page on Papaver somniferum < http://www.uni-graz.at/~katzer/engl/Papa_som.html >.
Kerguélen Michel , 1999, Index Synonymique de la Flore de France. INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique). < http://www.inra.fr/flore-france/index.htm >.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Santiago Castroviejo Bolibar
(Dr.) et al. 1980 - 2004.
Flora Iberica. Plantas Vasculares de la Peninsula Iberica e Islas
Baleares. Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, Spain. <
http://www.rjb.csic.es/floraiberica/index.htm >.
USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?papaver (22 March 2001).
VASCULAR PLANTS OF POLAND - A Checklist Prof. Zbigniew Mirek, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lubicz, Kraków, POLAND. Supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research. Other contributors : Halina PIEKOS-MIRKOWA, Adam ZAJAC, Maria ZAJAC. < http://bobas.ib-pan.krakow.pl/czek/checkang.htm >
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
1. Regarding botanical names & synonyms. See Michel Kerguélen's Index Synonymique de la Flore de France at INRA. < http://www.inra.fr/flore-france/pa-pd.htm >.
2. Regarding the common name "poppy". See also Eschscholzia californica, Hylomec, Roemeria argemone (L.) C. Morales Torres, Mendoza Castellón & A.T. Romero García for other poppy names and Meconopsis for Blue poppy names. Search also John Wiersema's GRIN database for "poppy" at USDA - ARS. < http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/tax/taxgenform.html >.
Date created: 05 / 02 / 2002
Authorised by
Prof. Snow Barlow
Last modified: 01 / 08 / 2005
Access: No
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