Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
(Bed) (Braj) V (CRDP) (FAO) V (FDAM) (Flcyb) (GCW) (GRIN) V (IPNI) V (ISF) V (ISTA) (JA) V (JSent) V (LibHerb) (Mansf) V (MMPND) (Mrkv) (Nep) (Pan) V (PIER) (Prosea) (SavMark) (Smit) V (Soal) (SwedMus) (USDA) (Wang) V (W3Trop) (Yasu)
Artabotrys burmanicus R. Br. ex Ker Gawl.
BURMESE : Ngabye shin, Nyane, Ta daing hmwe.
THAI : นมชะนี Nom chani.
Artabotrys hainanensis R. E. Fries
Hai nan ying zhao hua,
Xia ban ying zhao
THAI : นมงัว Nom ngua.
Artabotrys hexapetalus
(L. f.) Bhandari
SYNONYM(S) : Annona hexapetala L. f., Artabotrys odoratissimus R. Br. ex Ker Gawl., Artabotrys unicatus (Lam.) Merr.
: Kathali champa, Kaanthaali chaanpaa (Kantali champa).
BURMESE : Kada ngan, Padat ngan, Tadaing hmwe.
CHINESE : Ying zhao hua,
Ying zhao lan.
ENGLISH : Bhandari vine (India), Climbing ilang ilang, Climbing ylang ylang, Tail grape, Ylang ylang vine.
FRENCH : Ilang-ilang grimpant, Liane ilang-ilang, Coq du Levant (PIER).
HINDI : Madmanti (as A. odoratissimus), Madanmast, Hari champa.
JAPANESE : Iraniran noki, Tsuru iraniran.
KANNADA : Kandaala sampige, Kandalisampage (as A. odoratissimus), Manoranjanballi (as A. odoratissimus), Manoranjini (Manorangini), Manoranjani hoo balli, , Manoranjini hoovu, Naaga champaka.
: Madanakameswari (as A. odoratissimus), Manoranjitam (as A. odoratissimus), Manoranjitam (as A. odoratissimus).
MARATHI : Hirvachampa.
RUSSIAN : Артаботрис Artabotris, Иланг-иланг
SANSKRIT : Hara champa, Harachampaka (as A.
odoratissimus), Madanah (as A. odoratissimus), Nilachampaka
(as A. odoratissimus), Phalasampenga (as A. odoratissimus).
TAMIL : Akkurotam (as A. odoratissimus), Antakam (as A. odoratissimus), Kanankay (as A. odoratissimus), Kulakayam (as A. odoratissimus), Kunarancitam (as A. odoratissimus), Makaticam (as A. odoratissimus), Mano ranjitam (as A. odoratissimus), Manoranjidam (as A. odoratissimus), Manorancitam (as A. odoratissimus), Manoranjitham, Matanakamappu (as A. odoratissimus), Tiga sampangi.
TELUGU : Manoranjidamu (as A. odoratissimus), Manoranjitam (as A. odoratissimus), Muddasampenga (as A. odoratissimus), Phala sampenga (as A. odoratissimus), Phalasampanga (as A. odoratissimus), Sakalaphala sampenga (as A. odoratissimus), Sakalaphalasampanga (as A. odoratissimus).
THAI : การเวก Karawek (Central Thailand), กระดังงาจีน Kradang nga chin, สะบันงาจีน Saban nga chin.
Photographs of plant & flowers at TopTropicals.com
Photographs of seeds at Semences DuPuy.com
Artabotrys hongkongensis Hance (Wang)
Xiang gang ying zhao hua,
Gang ying zhao hua.
Artabotrys intermedius Hassk. (Soal)
LAOTIAN : Kay son kouai (Soal), khua Nam kho (Soal).
odoratissimus R. Br. ex Ker
Gawl. (GRIN) -> Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.
f.) Bhandari
Artabotrys pilosus
Merr. & Chun (Wang)
Mao ye ying zhao hua.
Artabotrys siamensis Miq. (Smit)
BURMESE : Padat ngan.
THAI : การเวก Karawek (Central Thailand), กระดังงัว Kradang ngua, กระดังงาป่า Kradang nga pa, กระดังงาเถา Kradang nga thao,
หนามควายนอน Nam khwai non.
Artabotrys spinosus Craib (Smit)
THAI : Hua chum, นาวน้ำ Nao nam.
Artabotrys suaveolens (Blume) Blume (Prosea) (Smit)
BURMESE : Nga pye yin.
TAMIL : Manarancitam.
THAI : อากาไก้ Akakai (Malay translit.), Kai.
Porcher Michel H. et al. 1995 - 2020, Sorting Artabotrys Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database (M.M.P.N.D) - A Work in Progress. School of Agriculture and Food Systems. Faculty of Land & Food Resources. The University of Melbourne. Australia. < http://gmr.landfood.unimelb.edu.au/Plantnames/Sorting/Artabotrys.html > (2006).
Abasar, 2005, Flower of Kathali-Champa - Artabotrys, by Abasar - a Unit of Teachers' Medicare Benevolent Fund. < http://www.abasar.net/FlowerKaaThali-chMaapaa.htm >.
FRLHT, 2002 - 2005,
Encyclopedia on Indian Medicinal Plants - designed to provide access to FRLHT’s
multi-disciplinary database through structured queries. Foundation for
Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT). < http://encyclopedia.frlht.org.in
>. English, Arabic, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi,
Persian, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, and Urdu.
Myanmar Project, 2003 -
2006, Botanical Exploration in Myanmar Project (a collaborative effort
involving participants from the U.S. National Herbarium, the Forest
Department of Myanmar, and the University of Yangon), Checklist of the
Plants of Myanmar [From A
Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Climbers of Myanmar.
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Volume
45: 1-590.]. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. < http://persoon.si.edu/myanmar/searches/ >. Botanical Latin, Romanised Burmese.
Smitinand Tem, 2001, Thai Plant Names - Revised Edition by The Forest Herbarium - Royal Forest Department. Bangkok. Thailand. (Smit)
SOUK-ALOUN Phou Ngeun (Dr.), 2004, Pharmacopée Végétale Lao. < http://perso.wanadoo.fr/laos/phyt.htm >. (Soal)
Space Jim (Project Leader & Editor) et al. 2003, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry. Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk Project (PIER). Plant Threats to Pacific Ecosystems. Version 4.0 (1 March 2003). < http://www.hear.org/pier/biglist.htm >. (PIER)
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?artabotrys (05 August 2004). (GRIN)
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Artabotrys odoratissimus R. Br. ex Ker Gawl. is sometimes confused with the closely related Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thomson / Canangium odoratum (Lam.) Baill. ex King. They may perhaps eventually be considered synonyms but it is a little early to list them as such.
The French name given by the PIER project to this plant is " Coq du Levant" or "Coque du Levant", suggesting doubt, for both cannot be correct. It almost makes some sense but an epithet may be missing. The Chinese call the same plant "Eagle-claws-flower". This is fitted. We think " Liane ilang-ilang" or "Ilang-ilang grimpant" (Climbing ilang-ilang) would be better, provided that "Ilang-Ilang" refers to the plant (not always clear). These 2 names would help differenciating between the tree "ilang-ilang" Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thomson and Artabotrys which is a climber or a runner.
Date created: 28 / 07 / 2004
Last modified: 01 / 02 /
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2020, I.L.F.R. - The
University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher, E-Mail