Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
SYNONYM(S) : Cyperus esculentus L. var. sativus Boeck., Cyperus melinorhizus Delile, Cyperus tuberosus Pursh., Pycreus esculentus (L.) Hayek.
CHINESE : You sha cao,
You sha dou.
DANISH : Chufanød, Fladaks, Jordmandler.
DUTCH : Aardamandel, Tijgernoten.
ENGLISH : Earth-almond, Rushnut (USA), Ground almond, Tigernut , Yellow nut-grass (USA), Yellow nutsedge, Yellow nut-sedge (USA), Yellow nut sedge, Water-grass (USA), Zulu nut.
FINNISH : Maakastanja.
FRENCH : Amande de terre, Choufa, Gland de terre, Noix tigrée, Souchet comestible, Souchet rampant, Souchet-sultan, Souchet tracant.
GERMAN : Chufanuß, Erdmandel, Erdmandelgras, Eßbares Zypergras.
ITALIAN : Cipero dolce, Zigolo dolce, Zizzola terrestre.
Ki hamasuge,
NEPALESE : Kashuur.
POLISH : Awaiting feedback.
PORTUGUESE : Chufa, Juncinha, Junquinha mansa.
RUSSIAN : Awaiting feedback.
SPANISH : Cebollín, Chufa, Juncia avellanada, Tubérculo de chufa.
SWEDISH : Mandelsäv, Jordmandel.
THAI : Haeo chin, Haeo thai (Central Thailand), Ma niao (Northern Thailand).
Photographs of tubers (close-up) and freshly harvested plants at Pépinière Aromatiques Tropicales.
Photograph 2 of tubers (close-up).
Cyperus glaber
ITALIAN : Zigolo glabro.
Cyperus longus
SYNONYM(S) : Cyperus brachystachys Presl. , Cyperus fenzelianus Steud., Cyperus loadius Desf., Cyperus longus Brot.
DANISH : Fladaks.
ENGLISH : English galingale, Sweet cyperus,Sweet galingale.
FRENCH : Souchet long , Souchet odorant
GERMAN : Hohes Zypergras, Langes Zypergras
ITALIAN : Zigolo comune.
SPANISH : Juncia olorosa
Cyperus papyrus L.
SYNONYM(S) : Papyrus
antiquorum Willd.
ARABIC : بردي
CHINESE : 纸莎草.
DANISH : Papyrusfladaks.
DUTCH : Papirus.
ENGLISH : Bulrushes, Egyptian paper plant, Egyptian paper reed, Egyptian papyrus, Mediterranean sedge, Paper reed,
FINNISH : Papyruskaisla.
FRENCH : Jonc du nil, Papyrus, Plante à papier du Nil, Papyrus du Nil, Souchet à
papier, Souchet du Nil.
GERMAN : Papyrusstaude, Papyrus-Zypergras.
ITALIAN : Papiro.
JAPANESE : パピルス Papirusu.
KOREAN : 파피루스 Pa pi ru su, P'a p'i ru
NEPALESE : Guda mothe, Kagat mothe.
RUSSIAN : Циперус папирус.
SPANISH : Papiro.
SWEDISH : Papperssäv, Papyrus.
THAI : Kok i yip (Bangkok).
SYNONYM(S) : Cyperus aequalis Vahl, Cyperus esculentus Drege & E. Meyer, Cyperus isocladus Kunth., Cyperus papyroides Poir.
ENGLISH : Dwarf papyrus, Miniature cyperus, Miniature flatsedge, Miniature papyrus.
Photograph by Erv Evans at NC State University.
SYNONYM(S) : Cyperus olivaris Targioni-Tozzetti, Cyperus tuberosus Roxn., Pycreus rotundus (L.) Hayek
CHINESE : Suo cao, Xiang fu zi.
ENGLISH : Brown nut sedge, Coco-grass, Nut sedge, Nut-grass, Purple nut sedge, Red nut sedge.
FRENCH : Herbe-à-oignon, Souchet à tubercules, Souchet rond.
GERMAN : Rundes Zypergras.
ITALIAN : Zigolo infestante.
JAPANESE : Hamasuge.
SPANISH : Castañuela, Coquito, Juncia.
THAI : Ya haeo mu (Central Thailand), Ya khon mu.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/login.jsp >.
Gasquez J., Lonchamp J. P., et al., 1996 - 2000, Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie - INRA-Dijon. HYpermédia pour la Protection des Plantes - Adventices - (HYPPA) & HYpermedia for Plant Protection - Weeds (Internet version of the weed section of the HYPP© CDROM). HYPP© 1996 est une coédition INRA-ACTA. Catalogues the main weeds (580) of western Europe. < http://www.dijon.inra.fr/malherbo/hyppa/hyppa-a/hyppa_a.htm >.
IPNI, 2003, International Plant Name Index. Online Database. < http://www.ipni.org/ >.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
USDA, ARS, 2002, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?cyperus (02 April 2000).
Wang Zongxun et al. 1996, A New Latin, Chinese, English Botanical Nomenclature. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Aviation Industry Publisher, Beijing.
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Date created: 14 / 04 / 2003
Authorised by
Prof. Roger Cousens
Last modified: 08 / 09 / 2005
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