Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
ARABIC : Mâzaryûn 'arîd el waraq.
ENGLISH : Alpine daphne.
ESTONIAN : Alpi näsiniin.
FRENCH : Daphné des Alpes, Thymélée des Alpes.
GERMAN : Alpen-Seidelbast, Weisser seidelbast.
ITALIAN : Dafne collina, Laureola dell' Alpi, Olivella alpina.
TURKISH : Dagh mazaryun agh.
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne calcicola W. W. Smith, Wikstroemia aurantiaca (Diels) Domke, Wikstroemia calcicola (W. W. Smith) Domke
Cheng hua rui xiang.
FRENCH : Daphné de Chine.
Daphne bholua Buch.- Ham. ex D. Don.
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne cannabina Wall.p.p.
hua rui xiang.
ENGLISH : Lokta plant.
NEPALESE : Argale, Argayle (Bhutan), Kagate
Kaagate paate
(Kagat pate),
(Dzongkha - Bhutan), Shogo shing (Sharchopkha - Bhutan), Shugu shing
(Sharchopkha - Bhutan).
SYNONYM(S) : Funifera brasiliensis (Raddi) Mansf., Funifera brasiliensis (Ruddi) Weol. , Funifera utilis Leand. ex C.A. Mey., Lagetta funifera Mart. & Zucc., Neesia daphnoides Mart. ex Meissn.
PORTUGUESE : Imbira-branca
ENGLISH : Caucasian daphne.
GERMAN : Kaukasische Seidelbast.
FRENCH : Daphné du Caucase.
RUSSIAN : Дафна кавказская Dafna kavkazskaia.
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne odorata Lam., Thymelaea cneorum Scop.
ARABIC : Khâmâlyâ.
CHINESE : 欧洲瑞香 Ou zhou rui xiang.
ENGLISH : Garland flower, Garland flower daphne.
FRENCH : Camélée des Alpes, Daphné camélée, Lauréole odorante, Petite thymelée, Thymélée des Alpes.
GERMAN : Rosmarinseidelbast.
ITALIAN : Laureola nana, Laureola odorosa, Timelea odorosa.
Tawane kuneoorumu.
SPANISH : Almecerón, Almezerión, Camelea,. Mecereón, Olivilla, Torvisco de los pirineos.
TURKISH : Kokulu defne.
SYNONYM(S) : Stellera mairei Lecomte, Wikstroemia mairei (Lecomte) Domke
dong rui xiang.
CHINESE : 芫花 Yuan hua.
ESTONIAN : Korea näsiniin.
ENGLISH : Lilac daphne.
CHINESE : 黄瑞香 Huang rui xiang.
ESTONIAN : Giraldi näsiniin.
FRENCH : Daphné de Chine.
Daphne gnidium L.
SYNONYM(S) : Thymelaea hirsuta Endl.
ARABIC : Mathnân.
DANISH : Topblomstret
ENGLISH : Gnidium, Spurge flax.
FRENCH : Daphné garou, Garou, Sain-bois, Sainbois, Saint bois, Thymelée.
GERMAN : Herbst-Seidelbast, Purgierstrauch, Rispenblütiger seidelbast.
ITALIAN : Barbosa, Cavolo di lupo, Dittinella, Laureola lupina, Legno santo, Olivastro.
SPANISH : Adelfilla, Baladre, Rosa de dafne, Torvisca, Torvisco, Trovisco.
TURKISH : Beyneb fidan1, Kurd baghr1, Mazari yoniye.
Daphne involucrata Wall.
SYNONYM(S) : Eriosolena composita (L. f.) Tiegh
FRENCH : Daphné de l'Himalaya.
NEPALESE : Argaule (Bhutan),
Bimbiri (Bhutan), Chhota (Bhutan), Saano aryaulii (Sano aryauli), Seti barwal
Possibly a synonym of Edgeworthia
involucrata (Wall.) Van
SPANISH : Torvisco de las Antillas.
Daphne laureola L.
ENGLISH : Dwarf bay, Spurge laurel.
ESTONIAN : Loorber-näsiniin.
FRENCH : Auréole, Daphné lauréole, Laurier des anglais, Laurier des bois, Laurier épurge, Laurier purgatif.
GERMAN : Immergrüner seidelbast, Lorbeerseidelbast.
ITALIAN : Dafne laurella, Laureola, Laureola comune, Laureola maschio.
SPANISH : Adelfilla, Laureola
SWEDISH : Lagertibast.
TURKISH : Mazaryon.
Daphne ludlowii L.
FRENCH : Daphné de l'Himalaya.
Daphne mezereum L.
SYNONYM(S) : Mezereum officinal C.A.M., Thymelaea mezereum Scop., Thymelaea praecox Gilib.
CHINESE : 欧亚瑞香 Ou ya rui xiang.
ENGLISH : Dwarf laurel, February daphne, Flax olive, Mezereon, Paradise plant, Spurge daphne, Spurge laurel, Spurge olive, Tintorell.
ESTONIAN : Harilik näsiniin.
FRENCH : Bois gentil, Bois joli, Daphné bois-gentil, Daphné joli-bois , Daphné mézéréon, Faux Garou, Lauréole femelle, Lauréole jolie.
GERMAN : Echter seidelbast, Kellerbalz, Seidelbast.
ITALIAN : Erba cativa, Laureola femmina, Laureola gentile, Legno gentile , Mezereon.
JAPANESE : セイヨウオニシバリ.
RUSSIAN : Волчеягодник обыкновенный Волчеягодник смертельный.
SPANISH : Hoja de San Pedro, Lauréola hembra, Leño gentil, Matacabras, Matapollo, Mecereo, Mecéreo, Mecerón, Mezereo, Mezereón, Olivareta, Torvisco.
SWEDISH : Tibast.
TURKISH : Ghulupa, Mazaryon agh.
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne japonica Thunb., Daphne mazeli Carriere, Daphne odora Thunb. var. mazeli (Carriere) Hemsley, Daphne triflora Lour.
CHINESE : 瑞香 Rui xiang.
ENGLISH : Fragrant daphne, Winter daphne.
ESTONIAN : Lõhnav näsiniin .
FRENCH : Daphné d ' hiver.
JAPANESE : Jinchouge.
SPANISH : Dafne de invierno.
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne buxifolia Sibth. & Smith., Daphne glandulosa Bertol., Daphne glandulosa Spreng., Daphne lucida Loisel., Daphne mucronata Royle
ENGLISH : Spurge olive.
ESTONIAN : Olipuulaadne näsiniin.
FRENCH : Camelée faux olivier, Daphné faux olivier.
ITALIAN : Dafne olivella, Dafne spatolata, Olivella.
Daphne papyracea Wall. ex Steud.
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne cannabina Wall., pro parte, Daphne cannabina Lour. ex Wall., nom. illeg., Daphne odora Don. non Thunb. Daphne papyrifera Siebold., pro parte,
ARABIC : Dafnah qinnâbî (as D. cannabina).
CHINESE : Xue hua gou.
ENGLISH : Indian paper plant, Indian paper tree, Nepali paper plant.
ESTONIAN : Kanep-näsiniin (as D. cannabina).
FRENCH : Lauréole chanvreux (as D. cannabina).
GERMAN : Hanfseidelbast (as D. cannabina).
ITALIAN : Dafne del Ceylan (as D. cannabina).
NEPALESE : Baruvaa,
Mahadevka phul,
kaagaj (Nepali kagaj).
SPANISH : Dafne de Ceilán.
TURKISH : Hind defnesi (as D. cannabina), Kenevir defnesi (as D. cannabina).
Photograph of flowers at AsianFlora.com
Daphne papyracea Wall. ex Steud. var. crassiuscula Rehd.
CHINESE : Mao hua xue hua gou.
Daphne retusa Hemsl. -> Daphne tangutica Maxim.
CHINESE : Dong bei rui xiang.
JAPANESE : オニシバリ Oni shibari .
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne
jezoensis Maxim.
JAPANESE : チョウセンナニワズ, ジンチョウゲ,
SYNONYM(S) : Stellera diffusa Lecomte, Wikstroemia clivicola (Handel-Mazzetti) Domke, Wikstroemia diffusa (Lecomte) Domke , Wikstroemia lecomteana Domke
CHINESE : Hua rui xiang.
ENGLISH : Rosemary-leaved
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne collina Smith
ESTONIAN : Küngas-näsiniin.
Daphne sureil A. W. Sm. &
FRENCH : Daphné de l'Himalaya.
NEPALESE : Argale, Argayle (Bhutan), Bhale
(Bhutan), Kagate (Bhutan).
SYNONYM(S) : Daphne retusa Hemsl., Daphne tangutica Maxim. var. retusa (Hemsl.) H. F. Chow
CHINESE : 凹叶瑞香 Ao ye rui xiang (as D. retusa) , 甘肃瑞香 Gan su rui xiang, 陕甘瑞香 Shan gan rui xiang.
FRENCH : Daphné de Chine, Daphné de
Daphne tartonraira L.
SYNONYM(S) : Thymelaea tartonraira L.
ARABIC : Karad.
FRENCH : Herbe terrible.
GERMAN : Tartonraire.
ITALIAN : Laureola bianca.
TURKISH : Y1rticilan otu, Kuduz otu.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/login.jsp >.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
USDA, ARS, 2002, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?daphne (02 August 2004).
Wang Zongxun et al. 1996, A New Latin, Chinese, English Botanical Nomenclature. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Aviation Industry Publisher, Beijing.
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
Nobody dares to name Daphne papyracea Wall. ex Steud. (Papery daphne) as a synonym of Daphne papyrifera Sieb. Is it by accident ? or is there a real difference between the 2 plants ? IPNI come close by citing Daphne papyrifera Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn. as a synonym of Daphne papyracea Wall. ex Steud. while they place Daphne papyrifera Siebold as a synonym of Edgeworthia chrysantha Lindl.
The synonymy of the following appears obvious at first glance. After careful examination however it seems that there is a bushy plant with one species from the Himalayan region (Edgeworthia) and one "small tree" from China - Taiwan (Tetrapanax). It is likely that there are 2 groups of synonyms referring to 2 different plants. Perhaps 3 groups are involved ? Certainly Tetrapanax is distinguished from others in the sense that the pith of its stems is used to make paper as opposed to the bark fiber of other paper plants.
Date created: 10 / 04 / 2002
Authorised by Prof. Roger Cousens
Last modified: 20 / 05 / 2006
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