Sorting Amaranthus names
Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
- Amaranthus albus L.
- Amaranthus ascendens Loisel -> Amaranthus
blitum L.
- Amaranthus ascendens
Lois. var. oleraceus (L.)
Priszter -> Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. oleraceus
(L.) Costea
- Amaranthus blitoides S.
- Amaranthus blitum L.
- Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. oleraceus (L.) Costea
- Amaranthus blitum L. var. oleraceus (L.) Hook.
f. -> Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. oleraceus
(L.) Costea
- Amaranthus cannabinus
(L.) J. D. Sauer
- Amaranthus caudatus L.
- Amaranthus caudatus L.
subsp. mantegazzianus (Pass.)
Hanelt -> Amaranthus caudatus L.
- Amaranthus cruentus L.
- Amaranthus
dubius Mart. ex Thell.
- Amaranthus edulis
Speg. -> Amaranthus
caudatus L.
- Amaranthus frumentacea Buch.-Ham.
-> Amaranthus
hypochondriacus L.
- Amaranthus gangeticus
L. -> Amaranthus
tricolor L.
- Amaranthus gracilis
Desf., nom. nud. -> Amaranthus
viridis L.
- Amaranthus graecizans L.
- Amaranthus graecizans
auct., non L. -> Amaranthus
blitoides S. Watson
- Amaranthus hybridus L.
- Amaranthus hybridus L.
subsp. cruentus (L.) Thell.
-> Amaranthus cruentus
- Amaranthus hybridus L.
var. cruentus (L.) Moq. -> Amaranthus cruentus L.
- Amaranthus hybridus L.
var. erythrostachys Moq.
-> Amaranthus
hypochondriacus L.
- Amaranthus hybridus L.
var. hypochondriacus (L.) B.
L. Rob. -> Amaranthus
hypochondriacus L.
- Amaranthus hybridus L.
var. paniculatus (L.)
Thell. -> Amaranthus
cruentus L.
- Amaranthus hypochondriacus
- Amaranthus leucocarpus S.
Watson -> Amaranthus
hypochondriacus L.
- Amaranthus leucospermus S. Watson
-> Amaranthus
hypochondriacus L.
- Amaranthus lividus L. -> Amaranthus
blitum L. subsp. oleraceus (L.) Costea
- Amaranthus lividus L.
convar. ascendens (Lois.)
Thell. ->
Amaranthus blitum L.
- Amaranthus lividus L.
convar. oleraceus (L.)
Thell. -> Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. oleraceus
(L.) Costea
- Amaranthus lividus L.
var. ascendens (Lois.)
Thell. -> Amaranthus blitum L.
- Amaranthus mantegazzianus
Pass. -> Amaranthus
caudatus L.
- Amaranthus oleraceus L. -> Amaranthus
blitum L. subsp. oleraceus (L.) Costea
- Amaranthus paniculatus L. -> Amaranthus cruentus L.
- Amaranthus polystachyus
Willd. -> Amaranthus
viridis L.
- Amaranthus retroflexus L.
- Amaranthus sanguineus L. ->
-> Amaranthus cruentus
- Amaranthus spinosus L.
- Amaranthus tricolor L.
- Amaranthus tristis
Moq. -> Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell.
- Amaranthus viridis L.
Note on French names.
Amaranthus albus
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus
graecizans L.
CHINESE : 白苋 Bai xian.
DANISH : Hvid amarant.
ENGLISH : Tumble pigweed, Tumbleweed, White amaranth, White
FINNISH : Valkorevonhäntä.
FRENCH : Amarante blanche.
GERMAN : Weißer Amarant, Weißer Fuchsschwanz.
GREEK : Άσπρο βλήτο Aspro
ITALIAN : Amaranto bianco.
JAPANESE : ヒメシロビユ Hime shiro byu.
NORWEGIAN : Kvitamarant.
PORTUGUESE : Bredos-brancos.
Щирица белая Shchiritsa belaia.
SPANISH : Amaranto blanco, Bledo blanco (Mexico)..
SWEDISH : Vit amarant.
Amaranthus blitoides
S. Watson
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus
graecizans auct., non L.
CHINESE : Bei mei xian.
ENGLISH : Mat amaranth , Prostrate amaranth, Prostrate pigweed.
FINNISH : Lusikkarevonhäntä.
FRENCH : Amarante à feuilles marginées, Amarante basse, Amarante
charnue, Amarante couchée, Amarante étalée, Amarante fausse blette,
Amarante fausse blite.
GERMAN : Niederliegender Amarant, Westamerikanischer
GREEK : Πλαγιαστό βλήτο
Plagiasto vlito.
HEBREW : יַרְבּוּז שָׂרוּעַ
Yarbuz sarua'.
ITALIAN : Amaranto blitoide.
PORTUGUESE : Erva-aranha.
SPANISH : Amaranto, Bledo rojo (Mexico).
SWEDISH : Skedamarant.
Amaranthus blitum
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus ascendens Loisel., Amaranthus lividus L. convar. ascendens (Lois.) Thell., Amaranthus lividus L. var. ascendens (Lois.) Thell.
CHINESE : 凹头苋 Ao tou xian.
DANISH : Plet-Amarant.
ENGLISH : Guernsey pigweed, Livid amaranth, Purple
amaranth, Slender amaranth.
FINNISH : Kohenevarevonhäntä.
FRENCH : Amarante blette, Amarante violette, Pariétaire
GERMAN : Aufsteigender Amarant, Aufsteigender Fuchsschwanz.
ITALIAN : Blito.
JAPANESE : イヌビユ Inu byu.
NORWEGIAN : Blyamarant.
SPANISH : Amaranto ascendente, Bledo.
SWEDISH : Mållamarant.
Amaranthus blitum
L. subsp. oleraceus (L.) Costea
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus
ascendens Lois. var. oleraceus
(L.) Priszter, Amaranthus lividus
L. convar. oleraceus (L.)
Thell., Amaranthus blitum L. var. oleraceus (L.)
Hook. f., Amaranthus lividus L., Amaranthus
oleraceus L.
FRENCH : Amarante livide, Amarante oléracée, Brède à grandes
feuilles, Pariétaire chinois (Reunion).
GERMAN : Grünlicher Amarant, Grünlicher Fuchsschwanz.
ITALIAN : Amaranto livido.
JAPANESE : アマランツス・リビヅス・オ
レラセウス Amarantsusu ribijisu oreraseusu.
POLISH : Szarłat siny (as A. lividus).
SLOVENIAN : Zelenkasti ščir.
SPANISH : Bledo lívido (Mexico),
Bledo rojo.
THAI : ผักขม Phak khom (as A.
Amaranthus cannabinus
(L.) J. D. Sauer
: Acnida cannabina L.
ENGLISH : Hemp amaranth, Saltmarsh
waterhemp, Tidalmarsh amaranth, Tidal-marsh water-hemp, Waterhemp
Amaranthus caudatus
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus caudatus L. subsp. mantegazzianus
(Pass.) ined., Amaranthus edulis
Speg., Amaranthus mantegazzianus
ARABIC : قطيفة الذيل
Awaiting feedback , ذيل
Awaiting feedback , قطيفة
ذيلية Awaiting feedback.
CHINESE : 紅莧菜 Hong xian cai
(Taiwan), 尾穗苋 Wei sui
xian, 老枪谷 Lao
qiang gu, 老鎗殼 Lao qiang ke (Taiwan).
DANISH : Rævehale-amarant.
ENGLISH : Foxtail amaranth, Inca wheat, Love-lies-bleeding,
FINNISH : Punarevonhäntä.
FRENCH : Amarante caudée, Amarante queue-de-renard.
GERMAN : Fuchsschwanz, Gartenfuchsschwanz, Inkaweizen.
Raamadaanaa (Ramdana).
ITALIAN : Amaranto coda rossa.
JAPANESE : ヒモゲイトウ
Himo geitou, センニンコク Sennin koku.
MALAY : Bayam ekor kucing (Indonesia), Bayam selaseh.
PERSIAN : Awaiting
POLISH : Szarlat zwisly.
PORTUGUESE : Cauda-de-raposa, Moncos-de-Peru.
RUSSIAN : Щирица хвостатая Shiritsa
SINHALESE : Rana tampala.
SLOVENIAN : Repati ščir.
SPANISH : Achita (Peru), Achis (Peru), Amaranto, Bledo
francés, Coimi (Peru), Cola de zorro, Coyo, Cuipa (Peru),
Jataco, Kiwicha (Peru), Moco de pavo, Qamaya, Quilete, Quinoa del valle
(Argentina), Sangoracha, Trigo del Inca.
SWEDISH : Rävsvans.
THAI : ผักขมใบแดง Phak
khom bai daeng.
VIETNAMESE : Dền đuôi ngấn,
Dền đuôi chồn ?
of white seeds (magnified) on Mansfeld Database site (IPK Gatersleben).
of red seeds (magnified) on Mansfeld Database site (IPK
caudatus L. var. atropurpureus
hort. -> Amaranthus
caudatus L.
Amaranthus cruentus
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus hybridus
L. subsp. cruentus (L.)
Thell., Amaranthus hybridus
L. var. paniculatus (L.)
Thell., Amaranthus paniculatus L., Amaranthus sanguineus L.
CHINESE : 老鸦谷 Lao ya gu, 繁
穗苋 Fan sui xian (as A. paniculatus).
ENGLISH : African spinach, Blood amaranth, Grain amaranth,
Mexican grain amaranth, Red amaranth, Purple amaranth.
FINNISH : Vaihtelevarevonhäntä.
FRENCH : Amarante paniculée, Epinard du Soudan.
GERMAN : Fuchsschwanz, Rispen-Fuchsschwanz.
HINDI : Chuamarsa, Ganhar, Rajgeera.
HEBREW : יַרְבּוּז יְרֹק-שִׁבֹּלֶת
Yarbuz yerok-shibbolet.
ITALIAN : Amaranto cruento, Amaranto rosso.
JAPANESE : スギモリゲイトウ
Sugimori geitou.
PORTUGUESE : Amarantos-a-grãos, Caruru-roxo.
Щирица гибридная Shchiritsa gibridnaia,
Щирица метельчатая Shchiritsa
SANSKRIT : Rahadri (as A. paniculatus).
SLOVENIAN : Izrodni ščir, Košati ščir.
SPANISH : Bledo (Mexico).
SWEDISH : Blodamarant.
TAMIL : Mulai kkirai, Mullukkirai.
Cultivars of grain amaranths : Alegria, Chihuahuan,
Hopi, Mexican White, Southern.
Amaranthus dubius
Mart. ex Thell.
Amaranthus tristis Moq.
FRENCH : Brède malabar piquant , Epinard piquant,
Pariétaire piquant *, Pariétaire rouge (as A.
HINDI : Khada sag,
MALAY : Bayam bhaji.
Щирица сомнительная Shchiritsa somnitel'naia.
SPANISH : Bledos malezas, Pira.
Amaranthus graecizans
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus
blitum auct., non L., Amaranthus
angustifolia Lam., Amaranthus
angustifolia Lam. var. silvester
Thell., Amaranthus angustifolia
Lam. var. silvestris (Vill.)
Thell., Amaranthus angustifolius
Lam. var. graecizans (L.)
Thell., Amaranthus graecizans
L. subsp. silvestris (Vill.)
Brenan, Amaranthus graecizans
L. var. silvestris (Vill.)
Asch., Amaranthus sylvestris
ENGLISH : Mediterranean amaranth, Prostrate pigweed, Spreading
pigweed, Tumbleweed, White pigweed.
FRENCH : Amarante africaine.
GERMAN : Griechischer Amarant.
SPANISH : Amaranto de hojas estrechas, Bledo.
Amaranthus hybridus
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus
chlorostachys auct., Amaranthus incurvatus Timeroy ex Gren.
& Godr., Amaranthus patulus Bertol.
CHINESE : 绿穗苋 Lü sui xian,
Tai wan xian.
DANISH: Top-amarant.
ENGLISH : Green amaranth, Pigweed, Slim amaranth, Smooth amaranth.
FINNISH : Tummarevonhäntä.
FRENCH : Amarante hybride, Amarante verte, Brède malabar
(Reunion) *.
GERMAN : Ausgebreiteter Fuchsschwanz, Bastardamarant,
Bastardfuchsschwanz, Grünähriger Fuchsschwanz .
JAPANESE : ホナガアオゲイトウ Honaka
ao geitou.
NORWEGIAN : Toppamarant.
SPANISH : Quelite (Mexico).
SWEDISH : Grönamarant.
VIETNAMESE : Dền đuôi chồn ?
hypochondriacus L.
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus
frumentacea Buch.-Ham., Amaranthus leucocarpus S. Watson, Amaranthus leucospermus S. Watson
CHINESE : 千穗苋 Qian sui gu.
ENGLISH : Prince's feather amaranth.
GERMAN : Grünähriger Fuchsschwanz, Roter Fuchsschwanz,
HINDI : Chua,
(Ramdana), Rajgeera.
ITALIAN : Amaranto a spiga verde.
JAPANESE : アマランツス・ヒポコンドリアツス
Amarantsusu hipokondoriatsusu.
PORTUGUESE : Amarantos-a-grãos.
SPANISH : Alegría (Mexico), Bledo (Mexico), Huantli (Aztec -
A. hypochondriacus x A.
hybridus 'Guarijio'
Amaranthus muricatus
(Mocq.) Hicken
PORTUGUESE : Bredo-da-golegã.
Amaranthus retroflexus
CHINESE : 反枝苋 Fan
zhi xian.
DANISH : Opret Amarant.
DUTCH : Papegaaienkruid.
ENGLISH : Redroot, Redroot amaranth, Redroot
pigweed, Rough pigweed, Wild beet amaranth.
FINNISH : Vihreä revonhäntä.
FRENCH : Amarante réfléchie.
GERMAN : Ackerfuchsschwanz, Bogen-Fuchsschwanz, Gekruemmter
Fuchsschwanz, Krummer
Fuchsschwanz, Rauhhaariger Amarant, Rauhhaariger Fuchsschwanz ,
Zurückgekrümmter, Zurückgekrümmter Fuchsschwanz.
GREEK : Τραχύ βλήτο
Trachy vlito.
HEBREW : יַרְבּוּז מֻפְשָׁל
Yarbuz mufshal.
ITALIAN : Amaranto comune, Biedone.
JAPANESE : アオゲイトウ Ao
NORWEGIAN : Duskamarant.
POLISH : Szarłat szorstki.
PORTUGUESE : Caruru gigante (Brazil), Moncos-de-Peru.
SLOVENIAN : Srhkodlakavi ščir.
SPANISH : Amaranto común.
SWEDISH : Svinamarant.
Amaranthus spinosus
CHINESE : 刺苋 Ci xian, 刺莧
ENGLISH : Prickly amaranth, Spiny amaranth, Thorny amaranth,
Thorny pigweed.
FINNISH : Piikkirevonhäntä.
FRENCH : Amarante épineuse, Epinard cochon, Epinard piquant,
Pariétaire piquant *.
GERMAN : Dorniger Fuchsschwanz, Malabarspinat.
HINDI : Chaulai bhaji, Cholai, Kateli, Katemath.
JAPANESE : ハリビユ Hari byu.
NORWEGIAN : Tornamarant.
SANSKRIT : Tanduliya, Tanduliyah.
SPANISH : Bledo espinoso, Espinaca de Malabar,
Quelite espinoso (Mexico).
SWEDISH : Taggamarant.
TAMIL : Mullikkirai, Mullukkirai.
THAI : ผักขมหนาม Phak khom
Amaranthus tricolor
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus
gangeticus L.
CHINESE : 紅莧 Hong xian
(Taiwan), 苋 Xian, 雁
來紅 (Taiwan).
DANISH : Papegøjeamarant.
ENGLISH : Chinese amaranth, Chinese spinach, Joseph's
coat, Summer-poinsettia, Tampala.
FRENCH : Amarante comestible, Amarante de gange, Amarante
du gange, Amarante tricolore, Pariétaire noire *, Pariétaire sauvage.
GERMAN : Chinesischer Salat, Dreifarbiger
Fuchsschwanz, Gemüseamarant, Surinamesischer Fuchsschwanz.
Chaulaai (Chaulai), Chauli, Chavleri, Lal bhaji, Lal sag, Rajgeera,
Rajgira, Rajkiri.
JAPANESE : ハゲイトウ Ha
geitou ガンライコウ Ganraikou.
PORTUGUESE : Amarantos, Amarantos a folhas, Carurú,
Espinafre africano.
RUSSIAN : Амарант трехцветный Amarant
trekhtsvetnyi, Щирица трехцветная
Shiritsa trekhtsvetnaia.
SANSKRIT : Ariki sira (as A. gangeticus).
: Amaranto, Moco de pavo.
TAMIL : Cerikkirai, Cirukirai, Thandukkeerai.
THAI : ผักขมสวน Phak khom
VIETNAMESE : Dền canh, Dền tía.
Amaranthus tricolor
L. 'All Red'
at Evergreen Seeds.
Amaranthus tricolor
L. 'Elephant Head'
: Amaranthus gangeticus
L. 'Elephant Head'
ENGLISH : Black-seeded ornamental amaranth,
Purple-red-flowered ornamental amaranth.
Amaranthus tricolor
L. 'Red Leaf'
at Evergreen seeds.
Amaranthus viridis
SYNONYM(S) : Amaranthus
gracilis Desf., nom. nud., Amaranthus
polystachyus Willd.
CHINESE : 皱果苋 Zhou guo xian.
ENGLISH : Green amaranth, Pigweed, Slender amaranth.
FRENCH : Amarante verte.
GERMAN : Grüner Amarant.
GREEK : Λεπτό βλήτο
Depto vlito.
HINDI : Jangali chaulai.
JAPANESE : アオビユ Aobyu , ホ
ナガイヌビユ Honaga inu byu.
MALAY : Bayan hedjo.
SANSKRIT : Gandira, Tanduliya.
SPANISH : Bledo, Quelite verd (Mexico).
TAMIL : Vakucakkirai.
THAI : ผักโหม
Phak hom, ผักโขม
Phak khom, ผักขม Phak
khom, ผักขมหัด Phak khom hat (as A.
VIETNAMESE : Dền xanh.
Note on some French
The gender of the name "Pariétaire" used on Reunion island is not
always respected. Consequently adjectives may vary (ie. noir vs noire,
piquant vs piquante etc.).
The expression "Brède malabar", applied to several species of
amaranths, is also applied to at least 2 other plants from different
genera : Basella alba & Sesbania grandiflora.
Porcher Michel H. et al. 1995 - 2020, Sorting Amaranthus
Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database
(M.M.P.N.D) - A Work in Progress. School of Agriculture and
Food Systems. Faculty of Land & Food Resources. The University of Melbourne.
< >
General Bibliography
Specific & complementary
Association Flore Réunion,
2001, Encyclopédie online de la Flore de
la Réunion. Runisland
International. <
IDRHa, 1999,
Decreto-Lei n.º 565/99, DR 295/99 SÉRIE I-A de 1999-12-21, Ministério
do Ambiente, Regula a introdução na natureza de espécies não indígenas
da flora e da fauna. Instituto de Desenvolvimento Rural e
Hidráulica, Lisboa. <
USDA, ARS, National Genetic
Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN).
[Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville,
Maryland. Available:
(21 October 2005). (GRIN)
Contributors to this page (Personal
communication) : Awaiting
back to Gateway , to list of notes
Date created: 11 / 09 / 2005
Last modified: 19 / 02 / 2006
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2020, I.L.F.R. - The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher