Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
(Braj) V (CRDP) (FAO) V (FDAM) (Flcyb) (GCW) (GRIN) V (IPNI) V (ISF) V (ISTA) (JA) V (JSent) V (LibHerb) (Mansf) (MMPND) (Mrkv) (Pan) (Prosea) (SavMark) (Smit) V (Soal) (SwedMus) (USDA) (Wang) V (W3Trop)
SYNONYM(S) : Canarium tonkinense Engl., Pimela alba Lour. (GRIN)
CHINESE : Bai lan, Gan lan (Mansf) (Cantonese Paak laam (Mansf)), Huang lang guo, Shan lan, Yue lan (Pan) (Wang) (as C. tonkinense).
ENGLISH : Chinese olive, Chinese olive tree, Chinese white olive (Mansf) (GRIN).
FRENCH : Canari du Tonkin (as C. tonkinense), Canari vulgaire, Olivier chinois (GRIN). (Mansf), Olive blanche de Chine (MMPND), Olivier de Chine, Olive blanche du Tonkin (MMPND) (as C. tonkinense).
GERMAN : Chinesische weiße Olive (Mansf) (GRIN).
JAPANESE : Kanran, Kanariumu, Kanaryuumu, Kanariiuddo, Kedondon (translit. from Malay "kedongdong").
MALAY : Kanari, Kedongdong (imprecise timber-trade name).
PORTUGUESE : Azeitona da China.
RUSSIAN : Kanarium belyi, Kanarium tonkinskii (as C. tonkinense).
THAI : Samo cheen (Mansf) , Samo chin (Smit).
VIETNAMESE : Cà na (Mansf), Trám trang (Mansf).
ASSAMESE : Bisjang, Dhuna.
CHINESE : Fang lan.
ENGLISH : East Indian copal.
RUSSIAN : Kanarium bengal'skii.
THAI : Makok fan.
BENGALI : Awaiting feedback (Andaman Islands).
ENGLISH : Indian white mahogany, White dhup (India).
FRENCH : Acajou de l'Inde.
GERMAN : Indisches Kanaribaum, Indisches weißes Mahagoni.
HINDI : Agarbati, Dhup (Andaman Islands).
SWEDISH : Indisk vitmahogany.
TAMIL : Awaiting feedback (Andaman Islands).
THAI : Mang.
ENGLISH : Santa Cruz ngali nut.
BENGALI : Awaiting feedback (Andaman Islands).
ENGLISH : White dhup (India).
HINDI : Awaiting feedback (Andaman Islands).
MALAY : Kaunicina kaunigai (Fiji), Kaunigai, Kaunicina, Kedongdong, Merdongdong (Indonesia).
TAMIL : Awaiting feedback (Andaman Islands).
SYNONYM(S) : Canarium amboinense Hochr. , Canarium commune L., Canarium mehenbethene Gaertn. , Canarium moluccanum
ENGLISH : Blume galip, Galipnut, Java almond, Kanari, Nangai nut, Ngali nut.
FRENCH : Nangai (Vanuatu), Noix de nangaille.
GERMAN : Indisches Kanaribaum, Kanarinuß.
HINDI : Agarbati, Dhup.
LAOTIAN : Kok mak, Kok luam, Luam.
SYNONYM(S) : Canarium rufum A. W. Benn.
THAI : Makok khon.
SYNONYM(S) : Canarium album Blanco, Canarium commune F. Vill., Canarium oliganthum Merr., Canarium polyanthum Perk., Canarium triandrum Engl., Pimela luzonica Blume
ENGLISH : Elemi, Elemi oil (product), Java almond, Manila elemi, Oily pili, Pili nut.
FRENCH : Arbre à baume, Élémi de Manille, Élémi sauvage.
GERMAN : Manilaelemi, Manilaelemibaum.
JAPANESE : Manira eremi.
MALAY : Kedongdong (timber trade name), Kenari (Indonesia).
PORTUGUESE : Elemi de Manilha.
RUSSIAN : Elemi.
SPANISH : Arbol a brea.
ENGLISH : Queensland elemi tree (Aust.)., Queensland native nut (Aust.), Scrub turpentine.
SYNONYM(S) : Canarium pachyphyllum Perk., Canarium melioides Elm.
ENGLISH : Galip nut (Papua New Guinea), Manila elemi (product), Ngali nut (Solomon Islands), Oily pili, Philippine nut, Philippines nut, Pilinut (USA), Pili nut (Philippines), Pili nut tree.
FRENCH : Nangai (Vanuatu).
GERMAN : Pilinuß, Pilinußbaum.
MALAY : Kanari.
SPANISH : Arbol de la nuez pili, Nuez pili (Mansf).
TAGALOG : Pili (Philippines) (Prosea) (Mansf).
ENGLISH : Kedongdong tree.
MALAY : Kedongdong (Borneo, Sumatra).
MALAY : Damar lilin (Brunei).
ENGLISH : Adoa (New Guinea), Oily pili.
SYNONYM(S) : Canarium chevalieri Guillam., Canarium velutinum Guillaum.
CHINESE : Fei zhou gan lan.
DANISH : Afrikansk canarium, Afrikansk elemi.
DUTCH : Afrikaanse elemi.
ENGLISH : African elemi, Bush candle tree.
FINNISH : Afrikanelemi.
FRENCH : Canari d'Afrique, Élémi d'Afrique.
GERMAN : Afrikanische-Elemibaum, Afrikanische-Kanaribaum.
GREEK : Élémi.
ITALIAN : Canario africano, Elemi africana.
MALAY : Mubafo (Kioko - Sulawesi), Mupaxi (Kioko - Sulawesi).
PORTUGUESE : Elemi africana.
SPANISH : Alemí africana.
SWAHILI : Mbafu (Tanzania), Mpafu.*
SWEDISH : Afrikansk canarium.
VIETNAMESE : xxx trám xxx.
BENGALI : Kala dammar (resin), Awaiting feedback (Andaman Islands).
ENGLISH : Black dammer (resin), Black dhup, Dhup tree (India), Indian white-mahogany.
GUJARATI : Kala dammar.
HINDI : Dhup (Bombay), Gugul (Bombay), Kala dammar, Awaiting feedback (Andaman Islands), Saldhup.
KANNADA : Almatti dhupa, Halemaddu, Karedupa, Mandadupa, Manda dhupa , Pandu, Raladupa.
MALAYALAM : Katapu kungalium, Karuttukungiliam, Kungiliam, Kunthirikam, Kunturukkapayam, Pantam, Telli.
MARATHI : Dhup, Ral dhup.
SANSKRIT : Mandadhupa, Raladhupa.
TAMIL : Attam, Karungundurukkam, Karunkungiliyam, Karuppudamar, Karuppukkungiliyam, Kundurukkam, Kungiliam, Kukkil kungulam, Awaiting feedback (Andaman Islands).
TELUGU : Kan kungilium, Karunga kungilium, Nallarojanamu.
THAI : Mong.
THAI : Buk luak, Long.
ENGLISH : Oily pili (Ambon).
SYNONYM(S) : Canarium nigrum (Lour.) Engl. , Canarium pimela K. D. Koenig, nom. illeg.
CHINESE : Wu lan.
ENGLISH : Chinese black olive, Oily pili.
FRENCH : Amande de Chine, Noix canari, Noix de canari.
GERMAN : Chinesische Schwarze Olive, Schwarze Chinesische Olive.
PORTUGUESE : Azeitona-preta da China.
RUSSIAN : Kanarium chërnyi (as C. nigrum).
SPANISH : Almendra de China.
THAI : Tám den.
SYNONYM(S) : Canarium commune auct., non L.
DANISH : Kanarietræ (as C. commune) (LibHer).
ENGLISH : Chinese olive, Java almond, Kanari nut, Kanari nut tree, Wild almond.
ESTONIAN : Harilik kanaarium (as C. commune) (LibHer) .
FRENCH : Amande de Java.
GERMAN : Kanarinuß.
JAPANESE : Kanari noki, Kanaria noki ? or Kanariya noki ?
MALAY : Kenari (Indonesia).
SPANISH : Almendra de Java, Canari.
SYNONYM(S) : Amyris zeylanica Retz
ENGLISH : Ceylon elemi.
FRENCH : Élémi de Ceylan.
SINHALESE : Kekuna (Sri Lanka) (Mansf)
It is generally agreed that the universal word "elemi" defines a resin (gum) in many languages. Sometimes it is wrongly applied to some species of Canarium. In English we should distinguish between the "elemi resin" and the "elemi tree". So when translating in various languages we should have both words for the resin (or gum) and the tree.
The Tagalog name "pili" seems to be applied in various places to either the nut or the tree of some species. The pidgin-English expression "oily pili" seems to apply to any species with an edible nut and sometimes to any nut used to produce a useful oil (burning oil for instance).
The Malay name "kanari" is also used carelessly for various species.
The French word "canari" is a little misleading and many French people prefer either élémi or "canarium" to describe the tree. Others use the various African names such as "aiélé".
We have not highlighted these subtleties in every occasion in those 2 as well as other languages in the above records. Preferred vernacular names have not yet been bolded. We should in the future, at final editing time. Evidently none of the names mentioned in these notes should be used to define a specific plant.
African languages & countries for Canarium schweinfurthii Engl. (not included in the database but relevant here)
Abel (Cameroon), Abeul, Aiélé (Ivory Coast), Atilé (Hausa), Atilis (Hausa), Eyere, Bediwonua (Ghana), Bediwunua , Bidikala (Zaïre), Bidinkala, Billi, Eyere (Ghana), Lubani (Uganda), Mbafu (Haya, Swahili - Tanzania), Mbani (Swahili - Tanzania), Mbidikala (Zaïre), Mbidinkala (Kango - DRC), Mbili (Kango - Angola, Congo, DRC), Mpafu (Swahili), Mubafo (Kumbundu - Angola), Mwafu (Entebbe - Uganda), Ndili (Kango - DRC), Ovili, Ubani (Uganda), Urumbu (Uganda).
Porcher Michel H. et al. 1995 - 2020, Sorting Canarium Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database - A Work in Progress. Institute for Land & Food Resources. The University of Melbourne. Australia < http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au//Sorting/Canarium.html > (2005).
SOUK-ALOUN Phou Ngeun (Dr.), 2004, Pharmacopée Végétale Lao. < http://perso.wanadoo.fr/laos/phyt.htm >. (Soal)
South Pacific Commission, 1983 - 1995, Leaflet
No. 15 - 1991 - Nuts and Seeds. Agdex 245/G76 - ISSN 1018-0966. Published by the
South Pacific Commission and printed by Stredder Print Limited, Auckland, New
Zealand. Part of 16 leaflets on plantfoods. South Pacific Commission - Community
Health Services - SOUTH PACIFIC FOODS. <
http://www.fao.org/WAIRdocs/x5425e/x5425e0f.htm >.
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?canarium (05 August 2004). (GRIN)
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : Luc Balemans.
Date created: 11 / 06 / 2004
Last modified: 17 / 05 /
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Copyright © 1995 - 2020, I.L.F.R. - The
University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher, E-Mail