Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
Hibiscus acetosella
Welw. ex Hiern
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus eetveldeanus De Wild. & T. Durand
ENGLISH : African rose mallow, African red mallow, False roselle, Red-leaf hibiscus, Red-leaved hibiscus.
Hibiscus arnottianus A.Gray
ENGLISH : Hawaiian hibiscus 'Wilder's White', Hawaiian hibiscus 'Tantalus White'.
SPANISH : Hibisco de Arnott.
Hibiscus bifurcatus Cav.
PORTUGUESE : Algodão-do-brejo.
Hibiscus brackenridgei A. Gray
ENGLISH : Yellow hibiscus.
Hibiscus calyphyllus Cav.
Hibiscus calycinus xxx, Hibiscus rockii xxx.
ENGLISH : Lemon-eyed rose mallow.
Hibiscus cameronii Knowles & Westc.
ENGLISH : Pink hibiscus.
SYNONYM(S) : Abelmoschus verrucosus Walp., Hibiscus verrucosus Guill. & Per.
AFRIKAANS : Stokroos.
CHINESE : Da ma jin.
CROATIAN : Predivni oslez.
DANISH : Hamp, Javajute , Kenaf , Rosellahamp, Rosellehamp, Siamjute.
DUTCH : Javajute, Kenaf, Rosella hennep, Roselle, Siamjute.
ENGLISH : Ambari hemp, Bastard jute, Bimli jute, Bimlipatam jute, Brown Indian hemp, Deccan hemp, Gambo hemp, Gombo hemp, Guinea hemp, Hemp hibiscus, Hibiscus hemp, Indian hemp, Java-jute, Kenaf, Mesta, Rosella hemp, Roselle, Siam jute, Thorny mallow, Wild stockrose.
FRENCH : Chanvre de Bombay, Chanvre du Deccan, Chanvre de Guinée, Chanvre de Gambo, Chanvre de roselle, Jute de Java, Jute de Siam, Kénaf, Ketmie à feuilles de chanvre (Belgium), Roselle.
GERMAN : Ambari, Dekkanhanf, Gambohanf, Hanfeibisch, Javajute, Kenaf, Rosellahanf, Roselle, Siamjute.
HUNGARIAN : Rostmályva.
ITALIAN : Canapa di Bombay , Canapa rosella, Ibisco, Juta del Siam, Jute di giava, Kenaf.
JAPANESE : Kenafu.
NEPALESE : Kudram,
POLISH : Czyli kenaf, Ketmia konopiowata.
PORTUGUESE : Cânhamo-brasileiro (Brazil), Cânhamo rosella, Juta de Java , Juta do Sião, Papoula do Sao Francisco (Brazil).
SPANISH : Cáñamo de la India, Cáñamo de gambo, Cáñamo Rosella , Pavona encendida, Yute de Java , Yute de Siam.
THAI : Po, Po dai (Northern
Thailand), Po kaeo (Central Thailand).
TURKISH : Hibiskus.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus semilobatus Chapman
ENGLISH : Native red hibiscus (USA), Scarlet Rose Mallow, Texas Star (USA).
JAPANESE : Momiji aoi.
Hibiscus coulteri
Harv. ex A. Gray
ENGLISH : Desert rose mallow.
Hibiscus dasycalyx S. F. Blake & Shiller
ENGLISH : Nacogdoches River mallow (USA), Narrow-leaved hibiscus, Neches River rose mallow (USA).
FRENCH : Hibiscus à fleurs blanches du Texas.
Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq.
ENGLISH : Swamp hibiscus.
JAPANESE : Divaashiforia.
Photographs and description at hibiscus.org
Hibiscus esculentus L.
-> Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.
Hibiscus hamabo Sieb. & Zucc.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus glaber auct.
CHINESE : Ri ben huang
ENGLISH : Hamabo.
JAPANESE : Hamabo,
KOREAN : Hwang geun.
Hibiscus heterophyllus Vent.
ENGLISH : Native rosella (Aust.), Sorrel tree.
Photographs and description at hibiscus.org
Hibiscus huegelii Endl. -> Alyogyne
huegelii (Endl.) Fryxell
Hibiscus indicus (Burm. f.)
SYNONYM(S) : Alcea indica Burm.f., Hibiscus javanicus Weinm., Hibiscus venustus Bl.
CHINESE : Mei li fu
ENGLISH : Indian hibiscus.
FRENCH : Hibiscus des Indes.
SPANISH : Hibisco de China.
Hibiscus kokio Hillebr. ex Wawra
ENGLISH : Clay hibiscus, Native red rose-mallow (USA), St. John's rose-mallow, Red hibiscus.
Hibiscus laevis
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus militaris Cav.
ENGLISH : Halberd-leaf mallow, Halberd-leaved rose-mallow, Halberd-leaved mallow, Soldier mallow, Soldier's rose-mallow.
Hibiscus lasiocarpos Cav.
ENGLISH : Rose mallow.
Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus setosus Roxb., Hibiscus vestitus Griff.
CHINESE : Da ye mu jin.
ENGLISH : Large-leaved hibiscus.
THAI : Po chong, Po hu, Po muk.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus moscheutos L. subsp. palustris (L.) R. T. Clausen, Hibiscus palustris L.
CHINESE : Fu rong kui, xxx
xxx xxx Mei guo fu rong (Taiwan).
ENGLISH : Common rose-mallow, Dinnerplate hibiscus, Frisbee hibiscus, Mallow-rose, Perennial hibiscus, Sea hollyhock, Swamp rose-mallow, Water mallow, Wild cotton.
HUNGARIAN : Mocsármályva.
JAPANESE : Amerika fuyou.
Photograph of flower at Hoshi Lab. Japan.
Hibiscus mutabilis L.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus sinensis Mill., Ketmia mutabilis (L.) Moench
CHINESE : Mu fu rong,
Fu rong hua,
Shan fu rong
ENGLISH : Confederate rose (USA), Cotton rose, Cottonrose hibiscus, Dixie rose-mallow (USA).
JAPANESE : Fuyoo (Fuyô),
SPANISH : Rosa algodón.
THAI : Phuttan.
Photograph of flower in Japan.
Hibiscus mutabilis L. f. versicolor xxx
Sui fuyou.
Photograph of flower in Japan.
Hibiscus pernambucensis Arruda
Photograph of flower and list of references by Marcos Capelini at Some Malvaceae in Brazil.
Zhu jin,
Da hong hua,
Fo sang, Fu sang
DANISH : Kinesisk rose.
DUTCH : Chinese roos.
ENGLISH : China rose, Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China.
FRENCH : Hibiscus de Chine, Hibiscus rose de Chine , Rose de Chine.
GERMAN : Chinesischer Roseneibisch.
ITALIAN : Rosa della Cina.
MALAY : Bunga raya.
NEPALESE : Baarhmaase phuul, Gudahal,
Japaa kusum,
Japa puspii,
Rakta puspi.
POLISH : Ketmia róza-chinska.
PORTUGUESE : Hibisco, Mimo-chinês (Brazil), Rosa da China, Mimo de Vênus (Brazil).
SPANISH : Clavel japonés, Hibiscus de los jardines, Papo (Panama), Palo de la reina (Panama), Pejo (Colombia), Rosa de China, Tapo (Panama).
THAI : Chaba.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. 'Cooperi'
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus cooperi hort.
ENGLISH : Variegated rose of China.
FRENCH : Hibiscus de Chine à feuilles panachées.
PORTUGUESE : Mimo de Vênus variegato (Brazil).
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. ' Hawaiano '
DANISH : Hawaiiblomst.
ENGLISH : Hawaiian hibiscus.
FRENCH : Hibiscus d' Hawaii.
PORTUGUESE : Mimo de Vênus (Brazil).
SPANISH : Hibisco hawaiano.
Photograph of flower in Japan.
SYNONYM(S) : Abelmoschus cruentus Bertol, Hibiscus digitatus Cav., Hibiscus gossypiifolius Mill., Hibiscus sanguineus Griff., Sabdariffa rubra Kostel
CHINESE : Mei gui qie,
Shan qie zi.
ENGLISH : Jamaican sorrel, Indian sorrel, Java jute, Karkade, Red sorrel, Red tea, Roselle, Rosella, Royal roselle, Florida cranberry, Rozelle, Guinea sorrel, Sour-sour, Queensland jelly plant (Aust.), Jelly okra.
GERMAN : Afrikanischer Eibisch, Hibiscus-Tee, Karkade-Tee, Roselle, Rote Malve.
FRENCH : Oseille de Guinée, Thé rose d'Abyssinie.
JAPANESE : Roozera,
Rozerusou .
POLISH : Hibiskus szczawiowy, Ketmia szczawiowa.
PORTUGUESE : Caruru De Guine (Brazil), Quiabo Da Angola (Brazil), Rosela, Vinagreira.
THAI : Krachiap (Kra
Kra chiap daeng.
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. var. altissimus Wester
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus sabdariffa L. var. altissima Wester
ENGLISH : Fiber hibiscus.
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. var. sabdariffa
ENGLISH : Indian sorrel, Jamaica sorrel, Jamaican sorrel, Red sorrel, Roselle.
FRENCH : Oseille de Guinée.
GERMAN : Malventee, Rosella.
PORTUGUESE : Vinagreira.
SPANISH : Acedera de Guinea, Jamaica (Central America), Cabitutu (Cuna), Rosa de Jamaica, Rosella (Colombia), Serení, Vinuela.
Hibiscus schizopetalus (Mast.) Hook. f.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. var. schizopetalus Mast.
CHINESE : Lie ban zhu
ENGLISH : Chinese lantern, Coral hibiscus, East-African hibiscus, Fringed hibiscus, Fringed rose-mallow, Japanese hibiscus, Japanese lantern, Skeleton hibiscus.
PORTUGUESE : Lanterninha (Brazil).
SPANISH : Arana (Colombia), Canastilla (Colombia), Paraguita china (Panama), Waitutu (Cuna).
THAI : Phu ra hong.
Hibiscus splendens Fraser ex Graham
ENGLISH : Australian hibiscus, Hollyhock tree, Native hollyhock tree (Aust.).
Photographs and description at hibiscus.org
SYNONYM(S) : Althaea furtex hort. ex Mill., Ketmia syriaca Scopoli, Ketmia arborea Moench. , Ketmia syrorum Medic., Hibiscus acerifolius Salisb. , Hibiscus chinensis auct. , Hibiscus floridus Salisb. , Hibiscus rhombifolius Cavan., Hibiscus syriacus L. var. chinensis Lindl.
Mu jin.
DANISH : Havehibiscus.
ENGLISH : Rose mallow, Rose of Sharon, Shrub althaea, Shrubby althaea, Syrian hibiscus, Syrian rose.
FRENCH : Ketmie des jardins, Mauve de Syrie.
GERMAN : Syrischer Rosen-Eibisch.
JAPANESE : Hachisu, Mokukinka,
KOREAN : Moo goong hwa.
POLISH : Ketmia syryjska.
PORTUGUESE : Hibisco (Brazil).
SPANISH : Rosa de Siria.
THAI : Chaba chin.
Hibiscus taiwanensis S. Y. Hu
CHINESE : Shan fu rong (Taiwan).
FRENCH : Hibiscus de Formose.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus tortuosus Roxb., Hibiscus tiliaceus L. var. tortuosus (Roxb.) Masters
Huang jin.
ENGLISH : Bladder ketmia, Cotton tree, Cottonwood, Hawaiian tree hibiscus, Lagoon hibiscus, Linden hibiscus, Mountain mahoe, Sea hibiscus,Tree hibiscus.
FRENCH : Purau (Tahiti).
JAPANESE : Yama-asa,
PORTUGUESE : Algodão da praia (Brazil).
SPANISH : Algondoncillo (Panama), Hibisco marítimo, Majagua, Mahoe (Panama).
THAI : Po fai (Central Thailand), Po na, Pho thale (Bangkok), Po thale.
Photographs and description at hibiscus.org
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. subsp. hastatus (L. f.) Borss.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus hastatus L. f.
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. var. henryanus
F. Brown
ENGLISH : Tahiti seashore tree hibiscus.
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. var. typicus
F. Brown
ENGLISH : Tahiti valley tree hibiscus, Tahiti bush hibiscus, Brushwood hibiscus.
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. var. sterilis
F. Brown
ENGLISH : Tahiti dryland tree hibiscus.
SYNONYM(S) : Hibiscus africanus Mill., Hibiscus hispidus Mill.
CHINESE : Ye xi gua
DUTCH : Drie-urenbloem.
ENGLISH : Annual hibiscus, Bladder ketmia, Flower of an hour, Venice mallow.
FINNISH : Ajannäyttäjäkukka.
GERMAN : Stundeneibisch.
KOREAN : Soo bahk pool.
NORWEGIAN : Timerose.
POLISH : Ketmia poludniowa,
Hibiskus jednoroczny.
SWEDISH : Timvisare.
Photographs and description at hibiscus.org
Hibiscus yunnanensis S. Y. Hu
Yun nan fu
ENGLISH : Yunnan hibiscus.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/login.jsp >.
Hinsley Stewart H., 2002, Synonymy of Hibiscus, The Malvaceae Pages. < http://www.malvaceae.info/Synonymy/Hibiscus.html >.
Jyukouen.co , 2000, Hibiscus Garden < http://www.fsinet.or.jp/~jyukouen/jk.page/zoku.htm >. Stunning page of thumbnail photographs of hibiscus flowers : < http://www.jyukouen.com/hinsyu/wamei.htm >.
Keena Colleen et al. 2000 - 2002, Australian Native Hibiscus and Hibiscus like Species. SPECIES < http://www.hibiscus.org/ >.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary. < http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/dictionary/tico/h.html >.
USDA, ARS, 2002, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?hibiscus (07 June 2002).
Wang Zongxun et al. 1996, A New Latin, Chinese, English Botanical Nomenclature. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Aviation Industry Publisher, Beijing.
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
A beautiful gallery of hybrid Hibiscus flowers. < http://www.exotic-hibiscus.com/pages/hiblist.htm >. Site designed and maintained by Yvonne'Space, 1996-2002. Hidden Valley Hibiscus. USA.
List of Hibiscus cultivars in Korean from Key-ChungSan Botanic Garden.
A Working List of Hibiscus-relalated Web links by Lists & Lists Productions.
Some Malvaceae in Brazil.
Photo gallery by Marcos Capelini. English & Portuguese (Brazil).
Descriptions and lists of references by Marcos Capelini & Paul A. Fryxell
< http://www.mcapel.hpg.ig.com.br/galls/malvaceae/index_eng.html >.
Date created: 10 / 04 / 2002
Last modified: 13 / 05 / 2005
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Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher