Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
Note on French names of bottle gourd.
siceraria (Molina) Standl.
SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita lagenaria L. , Cucurbita leucantha Duchesne , Cucurbita longa hort., Cucurbita siceraria Molina, Lagenaria lagenaria (L.) Cockerell, nom. invalidum, Lagenaria leucantha Rusby, nom. illeg. , Lagenaria vulgaris Ser.
CHINESE : Hu lu gua,
Hu lu
gua (Cantonese Oo lo kwa, Wu lo gwa, Woo lo gwa, Woo lo kwa),
Hu lu,
Hu gua (kettle
Mao gua (Cantonese Mo kwa) (immature fruit ?), Peh poh
(Hokkien - Singapore).
DANISH : Flaskegræskar, Flaskegraeskar, Kalabas.
DUTCH : Fleskalebas, Flessepompoen.
ENGLISH : Bottle gourd, Calabash gourd, White-flowered gourd.
FINNISH : Pullokurpitsa.
FRENCH : Courge bouteille (edible), Gourde, Cougourde, Gourde bouteille (recipient), Calebassier grimpant (plant), Calebassier (plant), Calebasse (fruit), Courge pélerine (recipient), Courge siphon (ornamental), Courge massue (edible), Gourde massue (Ornamental).
GERMAN : Flaschenkürbis, Flaschen-Kürbis, Trompetenkürbis, Kalebassenkürbis.
HINDI : Dudhi (Dudi, Dodi), Lokhi (Lauki).
ITALIAN : Zucca da tabacco.
JAPANESE : Yuugao,
KANNADA : Sorekai.
KHMER : Khlôôk.
LAOTIAN : Namz taux.
MALAY : Labu botol, Labu air (Indonesia), Labu putih (Indonesia), Kukuk (Java).
MALAYALAM : Sorekai.
MARATHI : Charanga.
NEPALESE : Laukaa,
ORIYA : Lau.
PORTUGUESE : Abóbora-carneira, Cabaco.
PUNJABI : Dudhi.
SINHALESE : Diya labu.
SPANISH : Calabaza vinatera, Calabaza de San Roque, Cogorda, Cajombre, Calabaza, Guiro amargo.
SWEDISH : Kalebass, Flaskkurbits.
TAMIL : Awaiting
TELUGU : Beerakaya.
THAI : Namtao (Naam
tao), Manamtao, Khi luu saa.
VISAYAN : Kalubay.
Photographs of some types / group shapes with some English names.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. subsp. asiatica (Kob.) Heiser
ENGLISH : Asian bottle gourd.
Note : Due to international seed trade and other exchanges the distinction between cultivated Asian gourds and others is being quickly blurred.
Lagenaria siceraria
(Molina) Standl. subsp. siceraria -> Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Clavata Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Lagenaria leucantha Rusby var. clavata Makino, Lagenaria leucantha Rusby var. hispida (Thunb.) Nakai, Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. var. hispida (Thunb.) Hara, Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Yugao Group)
CHINESE : Hu zi,
Hu gua,
Hu zi (medicinal name).
ENGLISH : New Guinea bean (Aust.), Long straight-necked gourd, Hercules' club, Dipper gourd, Long-handle dipper, Italian edible gourd.
FRENCH : Gourde massue, Courge massue d'Hercule.
HINDI : Doodhi.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Depressa Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. var. depressa (Ser.) Hara, Lagenaria leucantha Rusby var. depressa (Ser.) Makino
CHINESE : Pao gua,
Piao gua (medicinal
Bian piao gua,
Piao hu lu.
ENGLISH : Flat gourd, Canteen gourd (USA).
FRENCH : Gourde plate, Gourde plate de Corse, Courge plate de Corse.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Microcarpa Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Lagenaria leucantha Rusby var. microcarpa (Naud.) Nakai, Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. var. microcarpa (Naud.) Hara
CHINESE : Xiao hu lu.
ENGLISH : Small-fruited bottle gourd.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Typica Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. var. gourda (Ser.) Hara, Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Hyotan Group)
CHINESE : Hu lu.
ENGLISH : Bottle gourd. (inflated straight neck)
FRENCH : Gourde des pèlerins, Courge pèlerine, Courge bouteille. (2 renflements inégaux)
ITALIAN : Zucca del pellegrino, Zucca da vino.
JAPANESE : Hyotan.
SPANISH : Calabaza de peregrinos.
Photograph of green fruit at Evergreen Seeds.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Bird
Cage Group)
CHINESE : Da hu lu (Ta hu lu).
ENGLISH : Bird cage gourd. (large body, short straight neck)
FRENCH : Gourde nichoir.
Lagenaria siceraria
(Molina) Standl. (Long-fruited Group) (Longissima Group)
CHINESE : Hu gua ,
Pu gua (Cantonese Po
Chang hu kwa, Chang kwa kwa.
ENGLISH : Long-fruited gourd, Opo squash, Snake gourd. (long club type with curled body)
FRENCH : Courge massue très longue.
Lagenaria siceraria
(Molina) Standl. (Pear-shaped Group) (Pyrifera Group)
CHINESE : Li xing hu lu gua,
Li hu lu.
ENGLISH : Pear-shaped gourd. (straight pear-shaped body)
FRENCH : Gourde poire.
Lagenaria siceraria
(Molina) Standl. (Curled-Neck Group)
CHINESE : Xi jing hu lu.
ENGLISH : Curled-neck gourd. (long curled neck)
FRENCH : Gourde siphon.
Lagenaria siceraria
(Molina) Standl. (Powder Horn
ENGLISH : Powder horn gourd. (small size, curved pear-shaped body)
FRENCH : Gourde poire à poudre, Courge poire à poudre.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Cougourda Group)
SYNONYM(S) : Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (Swan-neck Group)
CHINESE : Shao hu lu.
ENGLISH : Swan neck gourd, Spoon bottle gourd. (inflated or straight curved neck)
FRENCH : Gourde cou de cygne.
SPANISH : Cogorda.
Types of Lagenaria : 'Giant bule', Bilobial gourds,
Gooseneck gourds , "dumbbell," "club", "dipper", "kettle," "dolphin",
"trough" and "snake" gourds, Bushel (large
size), 'Birdhouse' aka 'Martin', , Swan, Cave Man's Club', 'Large
Bottle', 'Bottle Miniature', 'Dolphin' aka 'Maranka', 'Drum',
'Calabash' aka 'Penguin', 'Short Handle Dipper', 'Cannon Ball',
'Basketball', and 'Swan' gourds, 'Shenot Crown of Thorns'.
One edible variety is called 'New
Guinea Bean' aka 'Guinea Bean' aka 'Italian Edible Gourd' aka 'Italian
Edible' (Cucuzzi).
For cultivars details see PROSEA publication mentioned below. Check also Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. var. makinoi (Nakai) Hara
CHINESE : Hu gua.
More information is needed on this variety. Perhaps it is a synonym of one of those above.
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. var. turbinata (Ser.) Hara
CHINESE : Piao hu lu.
More information is needed on this variety. Perhaps it is a synonym of one of those above.
Lagenaria sphaerica (Sonder) Naudin
SYNONYM(S) : Luffa sphaerica Sonder,
Lagenaria mascarena Naudin, Sphaerosicyos sphaericus (Sonder) Cogn.
DUTCH : Wilde kalbas.
ENGLISH : Wild bottle gourd, Spherical luffa.
UNIDENTIFIED : Lokalya (Democratic Republic of Congo ex Zaïre), Sekke (Cameroon), Murhandagule (RDC), Umutanga (RDC) .Photograph of juvenile fruit at BARBADINE - Graines et semences tropicales / Tropical seeds.
Photograph of dried fruit by Hugh Wilson at TAMU-BWG Vascular Plant Image Gallery.
Photograph of dried fruit (close-up) by Hugh Wilson at
TAMU-BWG Vascular Plant Image Gallery.
American Gourd Society, Types of hardshell gourds. < http://americangourdsociety.org/FAQ/types/chart.html >.
Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants, Institute for Systematic Botany. University of South Florida. < http://www.plantatlas.usf.edu/ >
Grigson Jane & Knox Charlotte (Illustrations), 1986, Exotic Fruits and Vegetables, Henry Holt and Company. New York.
Hô Pham-Hoang, 1991, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam, Set 1, Vol. 2, pp. 718 - 727.
Hutton Wendy & Mealin Peter (Photography), 1996, Tropical Vegetables, Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.
Solomon Charmaine and Nina & Schouten P. (Illustrations), 1997, Encyclopedia of Asian Food, Hamlyn Australia.
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?lagenaria (20 January 2003).
Wiersema John H. & León Blanca, 1999, World Economic Plants - A Standard Reference, CRC Press LLC.
Widjaja E.A. & Reyes M.E.C., 1993, Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley, In Siemonsma J.S. & Kasem Piluek (Editors) : Plant Resources of South-East Asia N°8 . Vegetables. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen. pp 190 - 192.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China.
Note : "Calebasse" is an abbreviation of "courge calebasse". A "calebasse" is more appropriately used to describe the fruit of the "calebassier" Crescentia cujete L. a tree from America. "Courge pèlerine" a general name for non-edible varieties is to be preferred, "Courge bouteille" seems the most appropriate for edible varieties given that this type (group) is the most often grown for this purpose. The words courge and gourde are interchangeable although gourde is to be preferred for non edible varieties. "Calebassier grimpant" could be a word to describe the vine bearing the courge / gourde to distinguish it from the true calebassier (a tree).
Date created: 15 / 11 / 1999
Last modified: 27 / 07 / 2007
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