Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
SYNONYM(S) : Tropaeolum azureum Hook., Trophaeum azureum Kuntze, Tropaeolum violaeflorum A. Dietr., Trophaeum violiflorum Kuntze
ENGLISH : Purple-blue-flowered tropaeolum.
FRENCH : Capucine à fleurs violettes du Chili.
JAPANESE : Toropaeorumu
PORTUGUESE : Capuchinha-de-flores-azul.
SPANISH : Capuchina de flores color azul, Tropaeolum con flores azules.
Photograph of flowers at Thompson & Morgan Seed. Co.
Tropaeolum brachyceras Hook. & Arn.
SPANISH : Pajarito (Chile), Relicario (Chile).
Tropaeolum brachyceras Hook. & Arn.
var. hookerianum Buchenau -> Tropaeolum hookerianum
Tropaeolum ciliatum Ruíz & Pav.
FRENCH : Capucine à fleurs jaunes du Chili.
JAPANESE : Toropaeorumu
Photograph of flowers and leaves by Paul Christian.
Tropaeolum hookerianum Barneoud
SPANISH : Pajarito (Chile), Relicario (Chile).
Tropaeolum incisum (Spreng.) Sparre
FRENCH : Capucine d'Argentine à feuilles incisées, Capucine d'Argentine à fleurs orange.
SPANISH : Capuchina de flores color naranja.
Tropaeolum lepidum Phil. ex Buchenau
JAPANESE : Toropaeorumu repidumu.
Photograph of flowers at Plant World Seeds.
SYNONYM(S) : Trophaeum majus (L.) Kuntze, Cardamindum majus (L.) Moench
ARABIC : Abû khangar, Tartûr el bâshâ.
AYMARA : Alpinku, Tajsawi.
BENGALI : Bilrai.
CHINESE : Han jin lian,
Han lian hua,
Jin si lian,
Han he hua,
He ye lian,
Han jin lian
(medicinal name).
CZECH : Lichorerisnice vetsi.
DANISH : Baerkarse, Blomsterkarse, Kapucinerkarse, Landloeber, Nasturtie.
DUTCH : Oostindische kers.
ENGLISH : Indian cress, Garden nasturtium, Climbing nasturtium.
ESTONIAN : Suur mungalill.
FINNISH : Köynnöskrassi.
FRENCH : Cresson d'Inde, Cresson du Mexique, Cresson du Pérou, Capucine grimpante, Grande capucine.
GERMAN : Indische Kresse, Große Kapuzinerkresse, Grosse Kapuzinerkresse, Kapuzinerkresse, Spanische Kresse.
HUNGARIAN : Sarkantyúka.
ICELANDIC : Skjaldflétta.
ITALIAN : Nasturzio d'India, Nasturzio indiano, Nasturzio del Perù, Crescione indiano, Cappucina maggiore.
Toropaeorum mayusu,
NORWEGIAN : Blomkarse.
POLISH : Nasturcja wieksza.
PORTUGUESE : Agrião-do-México, Agrião-grande-do-Peru, Agrião-maior-da-India, Capuchinha-de-flores-grandes (Brazil), Capuchinha-grande, Chagas, Chaga seca, Chagas-de-Cristo, Chagas-de-São-Francisco, Cinco chagas, Flor-de-chagas, Mastruço-do-Perú, Nastúrio.
QUECHUAN : Tajsa, Tijsaw.
RUSSIAN : Nasturtsiya,
Nasturtsiya bol'shaya,
Nasturtsiya kul'turnaya (as T. x
cultorum hort.).
SINHALESE : Kakutupala.
SPANISH : Capuchina, Flor de la sangre, Llagas de Cristo, Marñuela, Mastuerzo, Mastuerzo de Indias, Pajarilla.
SWEDISH : Indiankrasse.
TURKISH : Hind teresi, Frenk teresi, Latin çiç.
Photograph of leaves by J.R. Manhart at Vascular Plant Image Gallery (Uni. Texas).
Photograph of flower (one colour within a wide range) by Hugh Wilson at Vascular Plant Image Gallery (Uni. Texas).
Tropaeolum minus
SYNONYM(S) : Cardamindum minus (L.) Moench , Nasturtium indicum ?
ENGLISH : Indian cress, Dwarf nasturtium (UK), Bush nasturtium (USA).
FRENCH : Capucine.
GERMAN : Kleine Kapuzinerkresse.
Toropaeorumu minusu.
POLISH : Nasturcja mniejsza.
RUSSIAN : Nasturtsiya malaya.
SPANISH : Capuchina menor.
Tropaeolum peltophorum Benth.
SYNONYM(S) : Tropaeolum lobbianum Veitch ex Hook.
ENGLISH : Ornamental nasturtium.
FRENCH : Câpre des Andes.
POLISH : Nasturcja Lobba.
RUSSIAN : Nasturtsiya shchitonosnaya.
Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam.
SYNONYM(S) : Chymocarpus pentaphyllus (Lam.) D. Don, Trophaeum pentaphyllum Kuntze, Trophaeum pentaphyllum (Lam.) Kuntze
ENGLISH : Digitate leaf nasturtium.
GERMAN : Fünfblättrige Kapuzinerkresse.
PORTUGUESE : Capuchinha (Brazil), Capuchinha-miúda (Brazil), Capucina, Chagas-da-miúda, Sapatinho-do-diabo.
SPANISH : Flor de pitito.
Photograph of flowers in Holland.
pentaphyllum Lam. subsp. megapetalum (Buchenau)
SYNONYM(S) : Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam. subsp. megapetaloides B. Sparre, Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam. subsp. megapetaloides Sparre, Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam. var. megapetalum Buchenau
SYNONYM(S) : Tropaeolum aduncum Sm. , Trophaeum peregrinum (L.) Kuntze
ENGLISH : Annual nasturtium, Canary creeper, Canary-bird flower, Lobed leaf nasturtium.
FINNISH : Kanariankrassi.
FRENCH : Capucine canaris.
GERMAN : Kletternde Kapuzinerkresse.
Toropaeorumu beregurinumu,
Kanarii kuriipaa.
POLISH : Nasturcja kanaryjska, Nasturcja wlóczeçga.
RUSSIAN : Nasturtsiya inozyemnaya.
SPANISH : Capuchina canaria.
SWEDISH : Fjärilskrasse.
Photograph of flowers & leaves by Robert E. Lyons (Dr.) at Horticopia.
Tropaeolum polyphyllum Cav.
ENGLISH : Wreath nasturtium.
Toropaeorumu borifirumu.
SPANISH : Capuchina amarilla, Tropaeolum con flores amarillas.
SWEDISH : Guld-krasse.
Photograph of flowers and leaves by Paul Christian.
Tropaeolum sessilifolium Poepp. & Endl.
ENGLISH : Chile dwarf tropaeolum, Chile perennial tropaeolum, Chile lavender-flowered tropaeolum, Chilean stalkless-leaved tropaeolum, Chile white-flowered tropaeolum.
FRENCH : Capucine du Chili à fleurs bleu-pâle, Capucine naine du Chili.
Tropaeolum speciosum Poepp. & Endl.
SYNONYM(S) : Chymocarpus speciosus (Poepp. & Endl.) Walp.
ENGLISH : Flame creeper, Flame nasturtium, Ornamental nasturtium, Chilean nasturtium, Scottish flameflower (USA).
Toropaeorumu supeshiosumu,
Toropaeorumu supekioosumu.
SPANISH : Tropaeolum con flores rojo escarlata y frutos azules.
Photograph of flowers in Holland.
Photograph of flowers and leaves by Paul Christian.
SYNONYM(S) : Tropaeolum tricolor Sweet, Tropaeolum tricolorum hort., Tropaeolum tricolorum Sw., Trophaeum tricolor Kuntze , Trophaeum tricolor (Sweet) Kuntze
FRENCH : Capucine sauvage à fleurs tricolores.
Toropaeorumu torikororumu (as T. tricolorum),
Toropaeorumu torikorooru (as T. tricolor).
SPANISH : Soldadito (Chile), Relicario (Chile).
SWEDISH : Färg-krasse.
Photograph of flowers in Japan.
Photograph of flowers (close-up) by Paul Christian.
Tropaeolum tuberosum
Ruiz & Pav.
SYNONYM(S) : Tropaeolum mucronatum Meyen, Trophaeum tuberosum (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze, Chymocarpus tuberosus (Ruiz & Pav.) Heynh.
AYMARA : Isau, Issanu, Kkayacha, Mishwa (Bolivia).
DUTCH : Knoll kapucien ?
ENGLISH : Edible nasturtium, Anyu, Tuberous nasturtium, Tuberous rooted nasturtium, Peruvian nasturtium, Peruvian capucine, Patagonian capucine.
FRENCH : Capucine tubéreuse.
GERMAN: Knollige Kapuzinerkresse, Peruanische Knollenkresse.
ITALIAN : Nasturzio tuberoso.
Toropaeorumu chuuberosumu.
POLISH : Nasturcja bulwiasta.
QUECHUAN : Añu (Bolivia, Peru), Apiñu, Apiña-mama, Mashua, Mashwa (Peru).
SPANISH : Añu (Argentina, Bolivia, Peru), Apiña mama (Bolivia), Osañu, Ysaño (South America), Isaño (Argentina, Bolivia, Peru), Isañu (Bolivia), Apilla (Bolivia), Cubios (Colombia), Navios (Colombia), Navo (Colombia), Mashua, Majua, Mafua, Mauja, Maxua, Mashuar, Mashwa (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), Añú (Bolivia, Peru), Anyú (Peru).
Types : White, yellow, red, or purple tubers of various shapes.
Photograph of flowers at UC Davies.
Photograph of tubers at UC Davies.
Photograph of flower by Hugh Wilson at Vascular Plant Image
Gallery (Uni. Texas).
Photograph by Daniel Giannoni at the Centro Internacional de la Papa.
Photograph by Dr. H. David Thurston, Plant Pathology Dept. at Cornell University.
Illustration (line drawing) of flowers and tuber in Lost
Crops of the Incas, p66.
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. ' Ken
Aslet '
SYNONYM(S) : Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. var. lineomaculatum Cardenas ' Ken Aslet '
ENGLISH : Ornamental tuberous nasturtium.
Photograph of flowers (close-up) by Paul Christian.
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. subsp. sylvestre Sparre
ENGLISH : Wild white-tuber anyu.
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. var. erythrotuberum
ENGLISH : Red anyu.
SPANISH : Puca-añu (Peru).
Photograph of red tubers by Hugh Wilson at Vascular Plant Image Gallery (Uni. Texas).
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. var. leucotuberum
ENGLISH : White anyu.
SPANISH : Yurac-añu (Peru).
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. var. lineomaculatum
ENGLISH : Red-streaked white Colombian anu.
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav.
var. lineomaculatum Cardenas '
Ken Aslet ' -> Tropaeolum
tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. ' Ken Aslet '
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. var. luteolus
ENGLISH : Yellow anyu.
SPANISH : Sapullu-añu (Peru).
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. var. maculatum
ENGLISH : Spotted anyu.
SPANISH : Muru-añu (Peru).
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. var. melanotuberum
ENGLISH : Black anyu, Black oca.
QUECHUAN : Yanaoca.
SPANISH : Yana-añu (Peru).
Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav. var. pilifera
ENGLISH : Long slender white Colombian anyu.
CONDESAN, 2001 - 2005, Pocket guide to nine
exotic Andean roots and tubers. Centro International
de la Papa y El Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Lima, Peru. < http://www.cipotato.org/Market/ARTguide/artguide1.htm >.
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://eurodic.echo.lu/cgi-bin/edicbin/EuroDicWWW.pl?page=expert > (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Latin with authority names)
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
National Research Council 1989, Lost Crops of the Incas : Little-Known Plants of the Andes with Promise for Worldwide Cultivation. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?tropaeolum (14 April 2000). (A number of languages, some romanised, Latin with authority names)
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : in progress.
Date created: 03 / 02 / 1997
Last modified: 03 / 06 / 2005
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