Sorting Cucurbita names
(Due for review in 2008)

Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :



Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber

ENGLISH : Cushaw.

SPANISH : Calabaza pinta, Pipián (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua), Calabaza pipiana (Mexico), Pipitoria (Guatemala), Saquil.

Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber subsp. argyrosperma

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita mixta Pangalo

ENGLISH : Cultivated cushaw.

JAPANESE :  クク ルビタ ・ ミクスタ   Kukurubita mikusuta (as C. mixta).

Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber subsp. argyrosperma var. argyrosperma

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber subsp. argyrosperma var. argyrosperma

ENGLISH : Large-seeded cushaw, Silver seed gourd.

Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber subsp. sororia (L. H. Bailey) L. Merrick & D. M. Bates

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita soraria L. H. Bailey

ENGLISH : Wild cushaw.

Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber var. callicarpa L. Merrick & D. M. Bates

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber subsp. argyrosperma var. callicarpa

ENGLISH : Cultivated cushaw, Green-striped cushaw, White cushaw, Japanese pie pumpkin.

Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber var. palmeri (L. H. Bailey) L. Merrick & D. M. Bates

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita palmeri L. H. Bailey, Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber subsp. argyrosperma var. palmeri (L. H. Bailey) L. Merrick & D. M. Bates

ENGLISH : Wild Mexican cushaw.

Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber var. stenosperma (Pangalo) L. Merrick & D. M. Bates

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita argyrosperma C. Huber subsp. argyrosperma var. stenosperma , Cucurbita mixta Pang. var. stenosperma Pangalo

ENGLISH : Cultivated cushaw.

Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita ficifolia (Bouché) Britton, Cucurbita melanosperma Gasp. , Pepo ficifolia (Bouché) Britton

DANISH :  Figenbladgræskar.

ENGLISH : Fig leaf squash (USA), Fig-leaved gourd, Fig leaf gourd, Malabar gourd, Black-seeded squash, Black-seeded gourd, Thai marrow, Pie melon (NZ).

ESTONIAN :  Viigilehine kõrvits.

FRENCH : Courge à confiture, Courge à choucroute de cheveux d'ange, Courge de Siam, Courge à graines noires, Courge à feuilles de figuier.

GERMAN : Feigenblattkürbis.

ITALIAN : Zucca del Siam, Zucca del Malabar.

JAPANESE :    ク ロダネカボチャ   Kurodane kabocha.

NAHUATL : Chilacoyotl (Mexico, Guatemala).

POLISH :  Dynia figolistna.

PORTUGUESE : Abóbora-chila.

SPANISH : Calabaza cabellos de angel, Chiberre ( Costa Rica, Honduras), Lacayote (Argentina, Bolivia, Peru), Vitoria (Colombia), Chilacayote (Mexico, Panama), Tzilacayote (Mexico), Zambo (Ecuador).


Types : Black-seeded, White-seeded,

Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché f. leucosperma Zhit.

ENGLISH : White-seeded fig leaf gourd.

Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth

ARABIC :   قرع تثن  .

ENGLISH : Buffalo gourd, Missouri gourd, Prairie gourd.

JAPANESE :  クク ルビタ フォエティディシマ   Kukurubita foetisishima.

SPANISH : Calabacilla amarga, Calabazilla, Chilicote.

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne

See subsp. maxima for common names.

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne subsp. maxima

AFRIKAANS : Pampoen.

ARABIC : Qar'islambuli, Qar'malti, Qar'maghrabi, Karr estmboly (Egypt).

CHINESE : Sun gua, Fan nan gua, Yang gua, Bei gua.

DANISH : Centnergræskar.

DUTCH : Pompoen, Ronde pompoen, Reuzenpompoen, Reuzenkalebas.

ENGLISH : Winter squash, Japanese squash, Sweet-fleshed pumpkin, Sweet-fleshed squash, Giant pumpkin.

ESTONIAN :  Suureviljaline kõrvits.

FINNISH : Jättiläiskurpitsa.

FRENCH : Potiron, Giraumon, Courge-giraumon, Courge d'hiver, Grosse courge, Courge-potiron.

GERMAN : Risen-Kürbis, Risenkürbis, Riesenkuerbis.

HEBREW : Delaat gedola.

HINDI : Kadduu, Sitaphal.

HUNGARIAN : Sütö tök.

ITALIAN : Zucca, Zucca gigante, Giramonte.

JAPANESE :   ク リカボチャ  Kuri kabocha,   セイヨウカボチャ  Seiyou kabocha,  西洋カボ チャ  Seiyou kabocha.

NEPALESE : Kadu, Kashi phal, Pharsi, Sitaa phal.

NORWEGIAN : Kjempegraskar.

POLISH : Dynia duza, Dynia olbrzymia.

PORTUGUESE : Abóbora-menina, Abóbora-moranga.

RUSSIAN : Tykva gigantskaia.

SPANISH : Calabaza amarilla, Calabaza de cidra , Calabaza grande, Calabaza gigante, Calabaza tamalayota (Mexico), Calabaza tonanera, Calabaza redonda, Quinoa, Quinua, Zapallo (Argentina).

SWEDISH : Jättepumpa, Pumpa.

TAGALOG : Kalabasa.

URDU :  Halva kaddu, Mitha kaddu.


YORUBA : Apala.


Types : Acorn squash, Banana squash, Buttercup squash, Giant pumpkin, Hubbard squash, Marrow, Turban squash.

Photographs of several well known cultivars at  Kokopelli Seed Foundation and more ... and more.
A beautiful extensive gallery can be found at  KCB Samen, Switzerland, formerly collected by the Kürbis-Club Basel.

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne subsp. maxima (Hubbard Group)

A beautiful extensive gallery of  Hubbard squashes can be found at  KCB Samen, Switzerland, formerly collected by the Kürbis-Club Basel.

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne subsp. maxima 'Baby Red Hubbard'

ENGLISH : Orange Hokkaido, Potimarron squash, Red Hokkaido, Red kuri, Baby red hubbard.

FRENCH : Courge de Chine , Potiron doux d'Hokkaïdo, Potimarron.

GERMAN :  Hokkaido Kürbis.

JAPANESE :  セイヨウカボチャ  アカクリ  Seiyou  kabocha aka kuri.

Photograph  of the fruit of this cultivar at Kokopelli.
Photograph of the fruit of the type "chestnut squash" that French people call "Potimarron".

See notes

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne subsp. maxima (Turban Group)

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne subsp. turbankurbis Filov, nom. invalid., Cucurbita maxima Duchesne convar. turbaniformis (M.J. Roem.) Grebenšč., Cucurbita maxima var. turbaniformis (M. Roemer) Alef., Cucurbita maxima Duchesne var. turbaniformis (M. Roem.) L. H. Bailey, Cucurbita turbaniformis M. Roem., Cucurbita turbaniformis (Rolm.) Zhiten. 

DANISH : Turbangræskar.

DUTCH : Tulbandkalebas, Turkse muts.

ENGLISH : Turban squash, Turk's cap, Turk's turban.

ESTONIAN :  Turbankõrvits.

FRENCH : Citrouille iroquoise, Courge à turban, Courge turban, Courge giraumon, Giraumon, Giraumon turban, Bonnet turc, Potiron turban, Turban turc.

GERMAN : Türkenbund-Kürbis, Tuerkenbundkuerbis, Turbankuerbis.

ITALIAN : Zucca turbante turco.

PORTUGUESE : Abóbora de coroa, Barrete de padre, Girimú.

SPANISH : Calabaza bonetera, Calabaza botonera, Turbante de moro.

Types: small-sized ornamental ('Mini Red Turban'), medium size ('Turban d'Aladin), Large size edible (Turc's Turban).
An amazing range of colours displayed in this brilliant  'Photo Essay" at Canada Gardens.

Cucurbita moschata Duchesne

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poiret, Cucurbita pepo L. var. moschata Duchesne, Cucurbita macrocarpa Gasp.

AFRIKAANS : Pampoen.

ARABIC :     قرع مسكي    Qar' miskî , Qar'miski, Karr misky (Egypt).

CHINESE : Nan gua, Fan nan gua, Fan gua teng, Jin dong gua, Nan gua (medicinal name).

DANISH : Moskusgræskar, Krumhalsgræskar, Kroghals.

DUTCH : Pompoen.

ENGLISH : Musky squash, Musky winter squash, Musky gourd, Musky pumpkin, Golden cushaw, Japanese pumpkin, Melon squash, Seminole pumpkin, Winter straightneck squash, Winter crookneck squash, Butternut squash.

ESTONIAN :  Muskuskõrvits.

FRENCH : Courge musquée, Courge muscade (Switzerland), Courge bédouine (Morocco), Courge de Chypre.

GERMAN : Moschus-Kürbis, Moschuskuerbis, Speisekürbis, Bisamkürbis, Bisam-Kürbis.

GREEK :  Κολοκύνθη η μόσχομος   Kolokynthi i moschomos.

HEBREW : Delaat, Delaat hagina.

HINDI : Miithaa kadduu.

HUNGARIAN : Pézsmatök.

ITALIAN : Zucca moscata, Zucca torta.

JAPANESE :    カ ボチャ Kabotcha,   ニ ホンカボチャ    Nihon kabotcha, 日本カボチャ  Nihon kabotcha.

KOREAN : Hipak.

MALAY : Labu mérah, Labu ambon, Labu lemak (Singapore), Labu manis, Labu parang, Labu kestéla, Labu tukai (Singapore), Waluh.

NAHUATL : Tamalayotl.

NORWEGIAN : Muskatgraskar.

POLISH : Dynia pizmowa.

PORTUGUESE : Abóbora-rasteira.

RUSSIAN : Tykva muskatnaia.

SPANISH : Calabaza (Argentina) , Calabaza de castilla (Mexico), Calabaza moscada, Calabaza de Chipre, Ayote (Guatemala to Costa Rica), Auyama (Panama to Venezuela), Joko (Bolivia), Lacayote (Peru), Tamalayota (Mexico, Colombia), Zapallo (Ecuador, Peru).

SWEDISH : Bisampumpa.

TAMIL : Sura kai.

THAI : Fak thong.


Types : Bush butternuts, Cheese pumpkins, Vining butternuts, Crookneck (Golden cushaw), Pumpkins.

Photographs of some cultivars at  Kokopelli Seed Foundation.

Cucurbita moschata Duchesne var. melonaeformis (Carr.) Makino

CHINESE : Wo gua, Mao qiao nan gua zi (medicinal name), Nan gua ren, Nan gua.

Cucurbita moschata Duchesne var. toonas Makino

CHINESE : Niu tui nan gua, Guang qiao nan gua zi (medicinal name).

Cucurbita pepo L.

ARABIC :    قرع بلدي    Qar' baladî,  Qar'kosah, Kosah, Karr kosa (Egypt).

CHINESE : Xi hu lu, Xi hu gua , Mei zhou nan gua, , Mei zhou nan gua, Fan gua.

DANISH : Pepogræskar, Mandelgræskar.

DUTCH : Pompoen, Sierpompoen, Kalebas.

ENGLISH : Marrow, Vegetable marrow (UK), Autumn pumpkin, Summer pumpkin, Summer squash, Edible summer squash, Pumpkin.

ESTONIAN :  Harilik kõrvits.

FINNISH : Kesäkurpitsa, Kurpitsa.

FRENCH : Citrouille, Courge, Courge commune, Courge pépo, Pépon.

GERMAN :  Gartenkürbis, Gemüsekürbis, Gewöhnlicher Kürbis, Kürbis, Markkürbis, Kuerbis.

GREEK : Kolokythi.

HEBREW : Delaat hasade, Kishu.

HINDI :   Chappan kaddu, Safed kaddu, Kumra.

HUNGARIAN :  Közönséges tök, Spárga tök, Takármany útök, Ri tök.

ITALIAN : Zucca, Zucca da mangiare, Zucchino, Zucchetta, Cocuzza.

JAPANESE :   ペ ポカボチャ   Pepo kabotcha, Ponkin.

MALAY : Labu kuning, Labu manis.

NEPALESE : Pharsi.

NORWEGIAN : Mandelgraskar.

POLISH : Dynia zwyczajna.

PORTUGUESE : Abóbora, Aboboreira (Brazil), Abóbora porqueira.

RUSSIAN : Tykva obyknovennaia.

SPANISH : Calabaza común, Calabaza de San Juan, Calabaza (Mexico), Hüicoy (Guatemala), Zapallo de Angola (Argentina).

SWEDISH : Matpumpa, Sommarsquash.

THAI : Fak thong nam tao (Central Thailand), Ma fak niao (Northern Thailand).

URDU :  Ghia kaddu (Pakistan).


Types : Acorns, Cocozelles, Summer crooknecks, Marrows, Straightnecks, Scallops, Zucchinis, Vegetable spaghetti, Hull-less seeded (Naked seed).

Photographs of several well known cultivars at  Kokopelli Seed Foundation ... and ...
More .... and  More.

Cucurbita pepo L. 'Spaghetti'

ENGLISH : Vegetable spaghetti (UK), Spaghetti squash (USA).

FRENCH : Spaghetti végétal.

ITALIAN : Zucca spaghetti.

JAPANESE :   金 糸瓜, そうめん南瓜.

SWEDISH :  Spagettipumpa.


Photograph of fruit by James R. Manhart at Vascular Plant Image Gallery - Cucurbitaceae.

Photograph of fruit & description (in English) by James M. Stephens at University of Florida.

This is included into Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. ovifera (L.) D. S. Decker

SYNONYM(S) :   Cucurbita ovifera L., Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. ovifera (L.) D. S. Decker var. ovifera (L.) Harz, Cucurbita pepo L. var. melopepo (L.) Harz , Cucurbita pepo L. var. ovifera (L.) Harz

DUTCH : Sierkalebas.

ENGLISH : Ornamental summer squash, Ornamental gourd.

ESTONIAN :  Ilukõrvits.

FRENCH : Courge ornementale, Coloquinte.

GERMAN : Schmuck-Kürbis, Schmuckkürbis.

ITALIAN : Zucca indiana.

JAPANESE :   観 賞カボチャ  Kanshou kabocha.


Galleries of photographs by Dr.Donald N. Maynard at the  Gulf Coast Research & Education Center, University of Florida.

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. ovifera (L.) D. S. Decker  var. ovifera (L.) Harz (Acorn Group)

SYNONYM(S) :    Cucurbita pepo L. var. melopepo (L.) Harz, Cucurbita pepo L. var. turbinata Paris

ENGLISH :  Acorn squash, Straight neck squash, Summer crookneck squash.

FRENCH : Courge gland, Courge des moines.

PORTUGUESE :  Abóbora-glande.

A beautiful extensive gallery of  acorn squashes can be found at  KCB Samen, Switzerland, formerly collected by the Kürbis-Club Basel.


Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. ovifera (L.) D. S. Decker  var. ovifera (L.) Harz (Scallop Group)

SYNONYM(S) :   Cucurbita melopepo L., Cucurbita ovifera L., Cucurbita pepo L. convar. patissonina Grebenšč., Cucurbita pepo L. convar. patissonina Grebenšč  var. radiata (Alef.) Grebenšč. , Cucurbita pepo L. var. clypeata  (Alef.) Paris, Cucurbita pepo L. var. melopepo (L.) C. Harz,  Cucurbita pepo L. var. patissonina hort. , Cucurbita pepo L. var. patisson Filov, nom. nudum, Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. texana (A. Gray) Filov var. ovifera (Scallop Group), nom. invalid.

DUTCH : Patison.

ENGLISH :  Bush patisson squash, Scallop (USA), Pattypan squash, Scallop squash, Custard marrow, Custard squash.

ESTONIAN :  Patisson , Taldrikkõrvits.

FRENCH : Pâtisson, Bonnet d'électeur, Courges potagères d'été.

GERMAN : Bischofsmütze, Kaisermütze, Patisson.

GREEK :  Πατισόν  Patison.

ITALIAN : Zucca pasticcina.

PORTUGUESE : Abóbora porqueira.

RUSSIAN : патисон  Patison.

SPANISH : Zapallo patison.

A beautiful extensive gallery of  Pâtissons can be found at  KCB Samen, Switzerland, formerly collected by the Kürbis-Club Basel.

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. ovifera (L.) D. S. Decker var. texana (Scheele) Filov

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. texana (A. Gray) Filov, Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. texana (Scheele) Filov, nom. inval., Cucurbita texana (Scheele) A. Gray

ENGLISH :   Texas gourd, Texas wild marrow, Wild marrow.

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo

ENGLISH : Edible summer squashes, Cultivated summer squashes.

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. pepo

ENGLISH : Summer pumpkin, Fodder pumpkin.

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo (Cocozelle Group)

SYNONYM(S) :  Cucurbita pepo L. var. longa Paris, , nom. invalid.

ENGLISH :  Cocozelle, Italian zucchini bush.

ITALIAN :  Cocozella di Napoli.

This is included into Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo (Pumpkin Group)

SYNONYM(S) :  Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. longicaulis (Grebenšč.) Filov , Cucurbita pepo L. convar. citrullinina Grebenšč., Cucurbita pepo L. convar. pepo Grebenšč., Cucurbita pepo L. var. citrullina Filov, nom. nudum, Cucurbita pepo L. var. citrullina Zhit., Cucurbita pepo L. var. courgeron Naud. sensu Filov  

AFRIKAANS :  Pampoen.

ARABIC :    القرع   xxxx,    كرعة   Gr'a.

BULGARIAN :  тиква   Tikva.

DANISH :  Græskar.

DUTCH :  Pompoen

ENGLISH :  Pumpkin, Field pumpkin, Pie pumpkin.

FINNISH :  Kurpitsa.

FRENCH :   Citrouille, Courge, Courges potagères d'hiver.

GERMAN :  Kürbis, Markkürbis, Schmeerkürbis, Zitrullkürbis.

HINDI :  सीताफल  .

ITALIAN :  Cucùzza  (Calabrezia), Zucca.

JAPANESE :  かぼちゃ  Kabocha.

POLISH :  Dynia.

PORTUGUESE :   Abóbora.

RUSSIAN :   тыква  Tykva.

SANSKRIT :  कुम्हड़ां .

SHONA :  Nhanga.

SPANISH :   Calabacines (plur.), Calabaza (sing.), Zapallo.

SWAHILI :  Boga.

TURKISH :   Balkabağı

UKRAINIAN :  гарбуз .


Photo gallery at La Courgerie, Canada.

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo  (Styrian Hulless Group)

SYNONYM(S) :   Cucurbita citrullina (L.) Greb. var. styriaca Greb.,   Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. oleifera Pietsch, Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. pepo (Styrian Hulless Group), Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. styriaca Greb., Cucurbita pepo L. convar. citrullina (L.) Greb. var. styriaca  Greb., Cucurbita pepo L. convar. giromontiina (L.) Greb. var. oleifera Pietsch. Cucurbita pepopepo var. pepo (Styrian Hulless Group),    Cucurbita pepo L. var. citrulina Filov, nom. nud. , Cucurbita pepo L. var. oleifera Pietsch , Cucurbita pepogiraumontia Filov, nom. nud. ,   Cucurbita pepo L. var. styriaca Greb.

CROATIAN :  Uljana tikva .

ENGLISH :  Hulless-seeded pumpkin, Naked-seeded pumpkin, Oil pumpkins, Oil squash, Oil marrow, Oil-bearing gourd, Styrian pumpkin.

FINNISH :  Öljysiemenkurpitsa .

FRENCH :  Courge à graines nues, Potiron oleifer.

GERMAN :   Kürbiskernöl,  Schalenlose Ölkürbis , Schalenloser steirischer Ölkürbis (Austria),  Steirische Ölkürbis, Steirischen Ölkürbis.

GREEK :  Κολοκύθισπορος  Kolokythisporos.

HUNGARIAN :   Olajtök, Spargatök.

KOREAN :  호박씨   Hobakssi

POLISH :  Dynia oleista.

RUSSIAN :  голосемянная тыква  Golosemiannaia tykva.

SLOVENIAN :   Buča golica,  Oljna buča,

SWEDISH :  Nakenfröpumpa.

TURKISH :  Bal kabağı.

 Photograph of fruit on Gernot Katzer's Spice site.

Types :  Bush type (var. oleifera Pietsch),  Running type  (var. styriaca Grebenšč.).

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo (Vegetable Marrow Group)

SYNONYM(S) :   Cucurbita pepo L. convar. giromontiina Grebenšč.,  Cucurbita pepo L. var. cylindrica Paris, Cucurbita pepo L. var. cylindrica sensu Filov, Cucurbita pepo L. var. fastigata Paris, Cucurbita pepo L. var. giraumons sensu Filov, Cucurbita pepo L. var. medullosa Alef.

ARABIC :     كورجيت    Korjit (Morocco).

CHINESE : Yi da li xi hu lu.

DANISH : Mandelgræskar.

DUTCH : Pompoen, Sierpompoen.

ENGLISH :  Bush marrow, Courgette, Marrow, Marrow squash (USA),  Vegetable marrow, Vine marrow, Vining marrow, Zucchini.

ESTONIAN :  Kabatšokk, Rullkõrvits.

FRENCH : Courgette, Courge à courgettes, Courge à la moelle, Moelle végétale.

GERMAN : Ölkürbis, Markkuerbis, Schmeerkuerbis, Zitrullkuerbis, Zucchini.

GREEK :  Κολοκυθάκι    Kolokithaki.

HUNGARIAN :  Cukkini.

ITALIAN :  Zucchetta rampicanteZucchetti (Switzerland), Zucchino, Zucchina, Zucchini.

JAPANESE :    ズッ キーニ    Zukkiini.

MALAY : Labu ayer.

PORTUGUESE : Abóbora menina, Abóbora porqueira, Aboborinha, Abobrinha-italiana (Brazil), Curgete, Cabaça.

SPANISH : Calabacín, Calabaza de calabacines, Calabaza de meollo, Zapallito.

This is included into Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo (Vegetable Spaghetti Group)

Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo (Zucchini Group)

Cucurbita pepo L. var. akoda Makino

CHINESE :    桃 南瓜  Tao nan gua, Tao er nan gua,  红南瓜  Hong nan gua,   金瓜  Jin gua ,  金冬瓜   Jin dong gua.

FRENCH : Giraumon petit de Chine.

Cucurbita pepo L. var. kintoga Makino

CHINESE : Bei gua, Jin gua.

Cucurbita pepo L. var. oleifera Pietsch.

SYNONYM(S) :   Cucurbita giromantiina (L.) Greb. var. oleifera Pietsch.,   Cucurbita pepo L. convar. giromontiina (L.) Greb. var. oleifera Pietsch. 

DANISH : Græskarfrø, Olieholdigt græskar.

DUTCH : Pompoenzaad .

ENGLISH :  Bush oil pumpkin, Oil pumpkin, Pumpkin seeds.

FINNISH : Kurpitsan siemen .

GERMAN : Ölkürbis, Kürbissamen.

GREEK :  ελαιούχος κολοκύθα.

SPANISH :  Calabaza oleaginosa.

SWEDISH : Oljepumpa, Oljepumpafrö.

Integrated into Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. styriaca Greb.

Cucurbita pepo L. var. pepo

See Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. pepo for common names.

Cucurbita pepo L. var. recticollis Paris

ENGLISH : Straightneck squash.

This is included in part into Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. ovifera (L.) D. S. Decker var. ovifera (L.) Harz

Cucurbita pepo L.  var. styriaca Grebenšč.

SYNONYM(S) :   Cucurbita citrullina (L.) Greb. var. styriaca Greb.,  Cucurbita pepo L. convar. citrullina (L.) Greb. var. styriaca  Greb. 

ENGLISH :   Trailing oil pumpkin.

Integrated into
Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. styriaca Greb.

Cucurbita pepo L. var. torticollia Alefield

SYNONYM(S) : Cucurbita pepo L. var. torticollis Paris

ENGLISH : Crookneck squash.

FRENCH : Courgoudette.

GERMAN :  Tripoliskürbis

This is included into Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. ovifera (L.) D. S. Decker var. ovifera (L.) Harz

General Bibliography


Complementary / Specific


Bavec Franc (Prof.), 2005, Institute of organic farming - Unit of organic agriculture, field crops, vegetable and ornamental plants. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, University of Maribor, Slovenia. List of Alternative Crops.

EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < > (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Latin with authority names)

Ferriol, M. (Doctoral Thesis). "Cucubita species: Taxonomy, terminology, description, uses and intra-specific classification. Origin and domestication. Development of cultivars". Ferriol, M. (Doctoral Thesis). Directors: F, Nuez and B. Picó. EUROPEAN CENTRAL CUCURBITS DATABASE ONLINE TAXONOMY.  Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. < >.

Hernández Bermejo J. E. & León J. (Editors), 1994, Neglected Crops - 1492 from a different perspective, Published in Collaboration with the Botanical Garden of Córdoba - Spain. FAO Plant Production & Protection Series No 26, Rome.

Jeffrey C. , 2001,   based on 'Mansfeld's Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops' (P. Hanelt & IPK (eds.) 2001, Springer). Electronic version : IPK Gatersleben.[Version 6.18] 2002. < >.

KCB Samen, 2007,  online seed company displaying a beautiful extensive gallery of most common cucurbit cultivars (around 300) formerly collected by the Kürbis-Club Basel. Descriptions in English, French, German.

Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

USDA, ARS, 2000, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: cucurbita (24 October 2000) (A number of languages, some romanised, Latin with authority names)

Verheijen Jilis A.J. 1993, Glossary of Taxonomic - Indonesian Plant Names

Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.

Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).


Remaining to check : PROSEA, Mansfeld Database, Cucurbit Network.

Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.



American Gourd Society, Types of Ornamental gourds. < >

Texas A & M University, Bioinformatics Working Group, Vascular Plant Image Gallery - Cucurbitaceae < >.

EDIS University of Florida, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, HORT 410 - Squash, Pumpkins and Gourds - General Introduction < >.

KCB Samen, 2007,  online seed company displaying a beautiful extensive gallery of most common cucurbit cultivars (around 300) formerly collected by the Kürbis-Club Basel. Descriptions in English, French, German.


On Cucurbita maxima Duchesne subsp. maxima 'Baby Red Hubbard'
The French people who are the most active promoters of the "potimarron" consider the cultivar name 'Potimarron' (which is torpedo shaped) as distinct from the 'Uchiki Kuri' which is tear-drop shaped. "Potimarron" is the name sometimes given to the group of chestnut pumpkins that the Japanese call Kuri kabotcha (translating as chestnut pumpkin or chestnut squash).
Why " Chestnut Bush" is not an appropriate name for this ? because this is a vine not a bushy cucurbit.


Some misleading names :

Cidra (Sidra) - Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché

Calabaza de cidra - Cucurbita maxima Duchesne

Courge de Chypre (French) - Cucurbita moschata Duchesne -> C. maxima ?

Calabaza de Chipre (Spanish) - Cucurbita moschata Duchesne -> C. maxima ?

Tamalayotl (Nahuatl) - Cucurbita moschata Duchesne

Calabaza tamalayota (Spanish - Mexico) - Cucurbita maxima Duchesne

Lacayote (Argentina, Bolivia, Peru) - Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché

Lacayote (Peru) - Cucurbita moschata Duchesne

Pharsi (Nepal) - Cucurbita maxima Duchesne

Pharsi (Nepal) - Cucurbita pepo L.

Zapallo (Argentina) - Cucurbita maxima Duchesne

Zapallo (Ecuador, Peru) - Cucurbita moschata Duchesne


Some names to check :

French courgette, courge, barbarine, coloquinelle, coloquinte, orangine.


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Authorised by Prof. Snow Barlow
Last modified: 29 / 11 / 2007
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