Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea aculeata Wight, non L., Dioscorea acutangula F. Ham. ex Wall., Dioscorea atropurpurea Roxb., Dioscorea colocasiaefolia Pax, Dioscorea globosa Roxb., Dioscorea javanica Queva, Dioscorea rubella Roxb., Dioscorea vulgaris Miq.
BENGALI : Bengo nari, Chupri
alu, Kham alu.
Myauk uu ni, Taw myauk uu.
CHINESE : Da shu, Shen shu.
ENGLISH : Greater yam, Guyana arrowroot, Ten-month yam, Water yam, White yam, White Manila yam, Winged yam, Yam.
FRENCH : Grande igname, Igname ailée, Igname de Chine.
GERMAN : Geflügelter Yam, Wasseryam.
HINDI : जुपरी
आलू Chupri alu,
खमालू Khamalu.
ダイジョ Daijyo.
KANNADA : Tuna genasu.
KOREAN : 알라타마 .
NEPALESE : Ghara tarul, Kukur tarul.
ORIYA : Kambo alu.
PORTUGUESE : Inhame da India.
RUSSIAN : Диоскорея
Dioskoreia alata, Диоскорея
крылатая Dioscoreia krylataia, Ямс
белый Iams belyi,
Ямс крылатый Iams krylatyi.
SPANISH : Ñame blanco, Ñame de agua,
TAMIL : பெருவள்ளி
Perumvalii kilangu, Mullu
valli, Yams kallu.
TELUGU : Dukka pendalam,
Gunapendalamu, Niluvapendalamu, Niluva pendalum, Niluvu pendalam.
THAI : Man bak hep (Don Daeng), Man liam (Northern Thailand), Man sao (Central Thailand), Noi (Chiang Mai).
kênh, Cò sa , Củ
cái, Củ cầm, Củ canh , Củ đỏ, Củ lỗ
, Củ mỡ, Củ ngà, Củ nhà, Củ tía,
Củ vạc, Khoai bướu, Khoai
long, Khoai
mỡ, Khoai ngà,
Khoai ngọt, Khoai tía, Khoai trắng, Khoai
trút, Khoai
vạc, Mắn hăm.
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea japonica Thunb, Dioscorea opposita auct., Dioscorea oppositifolia L., Dioscorea polystachya Turcz.
CHINESE : Shan yao, Shu yu.
DANISH : Kinayams.
ENGLISH : Chinese yam,
Chinese-potato, Cinnamon vine, Cinnamon yam, Common yam, Japanese yam,
Long Chinese yam.
FRENCH : Igname de Chine.
GERMAN : Chinesische Yams, Chinesische Yamswurzel, Echte Yamswurzel, Japanische Berg-Yams, Koreanische Yams.
JAPANESE : Naga imo, 長芋 Naga imo, Tsukune imo, つくね芋 Tsukune imo, Tororo imo, とろろ芋 Tororo imo, Yama imo, やまいも Yama imo, 山芋 Yama imo.
MALAY : Ubi (Indonesia).
POLISH : Pochrzyn chinski.
RUSSIAN : Ямс китайский Iams kitaiskii.
蓣 Du long shu yu.
THAI : Man chuak, Man nok, Kloi khao (Shan - Northern Thailand)..
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea heterophylla Roxb., Dioscorea latifolia Benth., Dioscorea oppositifolia Campbell, Dioscorea sativa hort., Dioscorea tamifolia Salisb., Dioscorea violacea Baudon, Helmia bulbifera (L.) Kunth.
BENGALI : Ban alu, Rat alu,
Roth alu.
Ah lu thi, Pat sa uu (Putsa u),
Hpwut sa uu (Putsa u).
CHINESE : 黄独 Huang du, Huang yao, 山芋、山慈菇、獨 黃、薢萆川、金錦吊蝦蟆.
ENGLISH : Aerial yam, Air-potato, Bitter yam, Bulbil-bearing yam, Cheeky yam, Hoi (Hawaii), Malacca yam, Potato yam.
FRENCH : Igname bulbifère, Igname pousse en l'air, Pomme en l'air ,Masako.
GERMAN : Kartoffelyam, Kartoffel-Yam, Knollen-Yam, Luft-Kartoffel,
HINDI : Gaithi, Hoei
oepas, Ratalu, Karukanda, Karu kunda.
JAPANESE : Kashuu imo, ニガカシュウ Niga kashuu.
LAOTIAN : Houo i mou, Man pau.
MARATHI : Kadu kand, Mataru.
NEPALESE : Giitthaa (Gittha), Giitthe tarul (Gitthe tarul), Jada bis, Van tarul.
ORIYA : Pita alu.
SPANISH : Ñame criollo (Venezuela), Ñame de aire (Colombia), Ñame de gunda, Ñame volador (Cuba), Papa cimarrona
(Mexico), Papa de aire, Papa
TAGALOG : Bayag kabayo, Ubi ubihan, Utong
TAMIL : காய்வள்ளி
Kaayvalli, காட்டுச்சீரகவள்ளி , காட்டுக்காய்வள்ளி
Kaattukkaayvalli, Pannu kilangu.
TELUGU : Adavi dumpa, Chedupaddudampa,
kanda, Malaka kayependalamu.
THAI : เดะควา De
khwa (Karen - Chiang Mai), หำเป้า Ham pao
(Northern Thailand), ละสามี La sa mi, เล่าะแจ๊มื่อ Lo chae mue (Karen), มันอีโม้ Man i mo, มันขมิ้น Man khamin, ว่านพระฉิม Wan phra chim, ว่านสามพันตัง Wan sam phan dtang, Wan sam phan thueng.
Iams lukovitsenosnyi.
VIETNAMESE : Củ dại, Khoai dái, Khoai trời.
UNIDENTIFIED : Kodikilangu (India), Ratalu, Ratula..
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea cayennensis Lam., Dioscorea occidentalis R. Knuth
CHINESE : Huang shu yu.
ENGLISH : Attoto yam, Lagos yam,
Twelve month yam, Yellow Guinea yam, Yellow yam.
FRENCH : Igname de Guinée jaune.
GERMAN : Gelbe Guinea-Yams.
アヤム Ginea yamu, キ
イロギニアヤム Kiiro ginia yamu.
RUSSIAN : Диоскорея кайенская
Dioscoreia kaienskaia, Жёлтый
ямс Zheltyi
SYNONYM(S) : Tamus communis L., Tamus cordifolia Stokes, Tamus cretica L., Tamus edulis Lowe, Tamus racemosa Gouan
DANISH : Jomfrurod.
DUTCH : Spekwortel.
ENGLISH : Black bindweed, Black bryony, Lady's-seal.
FRENCH : Herbe-aux-femmes-battues, Tamier (as T. edulis), Tamier commun (as T. communis).
GERMAN : Echte Schmerwurz, Schmerwurz.
HEBREW : ???? ????
HUNGARIAN : Pirítógyökér .
ITALIAN : Tamaro.
PORTUGUESE : Norça (as T. edulis), Norça preta (as T. communis).
SPANISH : Brionia negra, Corriola de
cavall (Catalan), Gatmaimó (Catalan), Maimó (Catalan), Nueza negra.
SWEDISH : Djävulsdruva.
FRENCH : Igname rampant.
SPANISH : Barbasquillo, Madre
de maíz (Guatemala).
GERMAN : Bittere Yams, Bitterer Yam.
HAUSA : Rogon biri.
SYNONYM(S) : Tamus elephantipes L'Hér., Testudinaria elephantipes (L'Hér.) A. Dicks.
AFRIKAANS : Hottentotsbrood.
ENGLISH : Elephant's-foot,
GERMAN : Elefantenfuß, Hottentotten-Yams, Schildkrötenpflanze.
JAPANESE : キッ コウリュウ Kikkuuruu, ディオスコレア・エレファンティペス Diosukorea erefantipesu.
RUSSIAN : Диоскорея слоновая Dioskoreia slonovaia.
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea aculeata L., Dioscorea fasciculata Roxb., Dioscorea sativa auct., Oncus esculentus Lour.
BENGALI : Mou alu, Sushni alu,
Susni alu.
BURMESE : Sadwe uu, Tadwe uu, Wakka uu, Wakka uu, Wet
ka uu.
CHINESE : Gan shu, Pu tong shu yu (as D. sativa), Tian shu.
ENGLISH : Asiatic yam, Chinese yam, Karen potato (Nepal), Lesser yam.
FRENCH : Igname de Chine, Igname des blancs , Petite igname.
GERMAN : Chinesischer Yam, Kartoffel-Yams.
JAPANESE : ハリ イモ Hari imo, Togedokoro, トゲイモ Toge imo.
감자마 .
MALAY : Ubi (Indonesia).
NEPALESE : Suthanii tarul (Suthni tarul).
PORTUGUESE : Inhame de São Tomé.
RUSSIAN : Диоскорея съедобная Dioscoreia s'edobnaia, Ямс съедобный Iams s'edobnyi.
SPANISH : Batata de China.
TAMIL : கொடிக்கிழங்கு
Kodikkilangu, Musilamvalli kilangu.
TELUGU : Tivvi
THAI : Man chuak, Man mue suea, Man mung (Central Thailand), Nam chuak (Northern Thailand).
VIETNAMESE : Cầm ghim, Củ bòng, Củ mỡ, Củ từ, Khoai bướu, Khoai từ, Từ trơn.
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea spinosa Roxb.
BURMESE : Thadut ni.
CHINESE : Ci shu yu, You ci gan shu.
ENGLISH : Spiny Chinese yam.
FRENCH : Igname de Chine épineuse.
TAMIL : Siruvalli
TELUGU : Tippa tiga.
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea daemona Roxb., Dioscorea hirsuta Blume, Dioscorea hirsuta Dennst , Dioscorea macrocarpa Wall., Dioscorea mollissima Blume, Dioscorea triphylla L., Dioscorea triphylla L. var. daemona (Roxb.) Prain & Burkill
BURMESE : Kywe (Kywey).
Bai shu liang , 白薯榔 Bai
(Taiwan), 大苦薯 Da
ENGLISH : Asiatic bitter yam, Intoxicating yam.
FRENCH : Igname
épineuse amère, Morsure de cobra (tuber name
GERMAN : Bittere Yamswurzel, Giftige Yams.
バドコロ Mitsuba dokoro.
LAOTIAN : Houo koi.
MALAY : Gadog, Gadong, Gadong lilin, Gadong
Gadung (Java), Ubi akas, Ubi arak, Taring pelanduk, Sulur gadong.
MALAYALAM : Podava kelengu.
MARATHI : Baichandi, Bhul kand, Dukar
SANSKRIT : Hastyaluka.
FRENCH : Igname du Japon.
GERMAN : Bixie , Japanischer Yams.
JAPANESE : ヤマイモ Yama imo, ジネンジョ Jinenjo, ヤ マノイモ Yama no imo.SYNONYM(S) :
Dioscorea belophylloides Prain & Burkill, Dioscorea
japonica Thunb. var. pseudojaponica
(Hayata) Yamamoto, Dioscorea
japonica Thunb. var. tenuiaxon Prain & Burkill, Dioscorea
R. Knuth, Dioscorea pseudojaponica Hayata.
CHINESE : 毛藤日本薯蓣 Mao teng ri ben shu yu.
CHINESE : 細葉野山藥
Xi ye ye shan yao (Taiwan).
Dioscorea pentaphylla Wall., non L. Dioscorea triphylla Wall., non L.
CHINESE : Mao yu tou shu yu, Mao yu tou.
ENGLISH : Kamoon yam.
NEPALESE : Raanii bhyaakur (Rani byakur).
THAI : Hua.
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea acerifolia Uline ex Diels, Dioscorea acerifolia Uline ex Diels var. rosthornii Diels , Dioscorea giraldii R. Knuth, Dioscorea nipponica Makino subsp. rosthornii (Diels) Ting , Dioscorea nipponica Makino var. rosthornii (Diels) Prain & Burkill , Dioscorea polystachya auct., non Turcz., Dioscorea quinqueloba Maxim.
CHINESE : 穿龙薯蓣 Chuan long shu yu.
JAPANESE : ウチ ワドコロ Uchiwa dokoro.
KOREAN : 부채마 Pu chae ma.
RUSSIAN : Диоскорея японская Dioskoreia iaponskaia
ARABIC : ديوسكوريا دائرية
ENGLISH : Flat yam, Hard yam, Pacific yam, Spiny-base yam, Strong yam.
FRENCH : Igname aplatie.
JAPANESE : ナンヨウヤマノイ
モ Nanyou yama no imo.
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea opposita Thunb., nom. illeg.
Shu yu.
ENGLISH : Betel yam, Chinese
FRENCH : Igname khmer.
JAPANESE : 中国ヤマイモ.
KANNADA : Bellarai.
MARATHI : Choratogu, Gilandru,
SINHALESE : Awaiting feedback.
TAMIL : Kavala
kodi, Thavai kachchu.
: Karraoendalamu, Tella gadda, Yella gadda.
THAI : Huai sua (as D. opposita).
китайский Iams kitaiskii, Китайский
ямс Kitaiskii iams.
TAMIL : வெற்றிலைவள்ளி Verrilaivalli.
TELUGU : Aare thega, Thega dumpa.
Considered by most authors as a synonym of Dioscorea batatas Decne.
SYNONYM(S) : Tamus orientalis J. Thiébaut
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea changjiangensis F. W. Xing & Z. X. Li, Dioscorea digitata Mill., Dioscorea kleiniana Kunth, Dioscorea lunata Roth, Dioscorea mollissima Hassk., Dioscorea triphylla L.
alu, Jhunihana alu, Kanta alu.
Hpwat sa uu (Put sa u), Kywé uu (Kyway u).
CHINESE : Wu ye shu yu.
ENGLISH : Fiji yam,
Five-fingered yam, Five
leaflet yam, Five-leaved yam,
Prickly yam, Three-leaved yam.
FRENCH : Igname rouge.
HINDI : Kanta alu.
ビドコロ Akebi dokoro.
MARATHI : Shendvel.
NEPALESE : Kaantaa alu (Kanta alu)
, Mitho
PORTUGUESE : Grabosa ovada,
Grabosa redonda, Inhame da India.
TAMIL : Chedukundi, காட்டுவள்ளி
Kaattuvalli, நூறை Nuurai,
TELUGU : Adavi ginusu tiga,
Dukka pendalam, Monyakku pendalam, Pendi muka tiga.
THAI : Mak ko (Chiang Mai), Man khan khao, Man mak buk, Man mak mu.
VIETNAMESE : Củ trâu, Sú vằn, Từ năm lá .
TELUGU : Thella vayamu.
UNIDENTIFIED : Chai, Chavi (India),
Jaglia che kand (India), Kadu kand
(India), Vaj no kand (India), Taigun
(India),Takuli (India).
ENGLISH : Wild yam.
NEPALESE : Kukur tarul.
THAI : Man khao, Man mia.
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea cayenensis Lam. subsp. rotundata (Poir.) J. Miège
CHINESE : Bai shu yu.
ENGLISH : Eight month yam, Round white yam, White yam, White Guinea yam.
FRENCH : Igname blanc, Igname de Guinée, Igname de Guinée blanche.
GERMAN : Guinea-Yams,
Weißer Guinea Yam.
JAPANESE : シ ロギニアヤム Shiro ginia yama.
branco (Brazil).
SPANISH : Ñame blanco, Ñame guineo
RUSSIAN : Белый ямс Belyi iams, Диоскорея округлая Dioskoreia okruglaia.
ENGLISH : Five-leaved yam.
NEPALESE : Tarul, Tarur.
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea macroura Harms
ENGLISH : Zanzibar yam.
GERMAN : Sansibar-Yams.
CHINESE : 绵萆 Mian
bei, 绵
萆解 Mian
bei jie.
ENGLISH : Seven-lobed yam, Foochow yam.
JAPANESE : キクバドコロ Kikuba
dokoro, モミジドコロ Momiji
KOREAN : 국화마 .
ENGLISH : Cush-cush, Cush-cush yam.
FRENCH : Couche-couche, Cousse-couche, Igname couche-couche.
Indische Yams, Kusch-kusch.
JAPANESE : ミツバドコロ Mitsuba dokoro.
PORTUGUESE : Cará-doce.
SPANISH : Ñame, Ñame de la India, Tabena (Colombia), Sacha papa (Peru).
SYNONYM(S) : Dioscorea hispida Dennst.
nần, Củ nê, Dây nần, Củ nâu trắng.
Porcher Michel H. et al. 1995 - 2020, Sorting Dioscorea Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database - A Work in Progress. Institute for Land & Food Resources. The University of Melbourne. < http://gmr.landfood.unimelb.edu.au/Plantnames/Sorting/ Dioscorea.html > (2007).
EURODICAUTOM, On-line Technical Dictionary in 12 languages provided by the European Commission < http://eurodic.echo.lu/cgi-bin/edicbin/EuroDicWWW.pl?page=expert >.
Hanelt Peter et al. , 2001, Mansfeld's Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Hoerticultural Crops, Vol. xx. Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (Editors), First English Edition, Springer.
IPK Gatersleben, 2002, Mansfeld's World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. < http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de/mansfeld/taxonomy/search_names-mf.htm >.
IPNI, 2003, International Plant Name Index. Online Database. < http://www.ipni.org/ >.
Mabberley D.J. 1997, The Plant-Book : a Portable Dictionary of the Vascular Plants, 2d Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Miyakawa Shuichi et al., 2002, Plants Names of Don Daeng - Thailand, in Thai, English & Latin. Grifu University - Agriculture Faculty. Japan. < http://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/~miya/Cover.htm >.
MPIC, 2000-2007, Pharm Database, MedPlant, Thai
/ English Names. < http://www.medplant.mahidol.ac.th/index.asp
Shrestha Keshab (Dr.), 1998, Dictionary of Nepalese Plant Names, Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Smitinand Tem, 2001, Thai Plant Names - Revised Edition
by The Forest Herbarium - Royal Forest Department. Bangkok. Thailand.
U Kyaw Tun, U Pe Than, & staff of TIL.,
Myanmar Medicinal Plant Database (MMPDB). < http://www.tuninst.net/MyanMedPlants/TIL/FamD/Dioscoreaceae.htm
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxdump.pl?dioscorea (04 April 2007).
Wang Zongxun et al. 1996, A New Latin, Chinese, English Botanical Nomenclature. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany. Aviation Industry Publisher, Beijing.
Wiersema J. H. & León B. 1999, World Economic Plants : a Standard Reference. CRC Press LLC.
Xie Zongwa & Yu Youqin (Editors), 1996, Materia Medica, Chinese Terminology, Vol. 1, Renminweisheng Publishing House Beijing, China. (Latin with authority names and Chinese-simplified, text in Chinese).
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : In progress.
The above task has been made very difficult due to the
inconsistencies in the botanical nomenclature of Dioscorea. For
example, to name just a few, the species D. aculeata, D.
opposita, D. sativa, D. triphylla etc. have been named by various
authors disagreeing with each other. The common names based on those
binomials alone without any regard to the authority names cannot be
very reliable. In fact they are even less reliable than is usually the
case. We welcome any feedback as no doubt many errors are currently
included in the above records.
Date created: 01 / 01 / 2004
Last modified: 11 / 04 / 2007
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2020, I.L.F.R. - The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher,