Sorting Foeniculum names
Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s =
approved as synonyms) :
(Bed) (Braj) (CRDP) (FAO) (FDAM) (Flcyb) (GCW) (GRIN)
V (IPNI) (ISF) (ISTA) (JA) (JSent)
(LibHerb) (Mansf) V (MMPND) (Mrkv) (Nep) (Pan) (Prosea) (SavMark) (Smit) (SwedMus) (USDA) (Wang) (W3Trop)
Foeniculum panmorium
(Roxb.) DC.
SYNONYM(S) : Anethum
panmorium Roxb. ex Fleming
ENGLISH : Indian fennel.
JAPANESE : インド茴香 Indo
SANSKRIT : Madhurika, Madhurika, Panmuhuri.
SWEDISH : Indisk fänkål.
Considered by some
authors as a separate var. of Foeniculum
vulgare subsp. vulgare
others classify it as a synonym
of Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
vulgare Mill.
SYNONYM(S) : Anethum foeniculum
L., Foeniculum commune
Bubani, Foeniculum foeniculum
(L.) H. Karst., Ligusticum foeniculum
(L.) Crantz , Meum foeniculum
(L.) Spreng., Selinum
foeniculum (L.) E.H.L. Krause, Tenoria romana Schkuhr ex
ARABIC : Bisbas, رازيانج
Hui xiang, 小茴香 Xiao hui xiang.
CZECH : Fenykl.
DANISH : Almindelig fennikel, Fennikel.
DUTCH : Venkel.
ENGLISH : Fennel.
FRENCH : Fenouil.
GERMAN : Fenchel.
HINDI : Badi, Badishep, Bari saunf, Bari sanuf,
Sanuf, सौंफ
Saunf, Sonp, Sont.
ITALIAN : Finocchio commune, Finocchio selvatico.
JAPANESE : フェンネル Fenneru, ウ
イキョウ Uikyou, 茴香 Uikyou.
KANNADA : Badi sopu, Badisepu,
KOREAN : 회향 .
LAOTIAN : Phak si.
Madesi sauf.
NORWEGIAN : Fennikel.
PERSIAN : رازیانه
POLISH : Fenkuł, Koper włoski.
RUSSIAN : Фенхель
лекарственный, Фенцхель
обыкновенный (Fenchel' obyknovennyj)
SANSKRIT : Madhurika, Shatapushpa.
SLOVENIAN : Sladki komarček.
SPANISH : Hinojo.
SWEDISH : Fänkål.
TAMIL : Perun siragum, Shombu, Sohikire.
TELUGU : Peddajilakurra, Sopu.
THAI : ผักชี Phak
chi, Phak chi duen ha, Phak chi lom, เทียนแกลบ
Thian klaep, เทียนข้าวเปลือก
, ยี่หร่า
Yira (Central Thailand), ยี่หร่าหวาน.
Interesting photograph
comparing seeds of various closely related Umbelliferae.
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. subsp. piperitum
(Ucria) Cout.
SYNONYM(S) : Anethum piperitum
Ucria (Mansf), Foeniculum capillaceum Gilib. subsp.
piperitum (Ucria) Rouy &
Camus, Foeniculum officinale
All. var. piperitum (Ucria)
Alef., Foeniculum piperitum
(Ucria) Presl.
ENGLISH : Bitter fennel, Bulgarian fennel, Crete fennel, Italian
fennel, Pepper fennel.
GERMAN : Eselsfenchel, Pfefferfenchel, Wilde Fenchel, Wilder
ITALIAN : Finocchio arancino, Finocchio d'asino, Finocchio
JAPANESE : フェンネルビター Fenneru
bitaa , 辛茴香 Shin uikyou.
SWEDISH : Asnefänkål,
Pepparfänkål, Siciliansk fänkål.
TURKISH : Yabani rezene.
Foeniculum vulgare
Mill. subsp. vulgare
SYNONYM(S) : Foeniculum
capillaceum Gilib., Foeniculum
officinale All.
FRENCH : Fenouil amer, Fenouil commun, Fenouil des jardins,
Fenouil des vignes.
GERMAN : Gartenfenchel.
ITALIAN : Finocchio selvatico.
JAPANESE : フェンネル Fenneru, ウ
イキョウ Uikyou.
A number of names are probably
interchangeable between this subsp. and the variety var. vulgare.
Indeed perhaps that the two should be synonyms.
Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
subsp. vulgare var. azoricum
(Mill.) Thell.
SYNONYM(S) : Anethum dulce
DC., Anethum foeniculum L.
var. azoricum Schkuhr, Foeniculum azoricum Mill., Foeniculum dulce DC., Foeniculum officinale All. var. dulce Alef., Foeniculum vulgare Mill. convar. azoricum (Mill.) J.Holub
DANISH : Knoldfennikel.
ENGLISH : Florence fennel.
FINNISH : Salaattifenkoli, Salaattivenkoli.
FRENCH : Aneth doux, Anis doux, Anis de France, Anis de
Paris, Fenouil à pomme, Fenouil bulbeux, Fenouil doux, Fenouil
de Florence, Fenouil des jardins, Fenouil de Malte, Fenouil des vignes,
Fenouil de Provence.
GERMAN : Bologneser Fenchel, Gemüsefenchel
, Italienischer Fenchel, Knollenfenchel, Zwiebelfenchel.
ITALIAN : Finocchini, Finocchio di Bologna.
JAPANESE : イタリアウイキョウ Itaria
uikyou, イタリーウイキョウ
Itarii uikyou
SWEDISH : Florentinsk fänkål, Fransk
fänkål, Romersk fänkål,
Sötfänkål, Söt fänkål, Söt
A number of names are probably
interchangeable between this var. and var. dulce below.
Foeniculum vulgare
Mill. subsp. vulgare var. dulce
(Mill.) Batt.
SYNONYM(S) : Anethum foeniculum
L. var. dulce Schkuhr, Anethum foeniculum romanum Hoffm., Foeniculum dulce Mill., Foeniculum sativum Bertol., Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. dulce (Mill.) Battand. & Trabut,
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. sativum Presl
CHINESE : 甜小茴香 Tian xiao hui
xiang, 球茎茴香 Qiu jing
hui xiang.
DANISH : Sød fennikel.
ENGLISH : Roman fennel, Sweet fennel.
FINNISH : Maustevenkoli.
FRENCH : Fenouil de Florence, Fenouil doux, Fenouil romain.
GERMAN : Französischer Fenchel, Gewürzfenchel, Heller
Fenchel, Kretischer-Fenchel, Mazedonischer Anis,
Römischer-Fenchel, Süßer Fenchel,
ITALIAN : Finocchio dolce, Finocchione.
JAPANESE : アマウイキョウ
Ama uikyou, フェ
ンネルスィート Fenneru
suiito, スィートフェンネル Suiito
fenneru, 甘茴香
Ama uikyou.
SWEDISH : Besk fänkål, Bitter
fänkål, Fänkål, Fenkål,
Kryddfänkål, Tysk fänkål, Vanlig
THAI : เทียนข้าวเปลือก Thian khao pluak.
A number of names are probably
interchangeable between this var. and var. azoricum above.
Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
subsp. vulgare var. vulgare
SYNONYM(S) : Anethum foeniculum L., Anethum foeniculum L. var. vulgare Schkuhr, Foeniculum
dulce Mill. , Foeniculum
officinale All. var. silvestre
Alef., Foeniculum vulgare
subsp. silvestre (Brot.)
Janchen, Foeniculum vulgare
var. silvestre Presl, Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare
ENGLISH : Bitter fennel, Common fennel.
FRENCH : Fenouil amer.
GERMAN : Bitterfenchel, Bitterer Fenchel, Dunkler
Fenchel, Wilder Fenchel.
ITALIAN : Finocchio comune, Finocchio forte, Finocchio selvatico.
Porcher Michel H.
et al. 1995
- 2020, Sorting Foeniculum Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name
Database - A Work in Progress. Faculty of Land & Food Resources.
The University of Melbourne. Australia. <
> (2007).
General Bibliography
Specific & complementary
ALNAAS, 2003, Old Medicine Index. <
> (Arabic).
Katzer Gernot,
1995 - 2004, Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages. Fennel - Foeniculum
vulgare Mill.. Other common names, photos and etymological notes.
Chemical and culinary information about the plant.<
Shenet , 1997 - 2004, Fänkål. <
>. (Swedish).
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm
Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database]
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
(11 November 2004). (GRIN)
Contributors to this page (Personal
communication) : In progress.
As it is often the case with commonly cultivated crops, common names
are "all over the place". It is partly explained by the fact that
practically all catalogues and gardening magazines never mention the
complicated botanical names that taxonomists use but simply confine
themselves to the basic binomial Foeniculum
vulgare which
is only the basic specific name. Occasionnally the word "dulce" is
mentioned. This does not help much however considering that taxonomists
of the past did not agree on that name. For example Foeniculum dulce DC. is considered
as a synonym of var. azoricum (Mill.) Thell.
whilst Foeniculum dulce Mill.
is considered as var. dulce (Mill.) Batt. Feedback
on these problems is much welcome (
back to Gateway , to list of notes
Date created: 10 / 11 / 2004
Last modified: 28 / 03 / 2007
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2020, I.L.F.R. - The University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher