Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) :
SYNONYM(S) : Zea vulgaris Mill., Zea mays L. subsp. mays L., Zea macrosperma Klotzsch
ARABIC : Dhurah,
Dhurah shâmîyah, Surratul makkah.
Yu mi
xu ,
Yu shu
shu, Pao mi.
CROATIAN : Kukuruz.
DANISH : Majs.
DUTCH : Maïs, Korrelmaïs, Turkse tarwe, Turkse koren.
ENGLISH : Maize (UK), Turkish wheat, Field corn, Corn (USA), Indian corn, Grain maize, Cultivated maize.
FINNISH : Maissi.
FRENCH : Maïs, Blé turc, Blé d'Egypte, Blé des Indes, Blé de Turquie.
GERMAN : Körnermais, Echter Mais, Türkisches Korn, Tuerkisher Mais, Tuerkisher Weizen.
HINDI : Anaaj, मक्का
Makka, मकाई Makaa'i,
ITALIAN : Granturco, Granoturco, Formentone, Grano di Turchia, Mais.
Toumorokoshi (Tômorokoshi),
KHMER : Pôôt.
KOREAN : Ok soo soo.
LAOTIAN : Khauz ph'ô:d, Khauz sa:li:.
MALAY : Jagong, Jagung (Indonesia).
PERSIAN : Gaudume makka.
PORTUGUESE : Milho, Milho forrageiro.
RUSSIAN : Kukuruza obyknovennaia.
SPANISH : Maíz, Maíz comun, Mijo turquesco, Mazorca de maíz (naked, mature cob - South America), Elote (immature cob), Cabellitos de elote (silk of immature cob - medicinal ingredient).
TAMIL : மொக்கைச்சோளம் Makka cholam, Mokkaiccoolam.
THAI : Khaaophot (Khaophot), Khaaophot on (Baby corn).
TURKISH : Kokoroz.
URDU : Anaaj.
ZAPOTEC : Lox yela' (silk of immature cob - medicinal ingredient).
Beautiful photograph by Oscar Tovar illustrating bio-diversity in American maize / corn (Cuzco - Peru) on W3TROPICOS site : "Races of corn".
Photograph of ears of modern types of corn / maize in our gallery of corn.
Outstanding photographs of male and female flowers by Charles S. Lewallen. Oklahoma Biological Survey.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. macrosperma Kornicke
ENGLISH : Large-seeded maize, Peruvian maize.
This is the only botanical name widely accepted by
all authors to describe the cultivated Maize / corn. In order to ease
the sorting and facilitating understanding, instead of lumping all
vernacular (common) names together here, we have grouped those known to
us under various botanical names commonly found in the literature of
the past. It should appear logical to anyone with a minimum of
knowledge and some interest in corn. One can either scroll down or go
back to the top of the page and click on selection.
We are in the process of building up our photo gallery. Many cultivars
below are linked to our photos.
ENGLISH : Giant-seeded maize, Cuzco maize, Giant-seeded corn.
QUECHUAN : Paraccai-Sara.
SPANISH : Maiz blanco gigante del Cuzco, Maíz Paraccai-Sara, Maíz Cuzco Gigante.
See photograph
by Oscar Tovar at W3TROPICOS.
of seeds at Peru Market Places.
ENGLISH : Yellow-seeded Cuzco maize.
SPANISH : Maíz Cuzco Gigante Amarillo.
See photograph
by Oscar Tovar at W3TROPICOS.
of seeds at Peru Market Places.
ENGLISH : Purple-leaved maize, Dark-red-seeded Cuzco maize.
SPANISH : Maíz Cuzco Morado, Maíz Cuzco Gigante Morado.
See photograph
by Oscar Tovar at W3TROPICOS.
of seeds at Peru Market Places.
Photograph of
seeds that could be of this cultivar.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. mirabilis Kornicke
ENGLISH : Peruvian variegated maize, Peruvian saccsa (Peru), Saccsa corn.
QUECHUAN : Saccsa.
SPANISH : Maíz Saccsa , Maíz Cuzco Gigante Saccsa.
See photograph by Oscar Tovar at W3TROPICOS.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. convar. amylacea (Sturtev.) Grebenšč., Zea mays L. var. amylacea (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey, Zea mays L. convar. amylacea (Sturtev.) Grebensc., Zea mays L. subsp. amylacea Sturtev., Zea amylacea Sturtev.
CHINESE : Fen zhi zhong yu mi.
DANISH : Melmajs.
CROATIAN : Mekunac.
DUTCH : Zetmeel mais.
ENGLISH : Soft maize, Flour maize (UK), Soft corn , Flour corn (USA).
ESTONIAN : Tärklismais.
FINNISH : Jauhomaissi, Pehmytmaissi.
FRENCH : Maïs tendre, Maïs farineux.
GERMAN : Stärkemais, Weichmais.
HUNGARIAN : Lisztes kukorica.
ITALIAN : Granturco tenero.
Sutaachi koon,
koon, Nan ryû shu, Kan mi shu.
PORTUGUESE : Milho-mole.
RUSSIAN : крацхмалистая кукуруза
Krachmalistaja kukuruza, . Kukuruza
SERBIAN : Mekunac.
SPANISH : Maíz amiláceo, Maíz blando, Maíz harinoso, Maíz tierno.
Photograph of a seed (can be
viewed from all angles) from our Maize gallery.
Photograph of ear of
'Blue Aztec' by Michel H.Porcher.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. amylacea (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Bloody Butcher'
ENGLISH : Red-seeded soft maize 'Bloody Butcher'.
Photograph of ears at Seed Savers Exchange, USA.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. amylacea (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Blue Aztec'
ENGLISH : Blue-seeded soft maize 'Blue Aztec'.
Photograph of ear
by Michel H.Porcher.
of ears grown in good growing conditions at Seed Savers
Exchange, USA.
of 'Black Aztec' at Seeds of Change.
ENGLISH : Blue corn, Hopi Blue flour corn
FRENCH : Maïs bleu, Maïs farineux à grains bleus, Maïs violet.
GERMAN : Blauer Mais, Schwarzer Mais.
SPANISH : Maíz azul.
Note : there is disgreement on the taxonomy of this cultivar given its hard seeds. Some place it into the Amilacea Group, some into the Indurata Group. Perhaps the trade is justified in calling it simply Zea mays 'Hopi Blue'. Then again could this be the famous "Maíz Morado" ?
Photograph of ear
by Michel H.Porcher.
Photograph of
seeds that could be of this cultivar.
ENGLISH : Pink corn, Hopi Pink flour corn
of cobs at Seeds of Change, USA.
Zea mays L.
subsp. mays (Amylacea Group) 'Hopi Purple'
ENGLISH : Hopi Purple flour corn.
Photograph of cobs at Seeds of Change, USA.
ENGLISH : Iroquois white flour corn.
SPANISH : Maíz amiláceo blanco.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays
L. var. multicoloramylacea Yarchuk
ENGLISH : Multicolor corn, Mandan Bride flour corn.
FRENCH : Maïs farineux a grains bleus.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. 'Ckolli ', Zea mays L. 'Culli ', Zea mays L. 'Kulli ', Zea mays L. 'Kulli Sara', Zea mays L. 'Moor Sara', Zea mays L. var. amylacea (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Inca Purple', Zea mays L. var. subnigroviolacea Yarchuk
ENGLISH : Inca purple corn, Navajo purple corn, Peruvian Morado flour corn
FRENCH : Maïs des Incas à grains bleus.
QUECHUA : Kulli, Kulli Sara.
SPANISH : Maíz morado del Perú, Maíz morado
Photograph of
seeds by Daniel Giannoni.
of cobs at Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales.
Photograph of
corns (small but nice), 'Morado' among them, at Bristhar
Laboratorios, Venezuela.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. everta (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey, Zea mays L. convar. microsperma Koern, Zea mays L. subsp. everta Sturtev., Zea everta Sturtev.
ARABIC : Dhurah fishâr,
Pupkorn (Morocco).
CHINESE : Bao lie zhong yu mi.
ENGLISH : Popping maize, Popping corn (UK), Popcorn (USA).
ESTONIAN : Lõhenev mais.
FRENCH : Maïs perlé, Maïs éclaté, Maïs fulminant.
GERMAN : Popkorn, Puffmais, Perlmais.
GREEK : Psimeno
kalampoki .
HEBREW : Teeras
HUNGARIAN : Pattogatni valo kukorica.
RUSSIAN : лопающаяся кукуруза
SPANISH : Maíz reventón, Maíz reventador (Mexico), Maíz palomero, Maíz de rosita.
Khaaophot khua.
Photograph of seeds of yellow type from AgHort 100.
Photographs of seeds of pearl
type (can be viewed from all angles) from our Maize gallery.
Photograph of seeds (close-up) of a white-seeded cultivar at Kansas State University - USA. Research & Extension.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. everta (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Confite Morocho', Zea everta Sturtev. cv.gr. Rice Popcorn cv. 'Confite Morocho'
ENGLISH : Ayacucho popcorn, Popcorn 'Confite Morocho'.
SPANISH : Maíz Confite Morocho (Peru).
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. everta (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Confite Puntiagudo', Zea everta Sturtev. cv.gr. Rice Popcorn cv. 'Confite Puntiagudo'
ENGLISH : Popcorn 'Confite Puntiago', South American rice popcorn.
QUECHUAN : Chili-Sara, Pisankalla.
SPANISH : Maíz Confite Puntiago (Peru).
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. subsp. mays (Everta Group) 'Japanese Hulless', , Zea mays L. subsp. mays (Everta Group) 'Tom Pouce', Zea mays L. var. everta (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Tom Thumb'
ENGLISH : Hulless popcorn.
FRENCH : Maïs riz, Maïs riz éclaté.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. everta (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Strawberry'
ENGLISH : Strawberry popcorn.
FRENCH : Maïs porte fraise, Maïs fraise.
Photograph of ear
of the standard red-seeded strawberry by M. H. Porcher
of an elongated form of the red-seeded strawberry popcorn at Seed
Savers Exchange, USA.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. subsp. mays (Everta Group) 'Golf Ball'
ENGLISH : White strawberry popcorn.
FRENCH : Maïs fraise à
grains blancs.
at Eden Seeds.
This is a rare form / cultivar
worthwile searching for that is sold by Eden Seeds in
ENGLISH : Black-seeded popcorn 'Mini Black'.
Photograph of ear by M. H. Porcher
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. indentata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey, Zea mays L. convar. dentiformis Koern., Zea mays L. subsp. indentata Sturtev., Zea indentata Sturtev.
ARABIC : Dhurah nâb el gamal.
CHINESE : Ma chi zhong yu mi.
CROATIAN : Kukuruz zuban, Zubanac.
DUTCH : Platte mais, Paardetandmais.
ENGLISH : Dent maize (UK), Dent corn (USA).
ESTONIAN : Hammasmais.
FINNISH : Hammasmaissi.
FRENCH : Maïs dent de cheval, Maïs denté.
GERMAN : Pferdezahnmais, Zahnmais.
HUNGARIAN : Lofogu kukorica.
ITALIAN : Granturco a dente di cavallo, Granturco indentato, Frumentone dente di cavallo.
koon, Bashi shu.
PORTUGUESE : Milho-dente.
RUSSIAN : Kukuruza zubovidnaia, зубовидная
кукуруза Zubovidnaja
SERBIAN : Zuban, Zubanac.
SPANISH : Maíz dentado, Maíz dentado amarillo, Maíz diente de caballo.
Khaaophot huabub.
Photograph of a seed (can be
viewed from all angles) from our Maize gallery.
seeds (close-up) of a white, red, and black-seeded cultivars at
Kansas State University - USA. Research & Extension. Also Yellow-seeded
CHINESE : Bai zi
ma chi yu mi.
ENGLISH : White-seeded dent maize (UK), White dent corn (USA).
JAPANESE : Howaito dento koon.
QUECHUAN : Paro, Paru, Yurak (all apply to any "white corn").
SPANISH : Maíz dentado blanco.
ENGLISH : Green-seeded dent corn, 'Oaxacan Green' dent
corn, Zapotec dent corn 'Oaxacan Green'.
of cobs at Seeds of Change, USA.
ENGLISH : Red-seeded dent corn 'Red Aztec'.
Photograph of ear by Michel H. Porcher
Zea mays L. subsp. mays (Indentata Group) 'Silver Russian'
ENGLISH : White-seeded dent corn 'Silver Russian'.
Photograph of ear by Michel H. Porcher
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. indurata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey, Zea mays L. convar. vulgaris Koern., Zea mays L. convar. vulgaris Körn., Zea mays L. convar. mays, Zea indurata Sturtev., Zea mays L. subsp. indurata Sturtev., Zea mays L. (Vulgaris Group).
ARABIC : Dhurah suwânîyah.
CHINESE : Ying zhi zhong yu mi.
CROATIAN : Kukuruz tvrdunac.
ENGLISH : Flint maize (UK), Flint corn (USA).
ESTONIAN : Kõvamais.
FRENCH : Maïs corné, Maïs dur, Maïs vitreux.
GERMAN : Hartmais, Hornmais, Steinmais.
HUNGARIAN : Simaszemü kukorica.
Furinto koon, Kô ryû
RUSSIAN : кремнистая кукуруза
kukuruza, Kukuruza kremnistaia.
SERBIAN : Tvrdunac .
SPANISH : Maíz córneo, Maíz cristalino, Maíz duro.
Khaaophot huakhaeng.
Flint corn types : White-seeded, Red-seeded,
Brown-seeded, Yellow-seeded, Black-seeded, Multicoloured.
Photographs of seeds (can be viewed from all angles) from our Maize gallery.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. indurata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Puño'
ENGLISH : Flint corn 'Puño', Puño flint corn.
SPANISH : Maíz duro del Puño, Maíz Puño.
Photograph of ear by
Michel H.Porcher.
of seeds.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. indurata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey (Hybrid Group)
ENGLISH : Multicolour flint corn.
Photograph of
ear by Michel H.Porcher.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. indurata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Hopi Blue'
ENGLISH : Blue-seeded flint corn, Flint corn 'Hopi Blue'.
Note : there is
on the taxonomy of this cultivar given its hard seeds. Some place it
into the Amilacea Group, some into the Indurata Group. Perhaps the
trade is justified in calling it simply Zea mays 'Hopi Blue'.
Photograph of ear
by Michel H.Porcher.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. indurata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Hopi Orange-Red'
ENGLISH : Flint corn 'Hopi Orange-Red'.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. indurata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey (Red-Seeded Group)
ENGLISH : Red-seeded flint corn, Red-seeded ornamental corn.
Photograph of ears of 2 different red corns (one "native" and one "improved") by Michel H.Porcher.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. indurata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey (White-Seeded Group)
ENGLISH : White-seeded flint corn.
Photograph of ear by Michel H.Porcher.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. saccharata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey, Zea mays L. convar. saccharata Koern., Zea mays L. var. rugosa Bonaf., Zea saccharata Sturtev., Zea mays L. cv. 'Saccharata' (Koern.) Asch. et Graebn.
ARABIC : Dhurah sukkarîyah .
tian zhi yu mi ,
Su mi ,
Yu mi ,
Chao tian yu mi ,
Tian zhi yu mi.
CROATIAN : Šečerac.
ENGLISH : Sweet maize (UK), Yellow-seeded sweet corn, Sweet corn (USA), Yellow corn (USA).
DANISH : Sukkermajs.
DUTCH : Suikermaïs, Zoete maïs.
ESTONIAN : Suhkrumais.
FINNISH : Sokerimaissi.
FRENCH : Maïs doux, Maïs sucré.
GERMAN : Süßmais, Zuckermais.
GREEK : Καλαμπόκι γλυκό Kalampoki gluko.
HEBREW : Teeras
HUNGARIAN : Czemege kukorica.
ITALIAN : Granoturco da zucchero, Granturco dolce, Granturco sucroso, Granturco zuccherino , Frumentone zuccherino, Mais dolce.
JAPANESE : Suiito koon,
Satô tômorokoshi.
PORTUGUESE : Milho-doce.
QUECHUAN : Chullpi.
ROMANIAN : Porumb zaharat .
RUSSIAN : Sakharnaia kukuruza,
Kukuruza sladkaia.
SERBIAN : Šečerac.
SPANISH : Maíz dulce, Maíz dulce amarillo, Maíz azucarado, Maíz para choclo (Mexico).
SWEDISH : Sockermajs.
Khaaophot waan.
Photograph of seeds from our Maize
of seeds (close-up) of a yellow-seeded cultivars at Kansas
State University - USA. Research & Extension.
Photographs of all these types on Burpee's site.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. saccharata
(Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Anasazi Red'
FRENCH : Maïs sucré à grains rouges.
Photograph (close-up)
of ear of the red-seeded type in our corn gallery by Michel
of ears of other seed colours as well as the red at Eden
Seeds, Australia.
Note : Seeds of Change-USA display a flour corn from the Anasazi people. This is not to be confused with this sweet type. Although no doubt the red-seeded would make a colourful flour. It is far less sweet than modern cultivars however. This is expected from heritage crops. Their value being a lot broader than just sweetness of grain.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. saccharata
(Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey cv. 'Martian Purple'
Zea mays L. var. saccharata (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey (White-Seeded Group)
CHINESE : Bai se
chao tian yu mi.
ENGLISH : White-seeded sweet corn, White sweet corn (USA).
FRENCH : Maïs doux à grains blancs, Maïs sucré à grains blancs.
JAPANESE : Howaito suiito koon.
SPANISH : Maíz dulce blanco.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. convar. ceratina Kuleshov, Zea mays L. subsp. ceratina (Kuleshov) Zhuk.
CHINESE : La zhi
yu mi,
La zhi
zhong yu mi
ENGLISH : Glutinous maize, Waxy maize (UK), Waxy corn (USA).
ESTONIAN : Vahamais.
FRENCH : Maïs cireux.
GERMAN : Wachsmais, Chinesischer Mais.
HUNGARIAN : Viasz-kukorica.
Wakishii koon.
ROMANIAN : Porumb ceros.
RUSSIAN : восковидная кукуруза Voskovidnaja kukuruza.
SERBIAN : Kokavac.
SPANISH : Maíz céreo, Maíz
Photograph of seeds (close-up) of a yellow-seeded cultivars at Kansas State University - USA. Research & Extension.
SYNONYM(S) : Zea minima (Körn.) hort. ex Vilmorin
sheng yu shu shu.
ENGLISH : Slender maize (UK), Dwarf maize, Slender corn (USA).
FRENCH : Maïs nain.
SPANISH : Maíz enano.
Some seed companies suggest
that this is the better known strawberry popcorn. Example would be the
cultivar 'Fraise Rouge-Brun'
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. forma. variegata (Nichols) Beetle, Zea mays L. var. variegata Nichols
ARABIC : Zurah tawela.
CHINESE : Ri ben
zhong yu mi.
ENGLISH : Ornamental maize (UK), Japanese corn (USA).
FRENCH : Maïs ornemental du Japon, Maïs à feuilles panachées.
SPANISH : Maíz japones.
of foliage and brief history at Seed Savers Exchange, USA.
Photograph of
foliage from Wit's End Growers.
Photograph of leaf (close-up) at Solana Seeds, Canada.
Photograph of
cobs and seeds at Solana Seeds, Canada.
of ears with varying colours by Bill Beatty at Visuals Unlimited.
Are these all var. japonica ?
SYNONYM(S) : Zea mays L. var. tunicata Sturtev., Zea tunicata Sturtev., Zea mays L. var. tunicata St. Hil., Zea mays L. ssp. tunicata (A. Saent-Ib.) Sturtev., Zea tunicata (Larrañaga ex A. St. Hil.) Sturtev., Zea glumacea Larrañaga
CHINESE : You fu zhong yu mi,
You fu
zhong yu mi.
CROATIAN : Kukuruz ljuskavac.
ENGLISH : Pod maize (UK), Pod corn (USA).
ESTONIAN : Sõkalmais.
FRENCH : Maïs vêtu.
GERMAN : Balgmais, Spelzmais.
koon, Yûfu shu.
SPANISH : Maíz tunicado.
Khaaophot paa.
of ear displaying seeds (brown type) & pods by Prof. Wayne P.
Armstrong at Wayne's Word.
and descriptions by Prof. Wayne P. Armstrong at Wayne's Word.
of various types at Seed Savers Exchange, USA.
of seeds (yellow type) & pods (close-up) at Kansas State
University - USA. Research & Extension.
Porcher Michel H.
et al. 1995
- 2020, Sorting Zea Names. Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database
- A Work in Progress. School of Agriculture and Food Systems. Faculty of Land
& Food Resources. The University of Melbourne. Australia.
< http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/Sorting/Zea.html > (2005).
Armstrong W. P. 2005.
Noteworthy Plants of the World - Noteworthy Plants for April 1999. <
Fritsch R. 2001, in IPK Gatersleben, 2002, Online Mansfeld's World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. < http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de/Mansfeld/taxonomy/search_names-mf.htm >.
Giannoni Daniel, 2005, Granos de los Incas, EL PORTAL EDUCATIVO MÁS CONSULTADO DEL PERÚ. CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE LA PAPA. < http://www.peruecologico.com.pe/granos_gal.htm >. Most beautiful photos of grains *****
Grobman A., Salhuana W., Sevilla R. & Mangelsdorf P.C., 1961, Races of Maize in Peru - Their Origins, Evolution and Classification. Publication 915, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Washington DC, USA.
KSU - Research & Extension, 2005, Kansas Crops - Corn / Maize. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. < http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/kansascrops/corn_class.htm >.McAndrews Gina Marie, 1995, Utilization of Medicinal Plant Species in the Zapotec Community of Yatzachi el Bajo, Oaxaca, Mexico. Master of Science Thesis, General Graduate Studies, Iowa State University, USA.
Seeds of Change, 2005,
Online Certified Organic Seed Catalogue
- Starch & Ornamental: Page 1 of 1 . < http://www.seedsofchange.com/garden_center/browse_category.asp?category_id=415 > & Sweet: Page 1 of 1 < http://www.seedsofchange.com/search/results.asp?uid=&c=all&q=sweet+corn
W3TROPICOS, 1999, Missouri Botanical Garden's VAST (VAScular Tropicos) Nomenclatural Database. Release rev.1.5. Maintained by Jim Solomon. < http://mobot.mobot.org/Pick/Search/pick.html >.
Contributors to this page (Personal communication) : Oscar Villalta, Akiko Mundy, Takako Asaoka, Yvonne Aitken, Roger Spencer, Orarat Mongkolporn, Amgad Elmahdi.
The Maize Page, Iowa State University - College of
Agriculture. < http://maize.agron.iastate.edu/ >. "Everything there is to know about corn / maize" ...
except names.
Gallery of Maiz seeds of traditional Incas cultivars. by Daniel Giannoni, Granos de los Incas in EL PORTAL EDUCATIVO MÁS CONSULTADO DEL PERÚ. CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE LA PAPA. < http://www.peruecologico.com.pe/granos_gal.htm >. Most beautiful photos of grains *****
A very interesting page on jumping genes,
one of the phenomena that genetic engineering cannot control ... yet.
Stunningly illustrated as usual by Prof. Wayne P. Armstrong at Wayne's Word.
Date created: 05 / 07 / 1995
Last modified: 23 / 01 / 2008
Access: No restriction
Copyright © 1995 - 2020, I.L.F.R. - The
University of Melbourne.
Maintained by: Michel H. Porcher